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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. I think the consistent dirtiness of his teams warrants a suspension. Some of the hits yesterday were so flagrantly dirty.
  2. Thanks, I suppose my confusion stems more about tests and not incubation periods. I don't understand how effective a test is if it's not showing a positive during the incubation period. You could have a bunch of people test negative but still be contagious? [for general questions about covid-19, testing etc please consult the resources at the top of the thread. No clinical test is perfect in practical use. -Hap] Edit - Will do boss, didn't mean to push any boundaries, was just confused. I'll keep the medical stuff off this board, thanks.
  3. I'm a bit confused. Shouldn't everyone have tested positive at the same time? Does this mean the tests the NFL is using are unreliable?
  4. Something changed at PFF. They realized the Bills are about to be a good team for a while and that they have fully alienated the fanbase and appear to be trying to walk back years of BS by kissing some butt and articles like Fairburn's coming out to say they aren't hating on us intentionally. Bridge burned. Their grading system is trash.
  5. Dline has not jelled yet. Like, at all. Harry didn't play all last year and has plenty of rust, we have 3 new guys putting in time in the rotation and no offseason. Hoping they learn how to play together sooner rather than later
  6. Come on Shaw this is an overreaction. Jackson is still a very good QB who had a bad game and yes, needs to work on his pocket-passing. Some days you're the hammer and some days you're the nail. It was simply Lamar's turn to be the nail last night. It's not like the things you're saying are a new idea "hey let's force the kid to pass and limit his runs" is pretty much what every team who has played the Ravens has said and he's usually been able to get it done.
  7. I feel like the game could be postponed til the end of the season. Isn't that one of the things that had been discussed?
  8. Feels like you aren't watching the games and if you are, you probably don't know what you're looking at.
  9. If you get picked to go, you best make enough noise for all of us!!!!!
  10. So did the media ask Ramsey if 17 is still trash?
  11. Long and short of it. The play should have resulted in an OPI penalty, not an interception.
  12. Agreed. The full explanation as I understood it was that illegal contact becomes PI as soon as the ball is in the air.
  13. The interception might be the worst call I have EVER seen.
  14. Is this just a total defensive collapse? I can't even tell who to blame for all these intermediate routes breaking for huge gains
  15. This defense has gone straight down the toilet
  16. This game turned completely on the BS int and the no-call horsecollar. Never seen refs make such flagrant calls to screw the game.
  17. At this point it's just a rule set by the governor right?
  18. I really don't think this bothers Josh beyond being some bulletin board material. You have to imagine that even after a great game he's getting hate from all over. I'd imagine you just get used to brushing it off if you expect to be successful.
  19. I'll call him an imbecile if my personal opinion feel like it's warranted. You can store your comments about consent waivers, Tyrod was in pain and had a piece of paper placed in front of him and was told if he wanted to play he needed a shot and had to sign the waiver to get one. Med field people coming out of the woodwork in this thread to defend someone without knowing the standard of care provided or the competence of the physician is tribalism at its best.
  20. I feel like Darnold could be ok if not saddled with that awful HC
  21. Thanks for that info. I'd posit that perhaps medical innovation needs to get to the point where puncturing a lung isn't a known complication for something like administering a painkiller. Unfortunately a great deal of money for medical innovation is going to fix people's erections and not more effective tools for accomplishing more mundane everyday tasks.
  22. I don't get why PFF bothers people. That website is just a bunch of nerds who've never played football who managed to create a niche market for their made up stats and rely on clicks from baiting people to drive up their net traffic to justify their existence. Bills fans are legion and have a strong online presence, but you can pick on that market because it is comparatively small. Is anyone really surprised they troll us? PFF takes up too much real estate in some of your heads, living up there rent free. I don't know the PFF people's individual names, just like I don't remember my college calc teacher's name - I recommend more people take this same approach for your mental health.
  23. Brandt is right. I put a comment in the Shoutbox yesterday noting that there don't seem to be ANY talking heads shows mentioning the Bills. Can anyone seriously find anything? This GMFB 10 second segment is the only thing I've found at all.
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