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The Warden

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Everything posted by The Warden

  1. 24/7 media need something to hype I just can't believe the morons (aka interns) that the networks get to stand out in the blow - reporting ?? The one dude kept holding that microphone cord - I doubt he was grounded - Darwin material right there (LIGHTNING STRIKE ANYONE ?)
  2. Just as many speculators are betting "up" as "down" - a whirly storm in the Gulf is just a betting excuse. Katrina did not bring the nation to a standstill - and IKE won't either How about drilling off Santa Barbara - where those storms don't seem to occur ? The crude oil just seeps out of the fractured sea bed there - today like yesteryear
  3. Go at 6 - 7 am in the morning - no line My wife just got back from Norway - rental cars are $100 a day and gas at over $10/gal (convetred from litres) - careful what you wish for
  4. Painkillers - You feet will still hurt, but you won't care
  5. Aside from being full of Charger fans, the lots at Qualcomm are just like RWS - just about anything goes. One funny difference - City of San Diego police patrol the lots, telling all the underage drinkers to spill out their booze
  6. The "huge" number of fans you allude to - forget to show up on Sunday - too many distractions Even the Chargers, with their smallish stadium, "rabid" fan base and a pretty good team has trouble selling out. Yes, I know, they sold out season tickets last season, but game day tickets were selling for less than face on E-Bay and other services The SOCAL Fan is way too fickle
  7. Aside from the misquided whinings of LA politicians, the only "remodel" that the Colisuem should get is between 700 - 800 lbs of 40% commercial grade demolition explosive - the rest has already crumbled by itself Toronto is just a sideshow - the "Dome" is not an NFL stadium - never was - never will be
  8. Unless you are on a cruise ship or a recognized tour to American tourist hot spots - no one should venture into Mexico on their own. Even 20+ year surfers on the West Coast are swearing off Baja - the drug gangs/police are too hard to tell apart. There are open day shoot outs in TJ and other border cities between factions. Robberies and worse are rampant and tourists are caught in the middle There are plenty of other (safer) places to spend your money - the Mexican tourist people try to supress the news - but it happens all the time
  9. I saw the movie today - I was really conflicted about seeing it, being a childhood fan from the 70's (and have 200 Iron Man comics in the garage), but the critics gave it thumbs so I spent my $8 - beginning was excellent - ending tailed off. I know they can only explain so much in 2.0 hrs. The FX are geared to a different generation. I expected more and went away wanting. The comic book Tony Stark was/is an immensely complex character - Jim Rhodes will probably be explained in #2 So far, from all the Marvel Movies, Spidey II and FF II (Sivler Surfer) show the character development Now, I see Hellboy II is coming - # 1 was - #2 is eagerly anticated
  10. Last year's Atlantic hurricane prediction turned into post mortem mush - as most hurricanes turned out to sea - Las Vegas should throw these on the futures board. Anyone here who was alive in the 60's saw predictions of the "Next Ice Age" - some of them (sic) Buffalo winters back then - gave those predictions some credence. Old axiom: Climate is what you predict - weather is what you get When was that first weather satellite launched anyway ? Unless Jules Verne left one in orbit on his way to the moon (1870) it would seem that modern (or retired )scientists have only 40+ years of recorded obeservations from space and not some thermometer stuck in a snowbank outside Uncle Uri's yurt since the last time the camp moved on.
  11. Every time I think someone is not paying attention -= AD is there - we must party again !
  12. When we were growing up, it was "sticks and stones" - but you were never allowed to bring in mothers Grow some thicker skin - what a bunch of hypocrites
  13. Your expertise is missed west of the Sierra Nevada - Don't wear white socks and sandals on the beach
  14. ROTFLMAO You forgot that it was captioned in Farsi by an Chinese bootlegger
  15. I was able to witness two of the Bills' cheerleaders tryouts in the mid-90's. The cattle call is almost like American Idol Some of the attendees actually think they are a "8 1/2"
  16. The only people who live there - really want to get away from it all - to serve tourists http://www.auinfo.com/australia-map-navigator.htm
  17. As others have noted, Turner is a strong, tough runner - he just hasn't been exposed to an everyday load. When , I've seen him run, he looks very good. 157 touches in 3 years ? http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/6913
  18. Sorry Darin - it does happen. I have friends whose 12 year Dolberman went ahead and just attacked - THEM ! In their house ! The police ended it with a bullet and the couple were injured (not too bad) - no urban legend there
  19. Man Rule #12(a) - Let her think that statistics are "magic" You better reread the book
  20. Exactly like pool shark tricks - they've practiced them endlessly - just to win a shot of Cuervo - hhmmpphh !
  21. Take it out of the kid's allowance and tell them they aren't getting any points
  22. Roger that (no)
  23. Both services have run up huge capitalization costs and are on the verge of insolvency - the merger can only be good for survival. I live in an area of piss poor radio reception and don't really care if costs go up. I listen to the radio far more than watch the tube. I was just looking at my options for wiring the outside patio. (Long time Sirius subscriber)
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