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dave mcbride

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Everything posted by dave mcbride

  1. Watch it again. I probably shouldn't belabor the point, but that right foot never got down because he clearly bobbled it. Watch at the 0:15 mark onward. That would have been overturned without the PI. It was still a GREAT play.
  2. Don't think so, but I honestly don't know for sure.
  3. No, that's not how it works. And I just pointed out to you that the photo doesn't show his right foot down; it shows the Jets defender's glove on the ground. That seems very clear to me. I just watched it again, and I don't see that foot ever getting down. But ultimately it doesn't matter; there was PI and the effort was good. I am not trying to criticize Davis. Don't disagree that it was a tough one! When I watched it live with 3 other people, no one thought he got both feet down. Again, though, good throw, good effort, and the PI may have been what caused to not get the foot down anyway.
  4. His right foot isn't down there. You're seeing the Jets players glove, which blends into Davis's shoe.
  5. His passing numbers do not tell you anything about how well he played. He made a bunch of big plays at crucial moments.
  6. Disagree! I don't think he ever got the inside foot down.
  7. Um … he didn’t actually get the second foot down. It was pretty clear. The Jets didn’t challenge because it wouldn’t have mattered given the PI call.
  8. Enh ... the 2018 Bears were a legit SB contender, and Mack was the best player on that team. They were bad the year before, and he helped take them the next level. Who knows how far they would have gotten if they didn't have that FG disaster vs Philly. And he's hardly the problem there now; he's continuing to play at a very high level.
  9. I get that, but the last time Wentz played in Buffalo, he played really well. It wasn't that long ago!
  10. I hope you're right about Sunday ... but I think you're wrong about him.
  11. I think Wentz's season last year isn't really being seen correctly. Yes, he was terrible, but if you look at the past five seasons including this one, last year was the outlier. Wentz's production this season is squarely in line with his production between 2017-19, when he was at least a moderately above-average QB. His performance this year looks like a pretty simple case of regression to the median: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/W/WentCa00.htm. He has a 17/3 TD/INT ratio, which is excellent. The ratio was 27/7 (also excellent) in 2019, a year in which he carried a decimated team on his back to the playoffs. I know @GunnerBill really thinks he stinks now, but the results suggest otherwise.
  12. The fish rots from the head. They have a very bad owner, just like the Knicks.
  13. You may laugh, but divisional games can be tougher than one expects and Jax is playing teams tough now for the most part. They put 454 yards (198 rushing) vs TN earlier this season: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/202110100jax.htm. TN will probably win, but I don’t see it as a gimme. Miami is kinda the same deal. But yeah, on paper it’s a pretty easy schedule overall.
  14. You kind of have to root for the Pats because vs. the Pats, the Bills can control their own destiny. Vs. Tennessee, they can't. They need help.
  15. This is a phenomenal interview. He has some great takes on the Jets too. Recommended. I recommend watching it. There’s a lot of other good stuff in it. In particular, he has a long and convincing explanation about why lining up under center a lot more would probably do the Bills offense some good.
  16. Um … the Bills moved in the draft to take Josh Allen.
  17. Nearly impossible to predict injury. He was healthy in college and one of the best college receivers I've ever seen. He didn't pan out, but he was 100 percent a surefire first round talent. He has flashed it at times too, but he has so had so many nagging injuries -- hamstrings, thigh, ribs, ankle, etc. -- over the years that it doesn't show up in the stats.
  18. Now you know how the Italians feel about the Russian “mafiya.”
  19. People said that about Tampa Bay, and then the smart money guys bet a fortune on the home team. It absolutely matters. You think Jax wins in Buffalo?? And bear in mind that Bills fans were out in force in Jax.
  20. Fine with me! The last team i want to face in the SB is the Rams in their home stadium.
  21. Did you watch the Bills vs Jax? Bad games happen. I still see them ending up 13-4.
  22. Rico, gotta disagree with you. Stafford got that team to the playoffs three times pretty much on his own, and we are talking about the worst org in pro sports. And they lost a playoff game in the worst possible way to the Cowboys: utterly egregious officiating. They had that game won with competent refs.
  23. Not tonight only. We want them to beat NE too.
  24. The Jags had worse drops than us: a terrible drop of a perfect TD pass and later a drop of an excellent pass from Lawrence that would have put them at the five yard line late in the game.
  25. Yeah, and he says that in the interview I sent. He talks about outlier seasons where everything comes together and which are never reproduced. He doesn't say that Allen is destined for that at all, but simply says that's why he holds off on judgments after just one great season. I think that's a fair approach. Allen hasn't been as good this season as last, but he's still pretty darn good. He's literally down in every statistical category from last year except sack percentage and INT percentage, although the difference between this season and last season in the latter category is negligible: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/A/AlleJo02.htm. Stil a ways to go, of course.
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