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Everything posted by Estro

  1. 1. With 58 seconds left with the ball at our own 7 yard line (Colts still have 2 timeouts remaining) in a 10-6 game, Chan decides to throw on 1st and 2nd down. Both attempts came out of the shotgun and both fell incomplete taking a total of 8 seconds off the clock. Then on 3rd and 10, he decides to run the ball totally conceding the drive. If you're stupid enough to throw on 1st and 2nd down...then you damn better throw on 3rd and 10 and at least attempt to pick up the 1st down. To run there is basically like saying, "Oh sh*it I'm a moron and stopped the clock twice, so lemme just run the ball here so they can't say i passed on all three plays". It was absolutely infuriating to watch.....Chan was directly responsible for those 3 points, and he's very lucky it wasn't 7. 2. Instead of attempting a 51 yard field goal in a close game in an indoor dome, chan decides to punt the ball. Why would a 4-6 football team opt not to attempt a 51 yard fg when trailing on the road in a must win game. It was an utterly pathetic decision, and not surprisingly 5 plays later the Colts had the ball at midfield and ended up eventually settling for a FG on that drive. Once again why a head coach would decide to punt in that situation, is a decision only a losing HC makes plain and simple. 3. 3 minutes and 37 seconds left in the game....3rd and 8 Bills have the ball at the colts 49 yard line. On 3rd an 8 they run a desinged swing pass to Cj Spiller out of the backfield. The ball is on Spiller 2 yards past the line of scrimmage and falls incomplete. Damn we missed on 3rd down on a terrible pass play that even if it had been caught would've still resulted in a 4th and 5. So what does Chan decide to do....? Punt. What happened next was something every single Bills fan knew was going to happen: The Colts ran 10 plays and the Bills never saw the ball again. Keep in mind the Bills defense had no ability to stop the Colts on 3rd down and get off the field all day, but our head coach liked the chances of doing just that moreso than the chance of our offense picking up 8 yards to continue the drive. These 3 specific details of todays game have finally pushed me over the cliff, and I finally believe its time for chans run in Buffalo to come to an end. The dude is just entirely incompetent as a head coach. He doesn't motivate these players and he doesnt make the clutch/intelligent decisions in game that winning head coaches make.
  2. I think the 90s blue unis with red helmet would be cool. Given that the bills wore those red helmets for so many years, itd be nice to see them once or twice a season.
  3. It'll be interesting come January because this team sorely needs a defensive coach who puts players in postions to win. Like I said it's so obvious that Wannestedt blows, so a new DC is very very likely this offseason.
  4. You gotta think this will be his last year as HC in KC. How would you feel about the Bills hiring Crennel as DC in Buffalo. I know KC blows but he couldn't be any worse than Wannestedt. Just a thought because there is a very good chance Crennel will be on the open market come early January.
  5. Do I think the Bills will win? No. Am I down on this 2012 Buffalo Bills team? Yes With that said if they can accomplish these 3 things tomorrow, they will win: 1. The Bills must be +2 in the turnover ratio vs. the Pats (self explanatory) 2. The RB's and FB's (and know I don't count Brad Smith as either) must touch the ball 30 + times (receptions and or rushes) 3. The defense must hold Tom Brady to under 330 yards of passing Do I think this will happen? No, but I will add that the most important criteria is by far #2. Considering last week the Rb's saw less than 15 touches total, Chan better have his head screwed on right tomorrow. Giving our Rb's 3 total 2nd half touches last week in a game that was 7-6 @ halftime is the type of decision that gets you fired. Just an FYI, for all the negativity......I actually like the Bills quite a bit getting the 13 points tomorrow. 13 points is too many points for any team to spot another team, given the fact that it's a divisional game, and the Bills have proven they can put up pts vs. the Pats, i like it Prediction: Patriots 33 - Bills 21
  6. down by 1 point to start the second half with a real shot to steal one on the road, time to establish the run and see what happens. So what does Chan do? Shotgun incomplete on 1st down Shotgun incomplete on 2nd down shotgun incomplete on 3rd down PUNT Now what does Kubiak do once he gets the ball RUN RUN PASS (Andre Johnson burn Aaron Williams, who absolutely blows BTW) RUN RUN (TOUCHWDOWN) The Bills ran 26 plays in the 2nd half.......3 run plays, to 23 called passes. Let me repeat that one more time.....THE BILLS called 3, that's right I said 3, run plays the entire second half. Does that make any sense when your QB is Ryan Fitzpatrick and your RB's are Spiller, and Jackson? No IT DOES NOT. So why does Gailey continue to put the ball in the hands of our incompetent QB? I'm out of answers.....it's flabbergasting. BTW Spiller had 11 touches for 102 yards. Why can't the mastermind Chan find a way to get the ball in this guys hands more than 11 freaking times, only 6 carries. I understand he's not a 25-30 carry guy, but he can handle 15-20 runs no problem, giving our best player 6 carries is absolutely unacceptable. We were a much better team in weeks 2 and 3 when Spiller was getting all the touches. Moral of this post is one simple fact.......Gailey's making himself look like a jackass each and every Sunday and I'm disgusted by it.
  7. and he goes by the name of Zac Dysert of Miami (Ohio). Because he plays for Miami (Ohio), I haven't seen much of him, but the little I have....he's impressed: Big arm, good pocket presence, fairly mobile, throws a nice ball on the run. John Murphy has had a college scout on his show a couple of times, and he was the one who turned me onto Dysert. The guest of the JM show, I forgot his name, saw Dysert as a top 64 pick in the 2013 NFL Draft, and even mentioned Dysert as being discussed as a perfect fit for a Chan Gailey led offense. Just thought I'd let people know, and if anybody happens to attend the game, let me know what you saw. I'd also like to know how the guy carries himself in the pregame and on the sidelines (the stuff you can't see unless you're there in person). Given Nix' recent comments of wanting a good young QB, who knows, the future Bills QB might just be playing in Buffalo tomorrow. I had the same feelings about Russell Wilson 7 months ago, and I'm still upset he's not a Bill, but that's another story all together.
