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The Warden

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Everything posted by The Warden

  1. Chicken Wing Dip Works Too 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves · 1 - 12 fluid ounce) can or bottle hot chicken wing sauce · 6 tablespoons butter · 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened · 1 (16 ounce) bottle blue cheese dressing DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. Place chicken in a pot with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook 25 minutes, until chicken juices run clear. Drain liquid from pot and shred (let it cool and finely shred by hand) chicken. Mix wing sauce and butter into pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer 10 minutes. 3. Spread cream cheese over the bottom of an 8x8 inch baking dish. Pour chicken mixture over cream cheese. Top with dressing. 4. Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until hot and bubbly. Personally, I cut the Frank's sauce down and use some more flavorable sauces - Your Choice Recipe easily doubles / triples for a crowd
  2. Might rain someday - somewhere http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/9214...pnav_undeclared
  3. When this game is done, if the Buckeyes win the title, I don't think anything would be able to top this year: Even the Ohio Navy gets involved http://www.news.navy.mil/view_single.asp?id=41956
  4. Politics, Polls and Pundits (Not for the faint of heart) http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showforum=14
  5. For the science oriented, you'll enjoy CTM expaining what clowns can see from the South Pole (PPP)
  6. Decent, reasonable posts are buried away by the drivel of posters who don't remember the original #12 (or care). This one will be on Page 2 by kickoff tomorrow. Joe Ferguson was one of the toughest QB's to play for a long time for a bad team I always get amused by the current NBA generation who espouse the game. I tell them that (back in the day) an NBA could score 120 points and lose the game. Bob MacAdoo - where are you ? They don't grasp the concept.
  7. What Did Your Team Spend ? http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/59850...TT=HCP&GT1=8485
  8. Here's A Pix http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/...p3?img_id=17402
  9. Kudos to Penn St. - the win counts (Akron ?)
  10. On closing day of the baseball season - which team loses the division title or wild card playoff spot by 1 or 1/2 game ? So game # 1 or game # 101 is equally important All games count
  11. someone needs to tap a little reality Reality = The absense of alcohol If ND loses - that's reality Speculation = betting
  12. Most people would post before the game (banter) and then after the game if they had remorse - but to post incomplete results such as: (example) Mets 3 - Braves 1 after 2 1/3 innings and draw an conclusion that some how one team is failing - "stock is dropping" - interseting outlook on life If ND loses the game then their stock will "drop" - if they win then your point is moot.
  13. Will you say that at he end of the game ? What if the score goes the other way ?
  14. Yep - 10-7 at half time - ND is done - might as well just give up In the age of instant gratification - I'm glad some of you were not around at Rich stadium on January 03, 1993 Now - shut up - and play the second half
  15. There's a reason that all football teams play the whole game
  16. How does this work ? You buy a phone card (or have one) and that money is deposited to the "poker" account ? I would luv to play for the xperience and to allow you folks to try and take my $$$ - but I have never used an on-line site I will examine the web site while you may answer
  17. I'm looking for the L.T. or A.G. on the Bills roster Darryl Boston was such an impact player
  18. Only "threatened" now http://www.fws.gov/endangered/fr95580.html Ole' Ben Franklin much preferred the turkey as the national bird http://html.clickondetroit.com/sh/holidays...113-135438.html The eagle is the "welfare" client of the avain world
  19. Bar the door from the outside - add a cherry bomb down the vent pipe Works every time
  20. $20 each for 60,000 seats has profit written all over it
  21. This sounds like the place - http://www.google.com/local?hl=en&lr=&rls=...518147233678871 Plan B: http://columbus.citysearch.com/bestof/winners/sports_bar
  22. Mewelde Moore. Position: Running Back. College: Tulane. Height: 5-10 ... Son of Jerry and Sandra Moore … Born Mewelde Jaem Cadere Moore on July 24, 1982, ... I wonder how many people ask him to, "Please - Spell That ?"
  23. I'm willing to wager the "Special Report" lasts less than two minutes and is only media hype to get tyou to tune in for much ado about nothing - RWS is a fine facility for Buffalo Bills fans (present and future) and the economic reality of what WNY and NYS "is" says that any new faciliyty will NEVER happen
  24. Maybe he should worry about his own career http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/6878 Sounds like he has some "potential" to answer to - highly touted once ? http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/493016
  25. Great Game - all around
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