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The Warden

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Everything posted by The Warden

  1. Old expolsives - particularly those stored in the ground are unstable and prone to going off at the wrong time.
  2. Save this weekend http://www.newhousenews.com/archive/sefton052605.html And the big event at Ravens Stadium http://www.tailgatingexpo.com/
  3. The Stormtroopers were individuals http://www.starwars.com/databank/organization/stormtroopers/
  4. Anacone's on Bailey (still there) and the ever popular Slomba's - but what a neighborhood now
  5. It would be a shorter list of ones not visited
  6. I never thought it was possible to bake thin air until I tried one of KK's donuts..... 350870[/snapback] There's Tim Horton's or Dunkin Donuts where you get something more substantial than fried air
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050531/ap_on_...TFjBHNlYwN0cw--
  8. I always thought you were smarter than to promote violence - (even in LA)
  9. Yes I did get angry and fipped them off a few times but only after they tried to get me killed on the road by being childish. What should I have done differently? Thanks for your feedback 347201[/snapback] You need to realize that you will get to your destination 10 minutes later - and alive !
  10. Maybe I missed something - but what NFL team has visitors in LA ?
  11. Don't brush-hog - You'll throw all kinds of ivy juice into the air - If Round-Up doesn't work (it should) talk to your county extention service or a pro gardener
  12. This is no compromise - just a delay tactic that keeps things quiet(er) until the first Supreme Court nomination is made. BTW - the Republicans tossed in a winning hand - they had no need to compromise McCain may be a war hero but he's no politician http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak23.html
  13. http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak19.html
  14. 9 AM is the earliets that is polite
  15. "Do your own thing. Figure out a way." I just made a lateral move in my company to try and make a difference in how I felt - it may not work out I make nice money on the side - but the doubt lingers - can I make enough to go it alone ?
  16. Igna Songbird is looking for input Scroll down the page http://www.sdbbc.org/pages/474887/index.htm For some further info http://westsidenewsonline.com/Business/ingasongbird.html
  17. Your mother was wise - Amen !
  18. The Bills hold try outs every year for stadium pa announcer. Let us know how you did at the try outs. 335307[/snapback] Whta's Danny Neverth Sr. up to ?
  19. Anyone know the lotto numbers tonight? Here's three of them 1 - 13 -17
  20. Back when there were two or three Saturday morning TV channels and "Johnny Quest" - no parent worried about the Coyote trying to massacre the Roadrunner (or vice-versa) It was all pretend Poor - poor PC at Disney.com http://www.nationalreview.com/seipp/seipp200505050753.asp
  21. And the beat goes on - http://www.buffalonews.com/ Joe Donlon, 27, who lives in the Town of Tonawanda but works on Grand Island, doesn't have an alternate route to get to his job. "It'll be a huge impact," he said. "But I don't have a choice. It's like gasoline, you need to do it. You kind of adapt to the change. It doesn't make anybody happy. It's a shame - that's New York State for you."
  22. No Matter How Many Times You Play It -- On A Desert Island Or The Arctic Mine - Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell Don't Equivocate Too Much
  23. Too many people discount "heart" for size (or vice versa) Huge Mistake - Huge !!
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