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Posts posted by ndirish1978

  1. Results talk and BS walks. He didn't re-sign the guys he needed to re-sign and he ignored the OL for too long. I really don't fault the signings he did make, but in the day to day operations he failed. We jad back to back coaches that couldn't coach their way out of a paper bag and no oline. 'Nough said. Take a breath and relax Zeff, it's the internet.

  2. I'm not surprised by this.  I saw several great games by Reggie Bush for USC and was impressed by his blazing speed plus ability to shake tacklers but there has always been some uncertainty in my mind as whether he should be the 1st pick of the draft, especially by Houston.


    There have been many comments by members of the media and football people about the fact that Bush is not a 20+ carries-a-game guy.  Also, put him on a team with a poor offensive line and will he be that effective?  He appears to have more strength than people give him credit for but the average defensive player in the NFL is a lot bigger than what he's faced in college.


    Houston also doesn't seem to be the best place for Bush so maybe another team will trade up.  Thinking about the best NFL teams for him to play for, picture him playing for Indy taking short passes from Manning and turning them into long runs.  With Rhodes still there as a short-yardage goal-line guy, it could really work there.


    Picture Bush also playing for the Rams.  They have the big back in Steven Jackson but Bush could assume the Marshall Faulk role.


    We don't know if these two teams or any other teams are thinking this way but it just seems, as others have mentioned, to be too much of a luxury pick for the Texans to take Bush with the 1st pick when they're coming off a 2-14 season with so many holes to fill.    Sure Bush could be the next Barry Sanders of the NFL but how much did Detroit win with Sanders??




    Yeah that's the way to be a good GM, bring in the #1 pick in the draft to be your change of pace back. 6M/yr for someone who you don't even start more than half the downs. Wait.... are you Tom Donahoe?

  3. OK, let me get this straight:  we should all strive for making moves that make the headlines but yield mixed rusults?


    No thanks.


    I would much rather be a "boring" team that stockpiles talent not only in the first round but in the middle rounds of the draft.


    I'll give Donahoe this:  his 2001 draft was superb.  He did everything right, trading down to get Clements, picking up Henry, Schobel and Jennings in the 2nd and 3rd rounds respectively.  After that, however, his drafts left much to be desired.  The sign of a good GM and scouting department is one that finds solid contributors in the middle rounds.  McGee and Crowell turned out well... but overall, the drafts were subpar in that regard.  Perhaps that's why TD is looking for work?




    Excellent post. All that hype in the offseason failedto produce on the field. TD=Keyshawn, a lot of talk and not a lot of results.

  4. In a move that baffled everyone today, the Buffalo Bills selected Marcus Vick with the 8th pick in the 2006 draft.


    "Hey, I'm just smarter than everyone," commented DonaHO "We felt like we knew who we wanted and we went out and got him, the draft was so deep ,we knew this move would turn some heads considering he was predicted to go in the 6th but that's just how deep the draft. The talet pool is so even we don't really pay attention to rounds, we just go out there and get our guy. We didn't want to let someone else get him."


    In another DonHO story, the risk-taking GM pitched a proposal to save the team money by paying them in Canadian Dollars. When asked about it DonHO replied: "There's nowhere in their contracts that says the dollars have to be American, I spotted that loophole because I'm a genius."

  5. Oakland is much more likely to draft Cutler because he is much better than Young at throwing the deep ball. They didn't go out and get Moss to have him run deep routes only to turn around 20 yards downfield and realize Young is running. You think I'm wrong? With the exception of TO and McNabb, who lasted 1 year together with all that tension, what other scrambling QB in the league now has top tier receivers?

  6. I mean that's ideal .The problem is that it leaves us starting scrubs and creating depth at other positions. 3 6s play better than a 10 and 2 4s just because you create huge gaps on the field. I wish we could just draft the best players available.


    Honestly, this draft is deep enough at OL and DL that we could just take the best player available and still fill our holes.

  7. i would hate it if the bills picked any QB


    i would not be too thrilled if they picked winston justice, but i would wait to see him play before blowing up


    i would be ok with them drafting ngata or bunkley, but not ecstatic


    i would love the bills to draft michael huff or vernon davis




    Ummm. a S or a TE would be a luxury pick. Outside of OL DL I would only want a QB. If you think Losman or Nall is the QB of the future youre smoking grass.

  8. Disclaimer: This is meant merely for conversation. I obviously like Young but the question for discussion here is not whether you would like us to draft Cutler or Young, merely which one you think will be a better NFL qb.


    Play-I like Young because he's a gamer. He steps up in pressure and finds a way to win. The kid has a good arm and great mobility. I could care less about what some test score is, I care about how he passes the test on the field and this kid has passed with flying colors. Cutler can make a lot of throws. He has great arm strength, decent mobility and good decision-making but while i feel like he will be a good NFL qb I think his hype is more of a product of the combine and post-graduation performance. I'm not taking anything away from him, I just think Young is a better QB. What's more, this league is a business. Young is going to be a star in this league because he's mobile and we all know mobile qbs are a magnet for media attention. After all that, I believe they will both be good NFL qbs, with Young having the slight edge just because he's a proven winner. Great players just get things done in the end. As a side note, Leinhart is the real deal. I've seen him play live (I was one of the unfortunate few who rushed the field at the ND game only to have my heart ripped out of my chest). That deep throw he made was in tight coverage and if you watch the replay he actually gets the ball in perfectly, passing over the crook in the cb's elbow by about 2 inches. He's cash in the bank.



    Public Relations- Getting media attention and having those color commentators wagging their tongues about a guy's play and his talent only makes a franchise more attractive for free agents. Look at the league as it is now. Payton and Brady are better than Vick and McNabb, but the media hype would have you think they were just as good. Some players have a certain panache around them that makes people stand up and take notice, they attract other players because they make them believe that they could lead them to victory in any given game. Intangibles like this make me want to believe in Young and I would want him on my team. He would not only make players around him better, he would get better players to want to be around him and come play for his team on both sides of the ball.

  9. Huff and Davis are not Luxury picks they would fill a hole on the team. The Bills have no play making TE's that we know of and need a replacement receiver to replace Moulds (I think with moulds gone the Bills are more likely to draft Davis if available) Huff is a Safety which is another position we need to find a replacement after milloy is gone.


    A luxury pick for Buffalo would be to take another QB, or starting RB, or a Punter in the first round. We have enough players with some talent to challenge for those job and bringing in another would not help this team out much.




    Huff is a luxury pick because we have two starting S who can play right now, I dont care about in a couple of years. Davis is about as exciting as Ben Watson was when he came out, you're just following the leader like the rest of the sheep. We do NOT have DL or OL, nor do we have a QB. We will take Justice, Ngata/Bunkley, or Young.


    PS- If Ralph really wants to make money he should take someone people would actually be excited to go see play, like Young. I don't give a damn about what you think about him, the guy is a baller and gets 'er done. Oh yeah and maybe people would have something else to say about Buffalo other than we are perennial doormats.

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