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Everything posted by SuperBills12

  1. After today's game I think they're definitely turning from Scrappy to Resilient...I like what I'm seeing...The reason I became a Bills fan was the never give up attitude.
  2. The last 4 weeks have been tremendous with regards to the effort the Bills have put forth. The Bills have hung tough through these loses, but the effort is clearly there. I'm not saying I'm proud to be 1-8, but at least these guys are trying (unlike other years). Anyone else think the resilient Bills of old may be returning?
  3. I love these ESPN 30 for 30 shows. Last night I watched the story of Marcus Dupree, apparently the most highly recruited player of all time. The guy was a beast and looked way ahead of his time. For anyone that watched the show, who does he remind you of today? He reminded me a lot of A. Peterson, but 10 times better...
  4. Today really hurt...like kinda watching the Patriot game from last years opener. But they did make me proud with their effort. Upset city...
  5. Ok why do I think they will win...I'll keep it simple: 1) They have had 2 weeks to prepare for Baltimore 2) I think RT Howard will pay better than Green giving the line a boost 3) Being away 2 weeks, I will bet Chan has made some coaching adjustments 4) We're healthy There anything else you want to know? Sorry for supporting the team here guys. But that's what I am. A fan who loves his bills who happens to be from the state of Maryland no less.
  6. I've got a feeling. Bills 24 Ravens 21 Let's revisit this post on Monday!
  7. Ok so why didn't they cut Brohm? If he was so bad he wouldn't be on the roster. The fact they dumped Edwards was to bump Brohm to #2 to see what he can do. Don't forget the guy was a round 2 QB in 2008 and set passing records in college. Greenbay was already set at QB with Rogers.
  8. I agree with your assessment. I'm not ashamed to be on the Brohm bandwagon. He's not as mobile as Fitz, but he does have a good accurate arm. Personally, I think he will surprise us when he finally gets the chance...which by my estimation will be after the bye week.
  9. Talk about mis management from all angles...yeash, I couldn't make this stuff up...
  10. Where's the heart? Where's the passion? The resilience that I grew up admiring about the Bills? We can't have other teams laugh at us. We can't have owners flipping us off! In all seriousness, where's the fight in these guys and most importantly the franchise?
  11. Who said anyone is excited? I simply believe talent wise/production Chad Jackson has earned the number 2 spot. That's not indicative of the Bills having a great WR core though. I think its safe to say we're all hoping somebody makes a huge leap and gives us a legit threat for our WR's.
  12. This guy should be the number 2 receiver in my opinion. He's got good size, speed, and great hands. He's made a ton of plays this preseason. I'm curious why no one has brought up his name more? Anyone else see what I see?
  13. I just DVR'd it....apparently in MD they are reshowing it at 2am Saturday on NFL Network
  14. PTR, I agree with your point, but I also think it's important for him to get in there so he doesn't lose game feel. I remember last year when he came back from suspension he wasn't too sharp...
  15. Hasn't it been 2 weeks since he injured himself? So he should be back for the next game right? I would hope so... Don't want him to be rusty for the opener, especially if Jackson can't go. Anyone know the status of these backs?
  16. I think once Gailey watches the game film he'll realize that Brohm should start the next game against the 1's. Like many of you, I wasn't overly impressed with Edwards except the one long pass to Evans. Brohm looked the part of an NFL QB. Calm, poised, great arm and good command. Here's a quote that bodes well for BB: Gailey was asked if he would consider starting Brohm in a preseason game. Buffalo’s head coach left the door open. “Would we (consider it)? Oh sure,” said Gailey. “We’d consider using any of them that we’ve got. Yeah I’ll consider it.” http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...86-71416d32abb0
  17. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1...4f-0a891f57d036 "It was a matter of solving a small problem now so it wouldn't become a bigger problem later," Posluszny said. "This way I'll be able to get through the season fine and not have something creep up on me later on."
  18. I'm really pulling for Brohm here...here's a telling quote from the article: "The last two weeks he's made a jump in my opinion," Gailey said on the team's website. "I thought he practiced well. We'll have to see how he progresses once we get pads on and all that. But I thought he made a good jump."
  19. Chris Brown Posted May 8, 2010 – 6:00 am Tags: Trent Edwards As we told you last offseason, Bills QB Trent Edwards in talking with Super Bowl MVP QB Drew Brees, discovered a training program called TRX, which uses straps that suspend your natural body weight using it as resistance instead of weights and removes the pounding on joints during training. Well we’ve found video of Trent’s workout. Trent is sweating big time during a lot of these movements and exercises. Brees is a big proponent of this training regimen and still uses it. Edwards is now in offseason number two of doing the same.
  20. http://www.sportsfanshopdeals.com/trent-ed...k-trx-training/ Trent's off season exercise video getting ready for the season. It's safe to say he's got a chip on his shoulder.
  21. I said 'QB' not Edwards....hec it could be Brown for all I know
  22. The strength of this team on offense will be the running game. Having 3 awesome backs is a huge deal in this league. The formations that they could come up with would be insane. Imagine Spiller split at WR, Lynch in the back field with Jackson?!!? Who will it go to? Play action, QB throws 80yd TD to Evans!!! Sorry got carried away, but I still think ML should stay.
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