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Posts posted by ndirish1978

  1. I don't think I was referring to you or anyone who didn't attack me first just because I called Reyes good depth.




    Sensitive much? Dont' get your panties in a bunch. It's a damn message board. Everyone settle down. There's no reason to insult someone else cause they disagree with you.

  2. Immediately after that post is this one:

    POSTED 11:55 a.m. EDT, April 27, 2006




    In our quest to actually engage in some "real" journalism (imagine that), we've heard from Texans G.M. Charley Casserly as to the rumors we've heard of a done deal between the Texans and tailback Reggie Bush.


    After catching wind of the agreement from a source who has been rock-solid for us in the past, we initially called Texans V.P. of comunications Tony Wyllie. We left a message on Wyllie's cell phone, and then we tried to reach Casserly. We heard back from Wyllie first, and we've now had a chance to talk to the G.M. himself.


    And Casserly confirms the team's position that no deal is in place.


    In so doing, Casserly sounded pretty convincing to us.


    He said that the rumor of a deal is "absolutely not true." Casserly said that the team is in active negotiations with both Bush and defensive end Mario Williams. "That's the honest to God truth," Casserly added.


    So now we're torn. The source who told us about the deal is a credible one. But "honest to God" is a pretty strong affirmation, unless Casserly secretly is an atheist or something.


    For now, we'll take the team's word for it. But we're also going to follow up with our source."

  3. The Jets' interest in Jay Cutler remains high, so much so that they're in discussions with the Ravens to try to obtain him with the 13th pick overall, according to a person who has been in contact with several NFL teams and has first-hand knowledge of strategy in the top portion of the NFL Draft.

    -- Newark Star-Ledger


    The Jets have no plans to draft Matt Leinart, Vince Young or Jay Cutler. Barring some veteran smoke-screen work by Mike Tannenbaum and Eric Mangini, it appears almost certain the Jets will not take a quarterback that high. It's widely believed they will draft a QB from the so-called second tier of available bodies, with hopes of finding a gem out of the first round.

    -- New York Post


    You gotta love it! Seriously, the only thing certain on Saturday is that the Bills will draft a few players who played in college. Everything else is BS.

  4. Hey guys just thought I'd share what I just saw on Best Damn. I don't know what you think about Jay Glazer but here's what he said for what it's worth.


    1-The Titans were had a deal worked out with the Vikings for Culpepper but Culpepper refused to play for anyone but the Dolphins


    2-The Titans coaching staff is demanding the team draft Leinhart. They believe drafting Young is basically forcing them to groom him for the next coaching staff cause he doesn't give them a good chance at winning now.


    3-The Texans have been claiming they have sent contracts to both Mario Williams and Reggie Bush trying to see if they coud get an deal worked out in principle with each and then make it official after the draft. This is supposed to be a lie. He claims the Texans have not sent anything to Mario and it's al a smokescreen


    4-the Broncos have tried to trade J Walker for Lelie straight up butt he Packers aren't having it. The Pack is demanding a 1st rder but no one is willing to pay more for Walker than the Phins paid for Culpepper


    5- Cutler's "stock is falling" and he thinks we'll take him or the Cardinals will


    Ok well there's the summary for what it's worth!

  5. In October SI released a list of top 10 Qbs to build a franchise around. Quinn, coming in at #7, was the only college player (including Leinhart, Cutler, Bush and Young) to be included on that list. Chris Leak? I don't think so. He has physical tools yes, but Quinn has those in spades and a complete understanding of the game that comes from being mentored by the guy that made Tom bready what he is today.


    Here is the link BTW


  6. I was hoping Vito would get wacked today!! He's signed for 4-5 more episodes so that whole thing will drag out. Also, the trademags have a spoilers alleging he takes Finn the finnochio way unvoluntarily in a violent scene that "cast members walked off the stage disgusted." Now, I dont want to see that, just wack him and lets get on to the mob war with Phil already. I wanna go to the mattresses. Also, if it's the last season I hope Christopher get it.


    I tihnk Tony will die and Baccala will run things as a puppet for Janice. Or you have the much less likely scenario that AJ grows up in his father's footsteps. Cept AJ is a loser.

  7. I love soccer. Grew up far from ice skating rinks so I'm not really into hockey. I mean the games are about as similiar as swimming and highdiving. People think cause you score goals in a net it's the same type of thing. Nothing could be further than the truth.


