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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. I would encourage you to watch a few Cover 1 videos about Morse. Cheers!
  2. The last person to try the whining move was Leveon Bell. He wound up losing quite a bit of money.
  3. Except he's not really gone is he. He has a contract and no way out of it other than to whine and complain.
  4. I'm upset we're not in the SB, Whaley said something that a) I agree with but; b) I could also use this as an opportunity to take out my frustration on one of the people directly responsible for this team stinking for years. I have chosen to smash the button for option b.
  5. He can ask for as many trades as he'd like. If I'm Caserio I tell him to play out his contract or play out his contract. The hiring of Culley, who I don't think is expected to be some sort of long-term savior, would indicate to me that the Texans are about to start a re-build.
  6. Both lines got thoroughly dominated tonight. I think it's fair to say we overpaid for mediocre FAs on D.
  7. I always shop there when I'm in the states. Bummed that they won't ship to PO boxes, there are a lot of things on the site I'd like to buy.
  8. This is the type of thing that you announce if you're considering trading away your franchise QB. Just sayin'
  9. Could be many things, he could have scurvy that manifested first in his hand and is now hitting his joint, he could have frostibite and is refusing treatement. If you want to get fantastical about it, he could have greyscale and slowly be turning into a statue.
  10. He got that special Patrick Protocol. This is the least surprising news of the day. They'd have wheeled him out there with a neckbrace on and told us it was the safety wave of the future if they had to.
  11. LOL I was just opening up this topic to post this. 3:50 is the timestamp for those of you who just want to hear about the Bills.
  12. I was nervous for the Ravens, this week it's whatever. We win this and we have to feel confident about the SuperBowl.
  13. This was a concussion per this sports doctor and anyone saying it wasn't is being disingenuous. I would also point to the fact that Mahomes is STILL in the protocol per the coach https://www.nfl.com/news/chiefs-coach-andy-reid-says-patrick-mahomes-still-in-concussion-protocol
  14. He's under contract. Make him play. Not that difficult. I don't want that dude in the division.
  15. Tried to stand up, would have fallen over if he wasn't being held. He got knocked out
  16. I expect Gabe Davis to have a good day, Bease too.
  17. I'm pretty tired of having "Lamar is awesome" force fed to me by the sheep in the media. The Ravens D is what's winning games for them. I just want to see us put up points. If our Offense performs we'll be fine.
  18. Please sign him immediately to stop him from signing elsewhere, then we can keep Dabes.
  19. Tua doesn't throw receivers open, he can develop that trait. Josh didn't have it much his first year, but he has a damn cannon strapped to his shoulder so he could wait that extra half second and still force the ball in when receivers got open. I dunno how you give up on a guy after 1 year, but for the Dolphins I approve of this tactic.
  20. This game has had me stressed out since we got the draw.
  21. If the comment he made triggered you and others, which is a fair response, I would submit that you're never going to make a difference with anything in life by starting conflict. Perfect opportunity to maybe change someone's perspective by saying "hey, making that comment about someone for looking a certain way is a damaging stereotype and hurts a lot of people, I'd appreciate it if you don't make jokes like this on a public board." Not everyone who makes an insensitive comment is racist. Also, in your response you took a shot at overweight people, which is probably hurtful to others and kind of makes you look somewhat hypocritical. Maybe next time while criticizing people for making caricatures, your response would be better served by not being a caricature itself?
  22. I heard it's MeUndies or BlueChew, Sharries Berries making a late run though.
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