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Everything posted by Estro

  1. Here are my 6 FWIW: Everette Brown Brian Orakpo Robert Ayers Ray Maualuga Michael Oher Andre Smith Personally, I don't see the Bills taking Pettigrew at 11, too high for a TE who isn't even a difference maker in the passing game. The guy had 0 TD receptions last year. Only way I want the Bills taking him is in a trade down.
  2. So coaches now hold press conferences prior to the trade, just to make sure all the fans fully understand the trade........nice.
  3. Now that we know Whitner checks in on the forum I have a quick comment: The criticism from the fans about your play is amplified due the fact hat you were a top 10 pick. We are not questioning your desire or love for football, or even the hard work you put into your profession, but some fans here are simply pointing out the facts. To this point in you career you have not lived up to the expectations of many fans, plain and simple. You are correct that not everyone on this board knows a lot about the X's and O's of football, but many fans do and many of them watch you in person on Sundays, myself included. This is part of what comes with athletes in your profession, you make a good living, but you are open to criticism. Don't worry about what we say, just go out and back up your swagger ON THE FIELD.
  4. Connor Barwin is a mid round prospect. No way i want the Bills to spend a high 2nd round draft choice on that guy.
  5. I'd even be excited if they got a D-lineman of his caliber with a late 1st and 3rd rounder (that would be as much as I would want to give up for him though). I mean the guy was a sure fire top 10 talent just 1 year ago. But you're right with all the holes the Bills have I wouldn't want to see them mortgage their future for a player who still has not established himself. Plus to be honest, I don't even know if Glenn Dorsey fits into our defensive scheme.
  6. I actually think a 1st round pick in the range of (15-17) isn't quite enough for Jason Peters. Teams will be drafting at least 2, but more than likely 3 or 4 offensive tackles in the top 15 picks of this years draft (Jason Smith, Eugene Monroe, Andre Smith and Michael Oher). I think most of those teams would be more than happy to have a player with the ability of a "motivated and in shape" Jason Peters. At the very least I'd like to see the Bills come away with Philly's #21 1st round pick as well as the second round pick. The Eagles should have to pay a premium for getting a LT that they know will not fall flat on his face (see Mike Williams). I wouldn't say I'd be pissed if they got #28 and a 2nd rounder, but IMO he is worth more than that.
  7. My guess would be that if KC does indeed feel that he does not fit into what they are looking to do, he could be had for a 1st (no lower than 16ish) and a 3rd rounder. KC would obviously lose some value because other teams would know that he doesn't fit KC's defense at all. However, if a couple teams started bidding with one another they could get a lot more. You have to figure any team that seriously considered taking him in the top 10 last year would be more than happy to give up at least a 1st and 3rd this year. Best case: Mid round 1st (12-18) and a 2010 1st round pick. To a team that absolutely wants him and is bidding against another team. Worst case: Mid round 1st (no later than 16) and a 3rd round pick. I don't think your two 2nd rounders is too far off the mark, given a worst case scenario for the Chiefs. And obviously I'm not trying to look like an NFL GM, just fun speculation, that's all.
  8. Getting back to the Philly going after Monroe discussion............ If that is the case they would have to part with both of their 1st round picks plus more to get into the 3-8 range (to get Monroe). Perhaps the fall back plan would be to just give up both 1st round picks for Jason Peters. I agree I'd rather have an effective, motivated, dominating (see the '07-'08 season) Jason Peters than two 1st round picks, but I don't know if that is possible anymore. Last year his play dropped off dramatically and I'm getting entirely sick of his crap like that majority of the rest of you. If somehow the Bills were able to finagle those 2 picks from the Eagles I would pull off the deal. Peters has gone about his situation entirely the wrong way. If he had just shown up to work, played his butt off and shown his commitment to the team, he would've been paid like he wants to. Instead he showed his true colors and I'd be extremely worried about Peters motivation once he gets his huge new contract. If his plan is to do the same exact thing he did last off-season the Bills have to get some value for him in the draft this year. As much as I'd like to see the Bills tell Peters they have him for the next 2-3 years and stick it to him they need to do what's best for the team........And having a malcontent, unmotivated, out-of-shape LT for weeks 12-17 WILL not help this team. My final point is this - players trade value only last so long. Look at the reports that the Redskins were willing to give up two 1st round picks for Chad Johnson last year. This year the Bengals would more than likely be satisfied with a 2nd and 3rd rounder for Johnson (and that's an optimistic view). What I'm getting at is if we carry Peters for another year and he pulls the same crap and his play slips further his trade value will slip even further. He would also be another year closer to Free agency, which also seems to work against players in terms of trade value. If Tim Graham's reports are accurate, that the Bills could snatch a 1st and 3rd rounder for him, you have to strongly consider that option (although I would love to get both of those 1st rounders, or the compromise being a 1st and 2nd rounder.)
  9. If Whitner played half as good as he talked himself up the Bills would be a lot better, IMHO. Stats do not lie, the guy has been nothing more than average, and I think that has been disappointing to most fans. And if you actually still would rather have Donte Whitner over Haloti Ngata you're nuts. I do agree with you on one point, he may not be an ideal fit for our defense, but I still think he'd have a huge impact on our D. He's just the type of player you need to stuff the run, especially when the weather gets nasty in B-Lo and teams can't pass effectively. Which is why I disagree with the entire philospohy of our defense schematically, but that's another argument all together.