    Do I think Hockey guys are tough? Hell yeah. Do I think they are tougher than soccer players. Yes, the men fight for fun. They're tougher than football players too. But please don't find some random clip and expect me to accept that soccer players are wimps. Have you ever been cleated in the chest so hard you have permanent impressions in your chest? My teamate in high school did. Would you run up to a ball than had just been kicked 80 yards, jump up and stick your head in there while getting elbowed in the eye? It's fine with me if you say hockey guys are tougher, just please don't call soccer players anything less than tough athletes.


    You want ot watch real soccer don't watch the US crud, which is unfortunately based ont he Dutch style of play which is quick passing. Watch any Italian Series game and you should see a couple of guys get screwed up.


    Anyway. Go soccer, go hockey, go football- Long Live Sport!

  8. This is strictly sentimental for my Domers.


    Anthony Fasano- 3rd- The kid is the total package. He can catch (remember the play Charlie called for the kid who died from the goaline? Pass right? Fasano is the one who broke it for a big gain. Not a down the field threat, but VERY dangerous in the intermediate routes. Good hands. Solid Blocker. Higjh Character guy.


    Rashon Powers Neal-6 rd- he's a gamer. He would have played more for us but had a lapse in judgment. The guy is a good guy, easy to talk to, he doesn't have character issues, trust me. Dude can block but can carry in the red zone. We sed him cause our RB wasnt that big.


    Maurice Stovall- 3 rd- Hands like they got stick-em on them. Leaper, very dangerous in the red zone. He's tall 6'5. High character guy





    Brady Quinn (who ate lunch next to me yesterday) rd 1 Buffalo Bills 2007

  9. Losman- 71

    Mcgahee- 92

    Shelton- 74

    Evans- 86

    Parrish- 76


    Gandy- 68

    Anderson- 66

    Fowler- 78

    Villarial- 82

    Peters- 82

    Everett- 79



    Schobel- 93

    Tripplett- 86

    Anderson- 70

    Kelsay- 79

    Spikes- 95

    Fletcher- 90

    Posey- 79

    McGee- 86

    Clements- 92

    Vincent- 83

    Bowen- 74


    Moorman- 96

    Lindell- 79


    This years draft class

    Bush- 89

    Vernon Davis- 87

    Ngata- 84

    Bunkley- 84

    Justice- 80


    Hawk- 88

    M Williams- 88

    V Young- 82

    M Leinhart 82

    J Cutler- 80




    Maurice Stovall- PRICELESS

  10. I actually don't think there are as many holes as most around here.  Their record was worse than their talent.  That team quit last season.




    I agree. I say we have "serious" needs at LT, DT and LG. Our D definately needs a DT but once Spikes went out we lost the heart of our Defense. Our offensive strategy must have been just not making mistakes and letting our D bail is out cause we were good for a couple years. Once the D imploded the season was over. I think Peters will make a good RT. Fowler will be decent under C. Villarial has a couple years in the tank of being serviceable. Plug 2 holes and keep Duke as an interior replacement and I'd give the offense a shot if our QB could just make reads and hit the open guy. I like Nall. I watch the packers a lot and I've seen him play (yeah I know it was limited). He never got a fair shake in GB and I think he could be a serviceable starter for us. Again, this is not gonna be a breakthrough year, but i think we could win 6-7 games and have a solid foundation to build on.


    I like Deuce from USC in rd 2 being the guy to play the other G. If Brick fell to us we could field a decent line. 3rd round picks? DT and S/OL. 4th, S/WR.


    We could wind up with 4 players (rds 1-3(2 3rd picks)) actually contributing for us this season and a few other providing depth. I WOULD like an upgrade at S though. Anyone heard of any possible June 1 cuts?

  11. I agree. I liked the odl jerseys, but we looked exactly like the giants. I like the new jerseys and i like the throwbacks too. I hope we keep the current situation with wearing the throwbacks a few times per year.


    Also, i dont think this board gives the real representation of how much people like the jerseys. Frankly, most fans dont care that much, and the overwhelming hate for the new jerseys seems to be limited to TBD. Most people i know back home, and some friends i have in other cities have no problems with the new ones.




    So to sum up... you like everything and this message board is out of touch with real fans. Funny how most of your posts offer no insight whatsoever while managing to accomplish nothing more than ripping on the board in general. Do you actually enjoy posting here or is therapy just too expensive? :)

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