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dave mcbride

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Everything posted by dave mcbride

  1. Probably more inportantly, there is virtually no chance they'll be good or even decent this season.
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Saeed_al-Sahhaf
  3. Yup, and a super high catch percentage rate.
  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Saeed_al-Sahhaf
  5. The most hilarious thing about the smartest guy in the room schtick is that Beane is a freaking comm major from UNC-Wilmington. Upjumped hedge knight, basically.
  6. Yup. This bs is going to hunt Beane. Another smartest guy in the room in over his head.
  7. My guess is that the Sammy trade drove him off. He has no desire to play for a 4-12 sh*tshow.
  8. Seeriously, he didn't sign on for this crap. Good for him. HOF quality player who didn't sign on for a budget rebuild.
  9. Boldin is the ultimate pro -- he didn't sign on for this crap. Good for him.
  10. Green bay has some sort of talent and/or coaching problem every year. Yet they are always in it because they have one of the better qbs of the past quarter century.
  11. I am as big Taylor fan as any, but the chances of him emerging as an elite-level franchise qb this season are very close to zero for too many reasons to list. Fundamentally not true. The Bills will take a qb in the first round next season. Bank on it.
  12. They are a significantly worse offense without Green. If they won more games without him, it had nothing to do with his absence. Look at the stats from last season.
  13. Gerry--I disagree for a simple reason: I think the chances of them taking a QB next season (assuming the draft will be as good as everyone says it will be on the qb front) in the first round are close to 100 percent. I think the obvious takeaway from the trades is that they know that they'll be in a dogfight to move up, and they decided to accumulate ammo in the form of high picks. Whaley was fired, but he is friendly with the Pegulas. When he left, he said his big regret was never getting a blue chip qb becuae that's the only thing that can really turn things around. I am sure he told this to them on his way out, and I am pretty sure the message sunk in. Tyrod is a bridge qb. If he has a good season, all the better - they'll be able to trade him for a second rounder.
  14. Bortles was the ultimate garbage time king in 2015. He also led the leagues in sacks taken and INTs thrown that year.
  15. I honestly don't know. He is correct that they both stink, however. I do imagine that he's honest with Coughlin, who he is longtime friends with. Plus Coughlin is a legend and a likely hall of famer.
  16. The flip side is that Marrone feels he has no chance with them either. And he's 100 percent correct. They are both horrible quarterbacks.
  17. I can't argue with this. Wasn't there a different receiver out there last week?
  18. Indeed. They should be on the phone pronto with the Bills and other teams. I suspect they are.
  19. I know you and I have both brought up what happens if they have two bad seasons in a row. Something else to factor is how Lynn does in SD and even Marrone in Jax. Especially Lynn, though. He took over a bad team too. Oh, I'm in a fantasy league (my family's league - 14 teams! I'm the youngest of 13 ...).
  20. I did not see that about Bell. Thanks!
  21. I go back to Pitt. The Bell situation is pretty ugly.
  22. Good point. Hadn't thought of that. That said, showcasing Sammy at the beginning of the game will tell any player with half a brain all they need to know about the drivers behind the trade.
  23. Great fit for GB - a team with a ton of pressure to be more than just good enough to lose in the second round of the playoffs every year.
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