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Everything posted by Estro

  1. I've seen a lot fo their games this year. Coming inot this eyar I had high hopes for the team, unfortunately I think they've regressed some from last year. There defense isn't as tough and they don't go inside enough on offense. Last yera they came together in the latter half of the season so I'm hoping the same is true this season.
  2. I diddn't say he has showed it yet, but I do believe he will show it given the opportunity this season. Bottom line is how many playoff berths has Bledsoe brought to this team. It's time to move on to JP.
  3. JP Losman will be no letdown compared with Bledsoe. If Bledsoe is unwilling to take the backup job he's better off not being here, he'll just be a distraction. If he were willing to take the backup and mentor JP I'd be all for it, but I dont think he's that type of guy. JP's lack of experience will show I'm sure, but I'm ready to see what this guy is all about, I think he's got the qualitites to be a bona fide starter in this league. THE FUTURE #83 #21 #7
  4. It was created Today, 06:28 PM
  5. By the time we arrive at espace i'm on the verge of tears because i'm positive we won't have a decent table, But we do and relief washes over me in an awesome wave.
  6. American Psycho is one fo my favorite movies, glad to see soemone else likes it! The facial expressions and gestures of Pat Bateman are classic in that movie. If viewed in a comedic way it is a hilarious movie!
  7. Surtain is overrated. Miami is letting him walk mostly because of his high cap number next year (8.3 million), but if he was that good don't you think they'd try and keep him aorund. I remember Lee Evans burning him bad a few times at the home game. Madison impressed me a lot more than surtain did.
  8. Does anyone know what song is playing at the very end while the credits are on. It's not any of the songs that are listed during the credits, there is no singing it's just the background music. I really like that song, but don't know the title or who it's by. If anyone knows please let me know, thanks. Ev
  9. Jerome Mathis from Hampton is nasty. I think he impressed everyone in that bowl game a couple weeks back. His stock may have improved to early 3rd high 2nd. I'd love to see the Bills grab that guy. Amazing speed, acceleration and elusiveness, he would make an immediate impact on special teams, but his hands need improvement according to the scouts.
  10. Is there a way we could place the transition tag on him instead of the franchise tag. That way we (or the team we trade him to) would only have to pay him the average top ten money rather than top 5 money. The only thing is I'm not sure you can use the transition tag that often, and because we used it 2 years ago with Peerless that option may be unavailable to us. Does anyone know, and if so how much would he be owed under the transition tag (average of the top ten LT salaries in the league I believe)? If this is an option I say go for it. there definitely would be a team to bite.
  11. Good question,I was wondering the same thing as I watched both the Bills and Jets game last week. I'd say Drew, Pennington's weak arm would be a disaster at the Ralph in the winter. GO BILLSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate it. I think the fact that we get in on both of those three way team tiebreakers is hige for us. I'm starting to get the feeling that if we take care of business and win out were gonna do it. I definitely think a three way tie breaker involving us the jets and another team is highly likely.
  13. If someone can answer this please do so....I think soemone attempted to ask it but I never saw an answer...I actually have two questions.... 1) What happens if the Bills, Jets and Broncos all finish the season 10-6 (assuming Baltimore and Jax finish 9-7 or worse and one of the Jets losses is to the Pats)? I know two of the three teams will advance, but who (didn't see anything about three-way ties)? 2) Same as question #1 but instead the Bills, Jets and Ravens tie at 10-6 (with the Jags and Broncos finishing 9-7 or worse and one of the Jets losses coming to the Pats.) If anyone can answer I'd really appreciate because if we do win otu I see one of these two scenarios being the likely case hopefully we have the edge in at leats one of these three way tie breakers. Thanks knowledgable fans!!!!
  14. Yeah I asked that question, pretty cool that MM answered it!!!
  15. Go over to nfl.com scroll to the bottom and click on the fed ex ground and air players of the week. Vote for McGahee, he's only 5% behind Rudi Johnson!!! McGahee deserves this one.
  16. That was nice call he sent in on the fake field goal. they could have kicked a 42 yard field goal and made it a one possesion game, but he wanted to watch one of his pathetic trickery plays backfire. After watching this game I cam honestly say he is pretty bad.
  17. I was talkin about the basketball team. Turner Battle isnt the point guard on the football team too man. The basketball game is on tonight, I wasn't talking about the football game.
  18. The UB BULLS will need a miracle to pull this upset off, but they could very well keep it respectable. The line is 15.5, which isn't too bad considering they're playing at UCONN, the defending NCAA Champs. I think the guards will hold their own, but the big guys are gonna have their hands filled with Villanueva and Boone. If they cover the spread though or even keep it within 10 points I'd be very impressed. Great test to get ready for divisional play nontheless. By the way one bad thing I heard is that UB's star player, Turner Battle (PG) has been suffering from a bad back for a month or two now. Apparently they've been trying a lot to get him healthy, but the backs still a problem. They certainly need him this season so I really hope he gets healthy. GO BULLS!!! 7 PM on Empire (I believe)- verify if you know
  19. i thought i was watchin jerry springer....thats was an absolute disgrace
  20. I'm almost half tempted to make a sign for this upcoming homegame to show my frustration for whats goin down this season (and the past 4 seasons for that matter). I know you should never be down on your own team, but this is really discouraging, especially this teams hiteous play on the road. I swear they make an absolute embarrasment of themselves on the road, they almost look they dont belong in this league when they hit the road. I know many of you will say its wrong to bring a negative sign, but what the hell. I want this team to know how pissed their fan base is getting with them in case they don't already know. Not to mention many of us pay decent money to see the games or have season tickets like myself and I'm just so god damn discouraged. I get so up and excited for every season and then Rosen. So with all that said any good ideas on any signs that could be made???? I have a few good ideas, but we'll see if I follow through with it. TIME TO GET THAT WINNING TRADITION BACK TO BUFFALO
  21. GO BULLS, starting to get pumped for their basketball season for sure. There gonna be real good, hopefully they stay healthy!
  22. i think mcgee deserves the return man spot on the AFC squad, but think BJ Sams (Ravens) will get more votes because he seems to be getting more recognition. I already did my part though voting for mcgee.
  23. Hey where are the tickets, I may pick them up for soem of my family coming out for the game. Just interetsed where they are. Leave a message in this post or email me at estro613@aol.com. Thanks man.
  24. Hear me out now everyone seems to be under the impression we drated Mike Williams to be our Right tackle. Thats what Tom Donahoe said in one of those prior Q & A, but thats a bunch of garbage. The season before we used Jennings at Rt and thats where he was much more suited to play. I think Jennings would've been a solid right tackle, but think hes a little too slow for the more athletic LT postion. Then right after we picked Williams talk was he'd be our dominant LT for the next 10 years. Sure enough we move him to RT showing that he wasnt ready to take over the LT spot, and now Donahoe acts as if that was the original intent to play him at RT. I don't buy it. You dont sign a starting RT to the type of deal Big Mike got. I'm not criticizing Big Mike I think he can still be the dominant force we need him to be (hopefully soon), but rather I'm angry at Tom Donahoe for actually believeing us fans are that stupid. Mike was drafted to be our LT not out RT I don't care what garbage Donahoe says, he beats around the bush way too often. I don't know but does anyone know what the average money a RT gets, I'm sure Mike Willaims is way up their if not the highest paid RT in the league. Anyone who knows let me know I'm interested to see where Mike stacks up salary wise with the rest of him because at this point hes very average and doesnt deserve top dollars.
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