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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. Im not really sure how much I would count a coaching staff's inability to coach against a player. The guy supposedly has a good attitude, mental toughness and good physical skills, Id love to get him in the 3rd, problem is he will probably be gone by then.
  2. Randle-El if I remember had a similar buzz coming out of college. I remember watching draft coverage and people were just assuming he'd fall low and wer surprised he got taken in the 2nd. BTW he got picked 30th after the Bills took Denney with the 29th.
  3. http://proxy.espn.go.com/nfl/draft05/colum...hris&id=2025109 Let me be clear, I am not insinuating he will be our draft pick, I just think this guys is awesome and I wish we WOULD take him.
  4. clarett seems to be a cancer. Unless his attitude changed a LOT I wouldnt draft him to wash my car. When he didnt do well in the 40 he put on a suit and LEFT? He had committed to do all the drills. The guy is a headcase.
  5. Mark my words: Draft day deal-shelton for henry, swapping our 2nd rd picks We draft Baas in the 2nd
  6. I think people just get defensive when anyone bashes the Bills. Its like when someone males any kind of comment about your family, you just automatically get offended and defensive
  7. didnt shattner win an emmy? ABC doesnt have anough good shows to cancel BL. Everyone here at school watches is religiously
  8. Pleading the 5th is exactly that. Your right not to incriminate yourself doesn't necessarily imply guilt. In the greater scheme of things it will be framed as a statement made by a player representing an association of players who dont want someone standing next to them with a cup every time they drop trow to pee. The spin will depend on who would do it. If McGwire did it, he would be more likely to hear the argument I just made than say Barry Bonds who the media dislikes.
  9. We have 3 TE's on the roster, he's not making a push for another one, though I really like him. Also, forgive me if i read this here, but I tihnk it was elsewhere: Ty Law's injury has ended the careers of all but 2 players EVER. Both of those guys were under 25, much younger. He JUST stopped traveling around ona motorized scooter. Do you honestly think he's gonna beat those odds and be dominant again? I see him maybe going somewhere and getting to play nickel, though I wish he would sign here for the vet minimum cause of the situation and return to his shitdown form.
  10. i dont really see us moving up for anyone other than Baas. If Kelsay hadnt stepped up I envisioned maybe Pollack, but he did and now we're left with getting OL a 3 WR and maybe a TE
  11. conspiracy theories! You know its pretty easy to criticize without offering any viable options. I can sit back and say, look there's a problem here and maybe something could have been done to maybe fix it but it wasnt! Come on! I enjoy knowing what they paid for the guy, but hold our doomsday commentary for another time. Its St Patrick's day, get sloshed and argue with the toilet. WOOHOO. Thats what im doing.
  12. DeMulling=RJ man we dodged a bullet there! Woohoo for this offseason!
  13. Can someone please explain why everyone is on Nugent's nuts?
  14. Notre Dame class of 2002. Soon to be Notre Dame Law class of 2007.
  15. he looks amazing should we losman and a 1st rounder for LJ Shelton?
  16. yes lets please overpay for a fat underachiever. Its not like Henry has actually had success. Other than his draft position, what amazing things has Shelton done?
  17. have you even taken a look at our cap situation for next year? we cannot be anywhere near the cap if we are going to resign- clements, fletcher, adams, milloy
  18. you forgot "it's not just me im gonna rely on my teamates, this is a team sport
  19. man if you're right, we should just rely on online scouting reports to build our team. I mean, Ryan Leaf might still be available sitting at home somewhere, I heard he was so good he got picked 1st in the draft. How can you possibly argue with that. Oh, and that Brady kid in NE, he's never gonna make it, not even a tope 5 rd pick in my opinion after reading the notes on him.
  20. yeah that really pissed me off, he's dead to me now.
  21. he's a kid who's been successful at the most ego-building position in a sport that glorifies kids from high school on. You dont think JP has gone out with the head cheerleaders gotten the gimme grades and been "the man" since he was a kid? Come on, after all that butt-kissing you'd be cocky too. He has confidence in his abilities, let him back it up and then you'll be praising him for being such a confident competitor. Only losers get called cocky, winners are confident. Just saying, dont be surprised when these young payers come in thinking highly of their abilities, id rather have confident guy back there than a tentative guy afraid to make the big throws when all eyes are on them.
  22. Ron Dayne is the devil.
  23. he's a LT who had to move to Rt when Davis replaced him
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