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Everything posted by Estro

  1. Let me just throw this out there as well: Asked who is favorite guys were in this draft, Lande responded without hesitation: Suh, Bradford, Derrick Morgan and Demaryius Thomas. He's been raving about Demaryius Thomas (Georgia Tech - WR) for a while now. Once again I just don't see it. I see more of a body catcher when it comes to Thomas, but I just wnated to throw that nugget out there. I do love Derrick Morgan, and I'm back to thinking there's no way we have a shot at him at #9.
  2. Precisely and that's basically what Russ Lande has told me in the personal scouting chats we have with him on a weekly basis. Said he really developed his final year and thinks the guy has a shot to become a solid starter. Do I see it? Not Really. But you have to respect scouts who stick to their beliefs. BTW another one of his sleeper QB's that he mentioned today was none other than Levi Brown (Troy). Didn't really elaborate on what he liked about him, so I'll have to ask him next week. Levi Brown is a guy that seems to be on the Bills radar (perhaps our 4th round pick?)
  3. Derrick Morgan is the #1 DE in this draft. The fact that he can play DE in the 4-3, OLB in the 3-4, or even DE in a faster 3-4 scheme like the Ravens or Bills makes him rather versatile. Personally, I think it's a little risky to take a guy at #9 and swith him to a position he's not very familar with (OLB), so for the Bills to take him I think they need to be sold on the fact that he can be a DE in their 3-4. At 6'3" - 266lbs., he's a bit undersized for DE, but if you watch his film he plays with great leverage and consistently sets the edge against the run. The biggest problem is 266lbs. is simply to small for the 3-4, you really need at least 280-285 so I'm not sure. For the record I'm a big fan of Derrick Morgan. Word has it Cleveland will give Morgan a lot of consideration when they're on the clock (7th overall). A couple of weeks ago I didn't think he'd be there at 9 and now I'm starting to think there's a shot. The highest Morgan could possibly go would be 5 (Chiefs) and he will go no lower than #13 (San Fran). http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...0990&spln=1
  4. I like the Fordham QB moreso than Levi Brown. Brown looks like a lat round prospect. Some have him higher, but so far I don't see it.
  5. Please no Jason Pierre Paul.........Aaron Maybin 2.0, Buddy said he wants guys who have proven it at all levels, so let's hope he stays true to his word and passes on Pierre Paul.
  6. Small hands, short QB (JP size I believe). Arm strength is adequate, but I wouldn't say it's strong by NFL standards (Mallett and Locker both have much stronger arms). What bothers me the most about Clausen is how he reacts to pressure. He's one of those QB's who as soon as he feels some pressure immediately sprints out of the pocket, usually to his right thus eliminating one side of the football field. This type of scramble and make a play downfield works in college, but will not work in the NFL. I think it's very important to assess a QB on his ability to hang in the pocket and have pocket presence. A lot of key conversions come when a QB is able to buy an extra second by hanging in there, stepping up and giving the receiver just enough time to get open. When I watch Clausen I see a guy who panicks as soon as he feels threatened and that won't fly in the NFL.
  7. If we're talking about solid starters, 2 would be great IMO. If you can get 3 quality players in each years draft that's very good. If you can get a 4th quality starter, that's just gravy.
  8. I think Clausen is going to slide and lose some serious coin. I don't think he's a Buddy Nix guy and if the Bills don't take himn he could slide well into the teens if not 20's. Clausen is a glorified late 1st, early 2nd round talent, so I don't think his slide should come as much of a surprise.
  9. I'd say there's a 80% chance Trenmt Williams is off ther board when the Bills are on the clock. Trading down for Trent Williams is a pipe dream.
  10. More picks and more ammo for the Eagles to trade up with the Bills to get their choice of DB's if Berry and Haden are both on the board at #9. I believe the Eagles already picked up an extra 4th and 5th trading away Gocong and Sheldon Brown, and you have to assume after this trade they picked up at least another high 2nd rounder. Lot of picks the Eagles have.
  11. Nope. Nawrocki also had Aaron Maybin rated in the 1B category last year and I didn't agree with that.
  12. I think getting Donald Butler (Washington) the best ILB prospect in this draft in the 3rd round would be a steal, so I guess I'm one of those that has him rated higher than you. Butler does not come at a position of dire need for the Bills, so I don't see him ending up in a Bills uniform, but he'll be an immediate starter in the NFL either at weakside in a 4-3 or inside in a 3-4. He actually reminds me of Curtis Lofton, and Lofton's game has really taken off in Atlanta the past 2 seasons. Seeing that DeMeco Ryans and Curtis Lofton were both early round 2 selections I can't see Butler escaping Round 2, which is why I'd love to have a shot at him in the 3rd. Picking up a solid starter in the 3rd round is ideal.
