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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. As long as he's not our version of La'El Collins I'm ok, he's a bit small.
  2. Guys I've been thinking about this and there is really no way for @Einstein to prove his IQ has been tested that I'm willing to accept. I'm really having a hard time with this possible lie from the president of a company. Think about the workers! I suggest that we all go get tested and maybe he will slip in with the rest of us and do the right thing. I think it's really the only way I can sleep at night. Anyway, here's a link to one of the better organizations who do IQ tests. Please make sure to take the time out of your schedule to go take an actual physical test in person. This is an accomplishment I can dream and achieve! https://www.mensa.org/contact/national-groups
  3. Says the man constantly putting the rest of the board down... I think you may not be the party you believe you are here.
  4. This is such a bombshell - you're completely right! Now I've decided your proclamation that your IQ has been tested is a smokescreen. I'm even wondering if this is the real Einstein now. Are you even a real President like we've all been lead to believe? We trusted you to lead us! Everything is a lie and the truth is out there.
  5. The ignore list is your friend. I think mine's up to 3 pages, but it's like 15 years old so most of them are probably inactive by now.
  6. Looking at what was said through the lens of being concerned for a player whom he excused from practice I now interpret his comment as trying to show his concern FOR Stefon and not ABOUT Stefon. If it is true he excused Stefon then this was botched, but I don't think it was intentional. I know I've made comments in my life that I meant to be supportive but were received as the opposite because I communicated poorly, my hope and belief is that this was the case here.
  7. I did not know Diggs had been excused and I criticized him improperly. I was wrong.
  8. What is facebook?
  9. I don't and neither do you, you're just speculating which is worthless as a means to make your case. There was no "public rebuke", he simply left and the repercussions of his leaving objectively fell on any teammate of his who had to be interviewed subsequently. Going back and forth with me about theories and speculation isn't really going to do much for a point that is being argued subjectively. You're welcome to your opinion, we can disagree. That's what the little red X is for.
  10. I wouldn't go advertising this. It makes your being completely wrong somehow worse. Press have to sign a credentials agreement to receive credentials, there is a thing called contract law fwiw. As a lawyer I presume you're familiar.
  11. You're just taking your personal feelings about the matter and looking to make the facts fit. Leadership would be having a difficult conversation. Creating a media circus does nothing - no one even knows why he left so there is no benefit to creating an issue. You're speculating about theories posited here about Josh that no one has confirmed. He has a job to do and he didn't do it - that is the extent of the story.
  12. Again, there is no issue if he doesn't leave work. I don't care about something "being made worse" if it never should have happened in the first place.
  13. This thread is full of middle school banter, pretty weak for a bunch of adults. We know Diggs was at OBD yesterday, he chose to leave and not work. He created a crapstorm media distraction by leaving. If he had not left, there would not be a circus of reporters gleefully producing "content" for the next 24 hours on the issue. Then his agent tried to deflect the blame for Diggs refusing to do his job on his coach stating he was concerned that the player didn't show up for work. Is missing a big deal as far as on the field stuff? One day is not. Is missing work a problem because he created a public issue? Yes. There is zero excuse for walking out. A conversation does the same as leaving the facilities and it doesn't carry a negative burden on his teammates. Diggs is a selfish dolt for creating this issue, Regardless of whether his grievances are correct, he took a personal gripe and passed the responsibility for dealing with it on to the teammates he is supposed to lead.
  14. It sure worked out for Leveon Bell.
  15. Yep. Don't you have another thread to start about your obsession with Dhop to concern yourself with? Posting a response to me seems like it's wasting valuable time you could be spending denying reality.
  16. You're correct, this is the reality. We're also on a 24 hour news cycle where people are just sitting around looking for anything small to blow up into a nauseating panel segment. He knows skipping will cause an unnecessary distraction and he did it anyway.
  17. Diggs is immature, **** him.
  18. What's the point of this post other than to pump yourself up and pat yourself on the back? Weird clout-chase.
  19. The coach said his absence was "very concerning" I don't see how it would be excused given that choice of words.
  20. Rather he goes to Denver but if he wants to suck up the cap room in Miami and plays like a shadow of his former self that's fine too.
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