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Everything posted by Estro

  1. I'm in Wildwood, atl;antic city area.... any bills bars in town???
  2. Colts yes, Pats bout 40% chance
  3. Bills 27 Bucs 17
  4. willis will counter to the left
  5. well whoever is interested or thinking about getting rid of their tix after the season. I'm definitely interested. If you would like to swap I have two in sec 117 row 29 aisle seats. If no swap I'll pay outright for them.
  6. If this turns out to be true here would eb how the Bills open up the season: HOME vs. Texans @ Buccaneers HOME vs. Falcons Home vs. Saints Home vs. Dolphins Home vs. Jets 5 of our first 6 games would all be home games. Certainly not fair to the rest of the NFL, but as a Bills fan it'd be a nice way to get off to a good start.
  7. Nick Novak
  8. With all the question marks surrounding our o-line I can't believe we cut Ross Tucker. He had solid playing experience last year and looked to eb a decent guard/center. Maybe his offseason injury was a little more serious than we all thought. Now I'm really concerned about the o-line our team currently is going into the season with.
  9. I'm glad this is being discussed here because I just saw that clip on t.v. and it really got me going. Kanye West has no business talking race and bad mouthing the president on national tv. He was put on tv to try and generate a positive event and instead selfishly went off about what he "thinks" is going on. I'm pretty sure that Kanye West ahs never met the president, so he's completely off base saying that Bush doesn't like black people. Basically it just pisses me off that he goes on national t.v. running his mouth about a bunch of stuff that just really isn't true. Do what you can do to help Kanye, but what you did tonight wasn't help at all. In fact, it was just the opposite.
  10. I know of 2 people very well, one a successful practicing lawyer in the field, ready to retire, the other a best friend who graduated form law school last yr, worked in the field for a yr and decided it wasn't for him. The practicing lawyer heavily advised both myself and his son to not go to law school. My other bddy realized it wasn't for him, the hrs were crazy, and decided to become a teacher startying this fall. Like anything else, if you're heart is not in it, and you're gut already knows, then why stick with it. Law school is like the bootcamp for lawyers. Why go through bootcamp for the military if you sudden;y realize that you don't like to handle weapons. Lots of time, money, and dedication lays ahead if you continue. Do yourself a favor and follow your gut.
  11. Anyone know what happened to Mike Willaims, we can't lose him.
  12. I'm down in South Jersey and the Eagles Ravens game is being shown. Kyle Boller looks absolutely horrible. He threw 2 picks, both of which were terrible passes. He has absolutely no pocket presence. On one of his sacks he saw the safety coming right at him and didn't even try to side step or anything, he just took the hit head on and then proceede to fumble the ball. Needless to say the Eagles recovered it. If you blitz this guy he just freezes and can't do anything. The way he throws the ball is just really ugly looking. It almost looks like he's pushing the ball and trying to aim it too much. I don't see how this team doesn any better than 9-7 this year, Boller is atrocious. Just my prediction, but i say by this time next year he won't even be on the Ravens roster.
  13. Another point to make is that priority mail is no more secure than regular mail. I used to always send my important mail priority thinking it was more secure and faster delivery, but it really isn't. After talking with several postal workers they said the only difference is the way in which their processed before being sent. Other than that they have the same chance of being lost in the mail or stolen. It rarely happens in either case, but when you pay $3.85 you're really just wasting money. Also, if your regualr mail gets misplaced it is supposed to be shipped back to your retuirn address, just like they would with priority mail. Is there really any difference at all, besides the little package you put it in? Not really.
  14. If you paid $5 for shipping and he shipped it for $0.37, then I think that is deserving of negative feedback. The least he could do was put it in a priority mail envelope for less than $4, and everyone would be happy. In response to that: Many people charge extra on the shipping to cover other fees, such as paypal fees, insertion fees, e-bay fees, shipping, and the time it took them. The shipping charge isn't always just for shipping. Everyone is looking to make money on e-bay so I have no problem if someone does that. The shipping prices are clearly listed before you bid on the item, so if you win the item you shouldn't have any problem with the charge.
  15. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  16. I ordered the tickets in that big group order we did through Eric in VA to the Saints game. I still haven't heard anyhting regarding the tickets and still haven't gotten them. Anyone know what's up? Thanks
  17. No I don't think the weather is much better (although I think it's probably a lot windier here, which has the most effect of all). Also don't the Jets always seem to play worse late in the season, could it be that Pennington plays worse late in the year?
  18. When I said, "all things considered" i meant including their futures not just this one year. I agree with the poster who talked about Buffalo's weather. Pennington's arm, a clear weakness, wouldn't stand a chance in Buffalo. If you notice the Jets always seem to stumble down the stretch, I wonder if any of that could be attributed to Chad playing poorly in inclimate weather. On the other hand Losman is known for his "strong" arm, and although he doesn't have nearly the experience I would still choose him over Pennington right now.
  19. With all this talk about Losman being a first year QB (which some think means a step back) and the talk about the Jets being decent this year I started thinking: If you had your choice right now, all things considered, who would you rather have the Bills head into the 2005 season with, Losman or Pennington? Me personally I'd take Losman. He has a ton of potential in front of him, and I know potential doesn't mean anything, but I have faith in him. I believe Pennington, on the other hand, hasn't lived up to his potential. I think the guys arm strength is a clear weakness, and I don't see much upside with him. Go BILLS!!!
  20. Jeff Burris seems to be stumbling a lot, hopefully he gets better cause its hard to follow his points.
  21. Does anyone know any websites that will be broadcasting the game over the internet tonight. I remember last year I was able to listen via the interent from some Canadian radio station that was broadcasting the game. If anyone has any details I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
  22. Does anyone know any websites that will be broadcasting the game over the internet tonight. I remember last year I was able to listen via the interent from some Canadian radio station that was broadcasting the game. If anyone has any details I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
  23. The actual joke goes.... if the queen had balls she'd be king
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