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The Warden

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Everything posted by The Warden

  1. It's not a "TD" thing It's just as business is done - now - (as the salary cap and all the players involved) have evolved since the cap's inception Players are now jettisoned when expendable and the costs are just figured in - It's a two-edged sword - players get the signing bonus - owners gets to cut the non-guarateed salaries Sounds like a bargainning chip in 2006
  2. Because he didn't want to play "third" fiddle to the Raiders and Rich Gannon What difference would it make ? No trade was available - everyone involved knew it was coming
  3. The point-a-minute scoring is just ridiculous - more of a track meet than a football game
  4. When the wife and I moved here - (from OH - 2002) there was a nice relocation package attached (25K over five years) and we landed just before the last price increase in housing so we caught the curve at the bottom. With our past equity we got a NICE condo (no kids) and already have a 40%+ equity in the bank. 400 feet from me - 1.600 sg. ft. single levels homes (new builds) are selling for $560 K and the lot is just a little bigger than the house. I could cash out now - move to Orchard Park and own some acreage for all my Bills friends to park on - 10 games a year BTW - as a working couple we did not take a significant increase in our taxes and the cost of living is somewhat lower (utilities) - but then again - no kids ! Gas is gas - we save the difference at COSTCO
  5. I hope the next poster doesn't hit the "quote" button It's been said so many times before - but the "Guvernator" in CA has also said it "WE don't have a revenue problem - we have a spending problem!"
  6. That's what the NHL does - or did - my bad
  7. Something like this (and she smoked too!) http://www.nancysinatra.com/intro.html
  8. ` Here's a little graph for you to consider http://webpages.charter.net/almadizon/RealEstate.html The further away from the coast you go the better for prices but the commute can be horrendous. Also for most areas every mile you go inland raises the average temperature by one degree.
  9. And the beat goes on - and the beat goes on !
  10. Nike Bases Abounded - Most are still existant and owned by government agencies as they are "brownfield" territories for the most part. http://www.dmna.state.ny.us/forts/fortsM_P/nike.htm As For the Niagara Falls Airport it still exists http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/fac...agara-falls.htm The governmental unit - NFTD controls the civilian side. There was a proposal a few years ago that some Spanish company take over the airport on a 99-year lease and make the facility an international cargo transfer center - but of course the idea made too much sense and local politicians axed the idea.
  11. Use the KISS principle - NO! It is a dangerous world - except maybe for Smallville
  12. He tripped over the white line
  13. Best stop and think about what big government does with your sales tax revenue Then think about your SSI
  14. Anyone know where or how I can catch the finale of either of these? 229157[/snapback] I have the Voyager finale on tape somewhere - if you're really interested - I'll look for it
  15. As if the blue line isn't aggravation enough http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...turf-cams_x.htm
  16. And this guy was waiting for it http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/paynter/2093...html?source=rss
  17. The latter - Where did you hire that stunt family ?
  18. But - in 10 years - we'll have warp drive - right ? GM is working on it.
  19. About time you changed the avatar
  20. Time to finish watching "First Contact"
  21. You don't watch the "highlight" shows ? http://www.upn.com/
  22. Or are they just self-destructive ? As Howard Dean seems to have the lead for DNC Chairman - http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak31.html
  23. http://www.syfyportal.com/article.php?id=1711 Will We Ever Again Go "Where No Man Has Gone Before ?"
  24. You're going to see more and more of that in NYS as counties continue to disappear under the "Medicaid" monster. Albany just keeps fiddlin' (sic) Erie Co. - 9.25% http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050202/1033066.asp
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