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dave mcbride

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Everything posted by dave mcbride

  1. And better yet, it appears that people can’t comment on Beasley, Diggs, Hughes, Feliciano, etc. without being shut down—despite the fact that it’s precisely the only issue animating most Bills fans outside of this particular forum right now. To be fair, I am partly speaking for the lady Bills fans, who among the ones that I know (most of my Bills fan friends, truth be told) have talked about this with me incessantly over the last couple weeks. But hey, let’s pretend everything is OK and focus on Dane Jackson’s progress! Of course, this board is a 100 percent sausage fest since Lori left years ago.
  2. He did attend a game in Phoenix (there are pix and everything), but vaccination was not required: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2021/07/02/will-masks-be-required-suns-games-covid-19-delta-variant/7832049002/. Masks were recommended, but apparently a lot of people didn't follow rules.
  3. He dropped an easy td vs the Pats in that game the Bills pulled out 24-21 (and probably should have lost) and had a dropped td vs the Ravens in the playoffs. He put up huge numbers with Barkley in the blowout finale too, and that skewed his stats. Don’t get me wrong, I like Davis. He had a good rookie season overall. But that Buff News article doesn’t mention the mistakes and the padding, which makes me think that it reads like One Bills Drive-sponsored propaganda.
  4. Best post of the thread. He is still upper echelon and was playing well before getting hurt last season.
  5. 65 percent of all Americans over 18 have had at least one shot and 62 percent of all Americans over the age of 12: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/covid-19-vaccine-doses.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage.
  6. If you look at Hapless’s post above about the Florida evidence, it’s more for the flu but only in the sense of a rounding error.
  7. Again, not my point. More deadly than “not really deadly at all” doesn’t tell you much in the actuarial sense.
  8. Of course it is because the risk covid presents to children is negligible. That’s not my point. My point is that overall in public health terms writ large, covid is a far more deadly illness than the flu. The flu still kills very few children despite being more deadly than Covid for kids.
  9. Lots of vaccines have been mandated for school attendance over the years (eg, MMR), but those ones tend to focus on long-term to lifelong protection. The flu vaccine is different because it’s not entirely effective (more effective than not getting it, of course) and changes every year. To enforce a flu vaccine mandate, which won’t happen, you’d have to ride everyone every year. The flu isn’t nearly as deadly as Covid, of course.
  10. Fair point. I was speaking more of actual physical harm to others, but you’re not wrong.
  11. Godwin’s law was a predictable outcome for this thread …
  12. There is a difference. In not wearing a seatbelt, you basically put yourself at risk but not others.
  13. I think it’s less about being morally superior and more about two things: a) his position is dumb on its own terms based on what we now know about the vaccines; b) since we all love the Bills and his presence on the team, his position has a chance to hurt the team in a season where they actually have a real chance to win it all.
  14. @K-9,I had Covid twice: once last March (untested but just about ALL of the symptoms right after riding on the NYC subways right up through March 13 of 2020) and again in December (positive test), when it was worse (9 straight days of a fever between 101 and 102; loss of sense of taste/smell; physically out of sorts for another month-plus afterward). I have no idea how I got it the second time given that I was very careful (possibly my college-attending son), but the more contagious variant entered NYC in November, so that might explain it. I am fine now and in good health, but my sense of smell (not taste) is screwed up and may be forever changed (we’ll see; https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/15/health/covid-smells-food.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage&section=Health). To be fair, it’s not that big of a deal, but it’s certainly real. Anyway, the idea that you become naturally immune is silly, and I’m frankly tired of the sort of BS he’s spewing. It is utter nonsense. To reiterate, though, I really do love his game.
  15. Love the way he plays and what he brings to the team, but what a drama queen and what a fool. Oh well.
  16. I think they have good and deep farm talent at the lower levels, but I'm not super-stoked about the near-MLB ready talent. I don't see a Cano or Severino on the horizon. MLB.com has them at 18th: https://www.mlb.com/news/2021-farm-system-rankings. Here's their specific take: https://www.mlb.com/news/yankees-top-30-prospects-list-2021-preseason?t=mlb-pipeline-coverage
  17. This may well be the year the streak of winning seasons ends. At best, I see them going 85-77.
  18. The bills alt least got an extra second rounder in that draft by dropping back to take manuel at 16. They traded away next year’s first to move from the second back into the first to get losman.
  19. Unimportant plays by unimportant players on unimportant teams. Aim higher!
  20. The Johnson play happened to a winless team. It doesn't qualify. There are a lot to choose from, but I have to go with the second Thurman Thomas fumble in the final Bills-Cowboys Super Bowl. The Bills are up 13-6 at half time, and get the ball to start the second half. They have two straight running plays for 13 yards and the Bills' line is MOVING the Cowboys' d-line off of the ball. I'm starting to feel like it might actually happen. And then: handoff to Thurman, Kent Hull gets beaten TERRIBLY by Leon Lett, and then Lett forces a fumble that rolls into the middle of the scrimmage line pile. OK, not the end of the world -- fumbles that land in the middle of the rushing-game dogpile get jumped on by one team or the other and the play ends. Not this time. Safety James Washington somehow picks it up in the midst of a sea of giant bodies and ACTUALLY RUNS FOR A TD FROM THE 46 YARD-LINE. After that the Bills, who were tied 13-13 now, played like a team that was down 30-3. That was the most disheartening play in Bills history because they could have won that one with a better bounce. (@Irv -- This one definitely deserves a spot on the podium.)
  21. They had fantastic drafts from around 2009-2015 too, as @GunnerBill has said repeatedly. Life isn’t binaries or either/or.
  22. Chris Matthews. 16 catches for 176 yards in his two-year career and 4 catches for 109 yards in that Super Bowl. Here was the logic, at least. It didn't work out. https://www.clnsmedia.com/film-review-patriots-draft-proven-commodity-wide-receiver-nkeal-harry/
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