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Everything posted by Estro

  1. Agreed (to a point.) Schobel had a decent run in the prime of his career, I won't take that away from him. At this point he's a shell of his former self, I said the same thing in a post last week. Many people disagreed and still thought Schobel was a VERY GOOD DE, I happen to disagree. He's been fairly average this year IMO, decent pass rusher a liability in the run game.....and starting to look pretty slow. Schobel is payed big money, and I think with a solid front office the money could be sprent more wisely. Losing Schobel is NOT a huge loss, especially if the Bills go about it the right way and truly blow this thing up.
  2. The Bears were in the Super Bowl 3 years ago. Let the Bears fans experience no playoffs for a full decade w/ no end in sight, before you start comparing them to what we've experienced.
  3. While this year has probably been one of T.O.'s most frustrating it has also been one of his easiest. For a guy like T.O. who's a true competitor it wasn't enough because he actually wants to win. The problem is after 3.5 years with Dick Juaron it seems to me a large number of guys on our team don't really care about W/L. It's all about gong to work and collecting the paycheck. A really disinterested team with little direction and even less confidence. T.O. doesn't fit in because the guy doesn't accept losing. Of all the years he cold have decided to behave, I really wish this wasn't one of them. I would've loved to see him call some of the people in this organization out. He's not an all pro anymore, but IMO T.O. is still more than capable of 1200 yards and 10 TD's on a decent team. He will get close to 900 yards with the Bills, and considering it was Fitz and Edwards throwin' him the ball that ain't bad. Outside of Byrd, Freddy J., and T.O. I had very little to get excited about this season.
  4. So is Pat Williams! A solid DT can last many many years. Unfortunately, Marcus Stroud is not Pat Williams, which could lead us into another conversation of the Bills total ineptitide, but I don't feel like going there. Can anyone think of one reason why John Guy deserves to keep his job. I'll give him Bryan Scott, and maybe Florence too, but the guy has swung and missed on wayyyyyy too many players: Derrick Dockery, Tutan Reyes, Langston Walker, Kawika Mitchell, Larry Triplett, Robert Royal. Yikes. We need someone who can not only evaluate college talent. but also professional talent.
  5. Can't say I disagree. Schobel's another guy who's production level is no where near what he's being paid likewise with Kelsay. I wasn't even going to bring them up because I was focusing on Stroud only, but I agree, outside of Kyle Williams the defensive line is truly abysmal. Our LB's aren't very good either, but I think they look even worse playing behind one of the worst D-lines in the league. The 2002-2007 Schobel is long gone and I would have no problem parting ways with the guy this offseason. If this team is serious about a rebuild they should leave no stone unturned, and the defensive line would be a great place to start. As a fan I can accept going 4-12 or 5-11 if you're truly going in another direction and starting with a clean state to rebuild a respectable team. But to watch a team like the Bills who simply scratch and claw toward mediocrity ever year has become extremely frustrating. Enough to turn a die hard fan who would never dream of missing a Bills game into one who just doesn't seem to give a shi*t.
  6. I know it's been mentioned before, but it's starting to become an apparent problem, IMO. Whether it's because he just isn't that good, or doesn't feel like bustin' his butt for a bad team the guy has been a huge disappointment. I remember Stroud's first game with the Bills vs. the Seahawks last year, stuffing the run, slashing in and pressuring the QB. He looked like an all pro, but as time has rolled on I'm starting to think Jax got the better of us in this trade. Can anyone remember a big play that Stroud has made for us this season? He generates no pass rush, many times he is getting blown off the ball and pushed 2-3-4 yards back off the line of scrimmage. To make matters worse he's not stuffing the run, and he's not getting double teamed. When I key in on him teams rarely (almost never) double Stroud and yet he's still rendered ineffective. This offseason he needs to look at himself in the mirror and put in some more effort. It almost looks like he doesn't really care out there and is trying to simply stay healthy. When you're being paid millions and millions you have to bring it every week regardless of how bad your team is. I'm hoping its his non chalant, I don't want to get hurt attitude because if he's actually giving it 110% out there he's pretty bad. Does anyone see this any differently?
  7. It's on Perry 100%. He can tell Fitz to use his timeouts wisely, but if he sees the guy not using them when he clearly needs to be the coach has the right to use them from the sideline.
  8. Is it okay to harp on a coaching staff that doesn't understand how to utilize their timeouts?
  9. These players and coaches are not even held accountable for their crap play. They make millions, play like crap week in and week out and the train just keeps on rolling. Every once in a while Ralph flips on the t.v. and sees what a train wreck his organization has become and makes a move (firing Juaron), but nothing really ever changes. Nothing will change until Ralph is no longer the head man of this organization. He has utterly no clue how to run an NFL team anymore, his time has passed, plain and simple.
