I *totally* disagree with you about Bledsoe's career. We'll just have to agree to disagree about him. As for QBs taking their teams to the playoffs and SB in those years: Aikman, Young, Elway, and Favre leap immediately to mind. Christ, Mark Brunell was a better QB than Bledsoe by practically every statistical measure (including postseason) except yardage output/games played, and they played in the same era.
FWIW and continuing with college players from the state of Washington, Bledsoe never had a season nearly as good as Chris Chandler's 1998 season. (It's also pretty hilarious that PFR includes his nickname - Crystal Chandelier - on his player page: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/C/ChanCh00.htm).
Best comparison to Bledsoe at the end of the day? Jim Everett. The stats are eerily similar.