  13. Outside of Bradford this years QB's suck. I don't even like Clausen. What I'd love to see happen is for the Bills to build up with the best players available in the 1st and 2nd rounds, no QB's though, because like I said no one outside of Bradford is worth #9 and no one but Clausen is worth #41 and they should both be gone by then. Next year is the year for QB's with Locker and Mallett. Mallet's rocket arm would be a thing of beauty in Buffalo, and if the Bills are picking in the top 10 again next year (possible) they would have a shot at him. As much as I want the Bills to compete immediately, I truly like the idea of building this team through a couple of solid drafts and Free agency periods. You can give up picks for say....... McNab,b and you're probably better off for next season, but I like a long term approach. I'd rather add a few solid starters in this years draft and get our QB next year. I truly think Mallet is a big time prospect and that the Bills need to consider anything to acquire him. Even if it's not Mallet though, I like the idea of Gailey being able to groom a young talented prospect. Find yourself a young talented QB and you're competing every single year. I don't happen to think that QB exists in this years draft (outside of Bradford). Guys I happen to like at #9 are: Derrick Morgan, C.J. Spiller, Trent Williams, Brandon Graham, Brian Bulaga
  14. I know everyone here doesn't visit ProFootballWeekly.com, so I wanted to pass on that Nolan Nawrocki has posted his first draft value chart as well as his top 100 prospects for the upcoming draft http://www.profootballweekly.com/2010/04/0...aft-value-chart http://www.profootballweekly.com/2010/04/0...ess-of-position For those not familar with Nawrcoki, I'll just say the guy knows his sh*t. ProFootballWeekly.com has a lot of great draft coverage, keep an eye out for Nawrocki's final mock draft the morning of the draft, guy's money.
  15. I like Linval Joseph as well, better suited to come in and contribute immediately as a NT than Cody. If he's there in the 3rd round it'd be a great pick, I think he goes somewhere in the 2nd though.
  16. Cody is a 4-5th round prospect that a team will probably overdraft. He's out of shape, slow as hell, and although massive is not very strong. When he gets quality NFL guards and centers who understand leverage they will take care of Cody easily (Mankins, Mangold, etc.). Sure he was a mamoth in college and occupied blockers, but he needs to lose some serious weight and add a lot of strength to compete in the NFL. If Cody was not able to stay properly conditioned heading into his first and only draft where millions of $ are on the line, what makes you think he'll be motivated once he gets some $. I'm not nearly as high on Cody as most here, I think guys like Jeff Owens (Georgia) are far superior prospects. Cody in the 4th, I'd be fine with, in the 2nd hell no, he's just not a top 50 prospect.
  17. The problem is we're giving up a lot of ground in the 1st and 2nd round for players whom their own teams are willing to deal. Gaither, is a player who I know showed some promise early on and has been decent. I understand they like Oher, but if they really liked Gaither I don't think they'd let him leave for a 2nd rounder. Shawne Merriman at this point in his career isn't worth a swap of nearly 20 spots in the 1st round. He hasn't been close to the same since his injury and roids.
  18. I personally like Berry, but amongst NFL Scouts and NFL teams there seems to be some split decisions on him. They've pointed to his somewhat poor tackling as a weakpoint. If he was the consensus #1, can't miss safety I could see him as a lock for top 8, but at this point I don't see it. I think it's likely Eric Berry will be on the board when we pick.
  19. I have to at least give Chan credit for his no non sense direct attitude. Talking big doesn't always translate into wins, but the guy presents himself well and like a leader. I think he'll be able to inspire the team much more than Dicky J was able to.
  20. I put B. Graham right there with Spiller and Williams. And Rolando McClain is a distant distant second. Brandon Graham is hands down a much better prospect than Rolando McClain. Spiller is a game changer, and game changing RB's warrant top 10 consideration. I think Trent Williams is the best tackle prospect in this draft. I like him better than Okung. His pass protection is slightly worse than Okung, but his run blocking is so much better, and I think the run blocking aspect is especially important for Gailey's offense. He has some weight and character questions, but based on play alone he's got the edge on Okung. I see Williams off the board at about #6, so I don't think the Bills will have a shot at him. McClain a slower overhyped ILB in the Top 10!!!???? Pass, we can find one of those guys in rounds 2-4. I've raved about Donald Butler before (who I believe is a better prospect than McClain) and he should be there for the Bills pick in round 2 maybe 3. Let me ask you guys this question.............if Graham and Morgan are both there at #9 who would you rather have? That'd be a real tough one, because I like them both.
  21. I've heard from scouts that Nebraska has a very good strength program and that most the time it's unrealisitc to expect Nebraska players to add to their frame once in the NFL. You could be right about Suh, but just wanted to throw that out there.
  22. I liked Tate a lot after watching him playh in college. I'm a little weary about how his game translates in the NFL, where CB's and S's are bigger, stronger and faster. I think his success will really depend on what team selects him. If it's a solid team toward the back end of round #1, I obviuosly think he stands a much better chance. For some reason he kind of reminds me of Josh Reed.
  23. Derrick Morgan seems to be the consensus #1 DE in this draft, and most think he's a definite top 10 pick. I think there's a 50/50 chance he'll be gone by our #9 pick, so if you like him we probably would need to stand pat or trade up, not back. As far as Iupati is concerned I originally viewed him as a #20 pick, but with his versatility and some teams thinking he could play T, I could see him going higher. If a team is sold on Iupati they probably shouldn't trade down much further than pick 15 or so.
  24. 3 years $17 million??? So McNabb decided to give the Bills a big time hometown discount huh!?
  25. In talking with Russ Lande, he basically stated that Colt McCoy didn't do much to help himself yesterday. The biggest problem with McCoy is his lack of arm strength. Scouts noted that any throw over 5-7 yards really seemed to flutter/float. Some think he'll need to bulk up physically in order to add some arm strength, but Texas has a great weight program so expecting McCoy to be able to add strength may be unrealistic. Due to the arm strength issues Lande and associates said he'll probably be a career backup. Then again Russ Lande has Crompton (Tennessee) rated as his #2 QB (yes, that is not a misprint), so who knows.
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