  10. "It's tough to throw a football in this league"
  11. Ok so here is NFL.com's play by play for the last 1:47 in the 1st half of today's contest. Timeout #1 by NE at 01:43. 1-1-BUF 1 (1:43) 12-T.Brady up the middle to BUF 1 for no gain (95-K.Williams, 99-M.Stroud). 2-1-BUF 1 (1:05) 39-L.Maroney left guard to BUF 1 for no gain (97-J.McCargo, 52-C.Draft). 3-1-BUF 1 (:28) 39-L.Maroney right guard for 1 yard, TOUCHDOWN. 3-S.Gostkowski extra point is GOOD, Center-47-J.Ingram, Holder-6-C.Hanson. NE 14 BUF 3 Plays: 8 Possession: 3:06 Buffalo Bills at 00:24 3-S.Gostkowski kicks 66 yards from NE 30 to BUF 4. 22-F.Jackson pushed ob at BUF 45 for 41 yards (3-S.Gostkowski). 1-10-BUF 45 (:13) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass short left to 82-J.Reed pushed ob at NE 48 for 7 yards (24-J.Wilhite). Curl pattern, caught along sideline at NE 48. Timeout #2 by NE at 00:07. 2-3-NE 48 (:07) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass short middle to 82-J.Reed to NE 38 for 10 yards (51-J.Mayo). Caught at NE 40, slanting from right. Timeout #2 by BUF at 00:03. 1-10-NE 38 (:03) 9-R.Lindell 56 yard field goal is No Good, Wide Left, Center-65-G.Sanborn, Holder-8-B.Moorman. Does anyone see what is wrong with this picture before I elaborate? If the Bills (who had 2 timeouts at the time) take a timeout after Brady's rush with 1:43 they have roughly 1:35 seconds left. They then need to take their second timeout after Maroney's 2nd down rush, leaving them 1:30. On the very next play Maroney scores, so WE SHOULD HAVE had roughly 1:25 left on the clock. We all know what actually happened. The Bills don't use any of their timeouts, get a great return by Freddy, and try a 56 yard field goal as time expires. Granted the Bills offense probably would have squandered the opportunity, but the coaches at least have to give them a chance by understanding clock management. The clock management on this team has been and continues to befuddle anyone with half a brain. Yet another example of how a team successfully avoids the playoffs for an entire decade. Congratulations on 10 years of ineptitude Ralph. I don't know if it's even worth financially supporting a team that clearly does not take winning importantly. Did anyone else see Josh Reed smiling and laughing on the sidelines 5 minutes after his 4th down drop. Losing is not only acceptable it's expected under this management, and it all starts at the top.
  12. when he went into half time with a time out in his pocket after letting the patriots run the clock down on the 1 yard line, that made my mind up. In the end it lead us toa 56 yrd FG attempt with no time left.
  13. at least a foot here in atlantic county nj. Snowed in myself i moved my lowers for 29$ on stubhub
  14. Leave a simple voice mail on his phone, or anyone that speaks directly to him explaining that perhaps he forgot about or misunderstood the fact that she has not been fully compensated for her back pay that she is owed by him for accrued overtime. i would list as many details as possible. "I hope this can be cleared up in a timely manner considering it is a small amount and easy fix, however, if required I will pursue being compensated through small claims court. thank you"
  15. Any scenario where we end up with Rolando McLain and I'd be real happy. LB'ers are arguably our worst unit and McLain is a beast. Fast, Strong, NFL body, played against the best competition and excelled. I know our o-line stinks too, but the Bills talent evaluation regarding the offensive line has been questionable to say the least, so taking a top 10 tackle would make me nervous. If we were to clean house perhaps my perception would change, but we haven't cleaned house yet so I remain against drafting o-line high in the 1st round. We need to get tougher and stronger and McLain would be a big help to us. A true MLB, and would also allow Poz to shift outside where he would be a better fit. I'm not a fan of Poz as a MLB at all. He's much too slow to cover all the ground required so if drafting McLain improves Poz via a positional change.........all the better. I'm wondering how the draft gurus will grade out McLain. Does anyone know where they're pegging him to currently go in the 1st round? When it's all said and done I think he goes very high and I'd love to have a shot at him. BTW is he related to LaRon of the Ravens, I believe LaRon also attended Alabama?
