Walker is a sick receiver! I would give them a 5th and Moulds rather than getting nothing for him and cutting him. Walker is a dream player for us, I cant believe you guys are complaining! Seriously though, not 2 picks for him, just 1 and EM. DONE
Inches, just another thing that separates us from the rest of the world as simply being too arrogant to be like everyone else. That's the essence behind the concept of the ugly american.
"Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8. "
Those drugs have fried your brain. Maybe we'll take a kicker or a punter in the first round? A decent fullback to block for willis? Come on, pull your head out of the ground and come back to reality.
PHILADELPHIA (Ticker) - The Philadelphia Eagles apparently thought Darren Howard's 2005 campaign with the New Orleans Saints was an aberration.
The Eagles on Monday signed the defensive end to a six-year contract.
Nice comment, you kiss your mother with that mouth? Keep your white hood at home where it belongs and get that crap out of my face. If you can't, shut up or go back to the pigly wiggly and get some pigs feet for the date with your sister.
Well I believe Reed could be good. Evidently Mularkey (the Phins new OC) saw enough from him here to believe that too, or else they wouldn't be looking at him.
David Givens has the talent to be a #1 in the league. He has progressed every year he has played. If you actually take the time to look at his play and not just his numbers you'd see that. I also like the pick of Jason Avant at #2, but I can't justify spending a high pick on him.
He was mean to someone here when he was 17! I refuse to forgive him and boil down his entire worth based on an isolated incident that could have been a fluke. Stand for justice-JUST SAY NO TO IB!!!!
Dolphins great offseason moves that meant nothing recently: Bringing in David (I can never get too swole) Boston, Ricky coming back. They have a knack for making people irrelevant. I'm not worried. don't mention Booker.
That whole board is ignorant. They still think they can get under the cap by only releasing role players. They might not even be able to get under at ALL because of all the amortized cap space!
I guess it must stink just to be SO successful with your huge payroll. Oh wait, they're not.
Yeah I saw that coming as soon as I posted it. Ooops!!!! =) But personally, I don't think you can get excited about one thing same as I'm willing to admit that writing him off this early would be foolish. What I really wanted to see from him was some level of consistency whether it be accurate passing or consistently improving decision-making skills. I really feel like he hasn't progressed.
As for the second part. I stand by my comment. You cannot possibly look at a draft when we have multiple positions of need and say there is only one player that would come in and really help us.