  10. I'd be surprised if he lasted that long, just as well because I don't want the Bills drafting him.
  11. I couldn't agree more. We let other teams dictate our style of play rather than assert our presence on them. You need not look any further at the mentality of our coaches than Turk Schonerts' new video on BuffalBills.com. Everytime he's asked about the offense he's always quick to point out they'll know more about themselves once they see how defenses play them. I don't expect him to come out with the X's and O's of how our offense is going to attack this year, but his answer shows how reactive our coaches are. We always play into the hands of what the other teams are dictating. Last season I rarely felt the Bills were dictating the syle and pace of play (the only exception being the Seahawks game). Turk almost goes as far as saying they had no clue how to get Lee Evans the ball once divisional games got underway. I mean I don't want to sound too negative, but I 100% agree with you. Juaron and his staff just exude a losing mentality and I think it has trickled down throughout the organization.
  12. Sounds fair. Glad I'm not the only one who sees his ineptitude more often than not. Just a quick response in regard to Bufalo having trouble recruiting: There is some truth that it's not a sought after location for HS recruits, but look at what Siena has been able to do in Albany, NY. It goes to show if you get the right head coach who can evaluate talent and then fit that talent into the offense things only get better. Once you start making the tournament it helps recruiting tremendously as well. Had reggie not blown a 20 point 2nd half lead in the 2005 season, or had his team showed up and played this past week the teams exposure would have increased greatly. Tournament appearances make recruiting a whole lot more effective (and I'm not talking about the CBI tournament). Okay that's it for the UB talk, now on to the actual topic............
  13. Promo this has nothing to do with the topic, but since I noticed you're an advocate of the UB program and I'm an alum, I have a question for you: Do you think the UB mens b-ball team needs to can Reggie Witherspoon? I know everybody is in love with him, but I think they need a change. Don't get me wrong he did a great job turning the program around. However, there offense is miserable and I put much of the blame on Witherspoon. Never recruits the big guys and the offense is way too guard oriented. The motion offense they run actually has the center consistently taking the ball at the top of the key, I don't think I've ever seen that elsewhere. I just think it's time for a guy who knows the X and O's of basketball more so than Reggie. Anyways just a quick rant......wanted to see if you see any of the same problems I do.
  14. Agreed, last years mock was amazing. He has to have connections with pro personnel to do that well and that's the type of site I like. Pro Football Weekly is most credible come this time of year
  15. I'm starting to like Tyson Jackson, DE from LSU. He's been getting a lot of mention as a 3-4 DE, but I think he'd work well for the Bills as either a DE or a DT. Would make for a big physical DE (stout against the run), or a quick, penetrating DT. He may not fit the mold of players the Bills have previously sought in the front 7, but our D needs more bulk up front, IMO. Jackson is 6' - 4 1/2" tall and weighs 295 lbs. Attached is his LSU highlight reel (not a whole lot of film, but just to give you an idea): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5MeTrQ124Q Anyone who is more familiar with him please chime in. I'd like to see what the general consensus on him is and where you see him going in the draft. I personally see him going in the 14-20 range.
  16. Crowell is very average IMO. Better than Ellison, yes, but a difference maker no. I wouldn't be upset if he resigned with us, because like many have pointed out he'd be an upgrade over Ellison. That being said, the lasting memory I have of Crowell was him playing terribly vs. the Jaguars in the 07 season. I remember watching the film on NFL.com of Fred Taylor's long TD run in which Crowell took a terrible angle and was pretty much responsible for the big play. That was always the problem I had with him, he's just a little too stiff for a LB and often looked lost when he was one on one out in space. There must also be some serious question over his injuries, if he still has not received one offer.
  17. I don't know where I read or heard it (perhaps it was Mike Mayock), but it was about how Brian Cushing only played on 1st and 2nd downs for the Trojans. Can anyone confirm this? If that is true, I would be somewhat skeptical of drafting a LB who wasn't an every down player in college (even if it was at USC). I don't know exactly what it is about him, but when you watch his highlight reel on youtube he looks a little slow. Always seems to be cleaning up tackles late after another defender has already stood the player up. Ray Maualuga impresses more so than Cushing IMO.
  18. According to PFT it said Mike Peterson actually signed a 2 year deal with Atlanta.
  19. So what did Jim Kelly say about his house, for those of us who didn't hear? Owens came in with a higher offer....?
  20. James Hardy is set to have a nice payday when TO asks for his #81. Easiest $75,000 Hardy will ever make! In all seriousness does anyone know how much these star players actually pay to keep their numbers when they switch teams?
  21. I don't understand how you can say that the Vikings overpaid for Antoine Winfield. He's played great the past few seasons and if anything the conclusion I would come to is he has outplayed his contract. Also, yes the 49ers overpaid for Nate Clements, but did the Bills ever offer Nate a contract prior to his final season? Part of retaining your best players is recognizing their ability early on and perhaps re-upping their contract with a couple years left. The same argument can be made with Greer. The guy has done nothing but prove everybody wrong his entire NFL career. Had the Bills recognized his ability a season or two ago they probably would have been able to resign him to a much more reasonable contract. It seems the bills philosophy is not to pay anybody until they see them perform well for a few seasons. The main problem being by that time the player is nearly a FA and other teams are willing to pay him what he's worth. The Bills come in last minute, offer a contract less than what the player thinks they're worth, and the player ends up bolting.
  22. 7 years $100 million can max out at $115 million.......$41 mill guarenteed,,,,,$32 mill in the first 13 months http://www.profootballtalk.com/category/rumor-mill/
  23. Does anyone actually know how much the Bills plan to spend (or at least could spend) this year in FA according to their cash to cap policy? I've been on vacation for the better part of this month so I apologize if this has already been discussed. What would make me happiest would be to resign Freddy Jackson to a reaosnable deal for him and for the Bills.
  24. I'm not quite sure and I know I'm not going out on a limb by saying this, but I don't see Losman even being in the league after the 2009 season.
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