  16. I start putting stock into Mock Drafts once Nolan Nawrocki of ProFootballWeekly gets started. The first few are a bit of guessing, but as the draft approaches the guy is absolutely unbelievable with his picks. In fact last year I believe his final mock had 15/32 players going to the precise team he predicted. That's pretty unbelievable if you think about it, and much much better than anyone else in the business. Don't forget this guy has accurately predicted the Bills 1st round pick the previous 4 seasons (Maybin, McKelvin, Lynch, and yes even good ole Donte Whitner). For anyone who hasn't seen it before make sure you take a look at his final mock draft, usually put up on the website the morning of the draft. With the 1st round this year being on a Thursday? (I believe) it'll probably be posted that morning or afternoon. He also does a draft value chart where he slots players based on their value (1a-indicating top 10, 1b-indicating middle 10, 1-c-bottom 10 and so on). These charts are just as impressive as he is very precise and accurate. Take a look at his final mock draft and final draft value chart leading up to the 2009 draft and see for yourself!: Article on his unprecedented 2009 Mock draft!
  17. I thought Peter was the guy who gave up the sack on the forward fumble by McNabb that no one picked up. I know the sack came off the right side. I could be wrong, but I think it was versus Peters. Remember a strip and fumble in the backfield counts as a sack.
  18. Who won the Browns @ Bills game this year? You think we could beat the Steelers right now like the Browns did on Thursday night? Off of records alone you're right we're around the 7-9 league rank range. Based on what I see on the field on Sundays' I'll stand by my word, the Bills are a bottom 5 team in this league. Let me also add they don't have much to build on for the future (outside of their secondary and RB's they are bad everywhere else). Also, tack on their failing front office, poor coaching, and no real head coach and you can see why I'm not too optimistic.
  19. After reading your posts week in and week out I would think the Bills are on the verge of greatness. Not that having some optimism in your team is wrong, in fact it's great, but I'm wondering when some realism will set in. We just squeaked past a team that is in my opinion the worst in the league. The Bills are a bottom 5 team in this league. They too are an utter mess. Their ineptitude will be on full display @ home vs. the Patriots next week. For anyone who needs some extra cash for the holiday season you can bet the Pats -6.5 (-120) right now. If it's not super windy that day and Brady can throw it, -6.5 is the lock of the season. If it's super windy the money line will be the play.
  20. The Bills offense, if the weather is pretty cold and windy, would be lucky to score 20 points. Our defense holding the Colts under 20 seems like an impossibility, but weirder things have happened.
  21. It's a possibility and something that crossed my mind today as well. 2 things: If the Saints are also 15-0 heading into Week 17, I think Saints @ Panthers is a serious consideration to get flexed. The Saints are the media-hype team this year, and Brees would probably draw a larger viewing audience. I also can't envision the Colts sitting their starters for the entire game vs. the Bills. I know Polian has made mention that he doesn't take any stock in finishing the season "strong", but how can you not want to be in the company of a couple of undefeated teams?
  22. Awesome play. Bad teams make bad players. Good teams make good players. See the 2000-2009 Patriots vs. the 2000-2009 Bills.
  23. That's smart. So seats that are normally prime seats in any other venue are useless at the Rogers Centre. Yet another reason the venue sucks. I still can't get over how crappy that venue was. I could still see the smoke (created by a few pyrotechnics pre game) during the 4th quarter. The whole place was so dark & dreary.
  24. Ralph Wilson: "Committment to mediocrity" The past is the best indicator of the future folks. Ralph will get fans excited (Shanahan talk) maybe signing a big name FA with all the cap money we have because he only cares about filling the seats. Winning is no longer the priority in Buffalo and the blame should 100% be put on Ralph Wilson. Look at all of his football decisions this past decadeand it's no wonder we've been as bad as we have for as long as we have. What makes me most frustrated are the rumors of Ralph having final say on draft day decisions. The rumblings that he's been the one to have final say on particular players that were drafted is very frightening. Ralph's knowledge of the X's and O's of modern day football is non-existent. The evidence: the success of his teams since Polian leaves. This team is a mess and will continue to be a mess until Ralph isn't the one making the decisions, Thurman said it himself, and he's 100% right.
  25. After attending the game Thursday night I will say this: The worst sports venue I've ever attended. Dark, dreary, uncomfortable seats, bad sight lines, bad acoustics. Tons of wasted space in the lower corners. They have the first ten rowns or so of the lower sidelines tarped off, which makes absokutely no sense. The atmosphere at the game was embarrasing. Some fans know what's going on, but most have no clue. At times I almost felt embarrased getgting loud and into the game, because most the people around me weren't even paying attention. The best was that many fans headed for the exits, just as the Jets were punting the ball to the Bills with 2+ minutes left in the 4th quarter. Either they were phsycic and knew Fitz would throw the pick to Revis, or didn't care enough to see a potentially game winning touchdown in the 4th. Overall though, this was the worst football game I've ever watched.
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