  8. After rewatching the Bills @ Jets week 12 matchup I came away with a few takeaways. I forgot just how banged up we were for this game. No Kyle Williams, No Eric Wood, No Fred Jackson, No Donald Jones. I think the game tomorrow is going to be a tough one, and earlier this week I was leaning Jets with my prediction, but after rewatching the game I think the Bills have a very good shot at pulling the slight week 1 upset. Here are my 7 keys to the game tomorrow. 1. Exploit the Jets slower LB's by getting Spiller and jackson on the edges. 2. Get Stevie Johnson going early. Games where Stevie gets involved early, the whole offense seemes to be in better sync. 3. No batted balls by fitz. Batted balls are almost as bad as a sack, and seem to always kill Bills drives. 4. Exploit Kyle Wilson with our taller receivers, mainly Nelson and Chandler. Throw high and he can't defend it. 5. Limit the penalties 6. Ball control, NO NO NO turnovers. 7. Eliminate Keller from the game plan. If someone is going to beat us let it be Stephen Hill or their #3 WR. Eliminating Sanchez's safety valve will make sanchez uncomfortable in the pocket. Lastly, if our D can pressure Sanchez with a 4 man rush (isn't that what our whole offseason was about) we are looking good. I fully expect the Jets to pound the rock on the ground tomorrow so the Bills run D better be prepared. I'm slightly concerned how our LB's will hold up against the run, they could be our achlles heel tomorrow. I'll be at the game today, can't wait. Go Bills!
  9. I havent' seen Keith Price talked about too much when it comes to solid college QB prospects. I like his game. He's not overly fast or super athletic, but does have enough athleticism in his game to pick up yards with his feet. Also doesn't have a huge arm, but enough to make the throws. I just happen to like his moxie and ability to keep his eyes downfield when the pocket breaks down around him. Definitely a player I will be keeping an eye on this season. Washington plays tonight at 10 ET I believe. Nest week will be a great test when Washington faces off against LSU. Anyone have any comments or insight on Keith Price? Like I said I haven't seen a ton of him, but the little I have seen has me intrigued. BTW I think next year will be a great year to draft a QB, there seems to be a lot of depth.
  10. I was a proponent for the Bills taking him with the #10 pick, so IMO, yes they did strike gold. I couldn't believe the Browns took that RT out of Cal, Mitchell Schwartz before him, good for us though.
  11. Does anyone know how to turn season tickets into pdfs so you can forward your tickets elctronically via stub hub. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do so. I know how to forward tickets ia e-tickets through the account manager, but I'd like to know how to turn them into pdfs in order to send them directly to stub hub. Any advice is appreciated.
  12. I like Murphy's new radio show, but agree with the consensus that Murph isn't great calling the games. I actually had a similar post a year or 2 back, and many seemed to disagree with me. I can't point my finger to exactly what's missing in his call, but it's just not as good as other teams. His excitement seems almost fake and his delivery is not all that smooth. As I said though, I'm a big fan of his new radio show, and think he's a much better fit in that role.
  13. I'd love for the Bills to resign both LeVitre and Byrd as I think they're both very good players. I actually posed the question to Joe Buscaglia months ago who he'd prefer the Bills to sign if it could only be one. Going against what seems to be the consensus, he chose Byrd, which happens to be my opinion as well. I love both of them, but I think it's harder to replace a very good safety than it is a very good guard. In regards to the Bills, I also believe they are much deeper at the G position than they are at S. Outside of George Wilson, who isn't getting any younger, Byrd is the only other quality safety on the team.....which is why I totally understood the Mark Barron chatter heading into the draft. After a big spending 2011 and 2012, which included the signings of Mario Williams and Mark Anderson as well as the resignings of Fitzpatrick, Stevie J and Freddy among others....I think the Bills are going to have their work cut out for them to get both Byrd and LeVitre resigned prior to the start of free agency 2013. It's nice to see they've acknowledged this predicament by at least getting an early jump on talks with one of the players. FWIW, my gut has always been that LeVitre will stay and Byrd will sign for more elsewhere. As excited as I was to land both Mario Williams and Mark Anderson this offseason, the signing of Anderson caused me a bit of anxiety because that money may be the difference between Bryd being a Bill or not post 2012 season. Either way both players will command very large contracts and deservedly so. Look for LeVitre to anchor in on Ben Grubbs money (5 years $36 million), and Byrd to be in the 5 year $37-$40 million range (which is somewhere between Antrel Rolle and Eric Weddle money, respectively).
  14. No one forces them to play though. This is America and people are free to choose how to live their life. If a player was "forced" to play the game and suffered because of it I could at least understand. But these people chose to play the game, knowing that its a violent game where people can get hurt. All this suffering crap is a joke. Let them go out in the real world and make 40-80k a year and not suffer if football isn't for them, no ones stopping them.
  15. The inside the war room clip posted to buffalibills.com is one of my favorite videos.
  16. I'm 26 and have been die hard Bills (meaning can't miss a game and follow all their moves) since probably 1997. With that is mind my top 5 in no particular order are: -Eric Moulds - love his physicality. The playoff game against the phins where he had over 200 receiving yards is a game I'll never forget. -Doug Flutie - probably the most exciting QB the Bills have had since I've been an avid fan. Naked bootleg for the game winner vs. the Jags stands out. -Pat Williams - Was a beast and plug for the Bills D's when they were still soild. Amazing career considering he was an undrafted free agent. -Takeo Spikes - One of the most exciting FA signings of the 2000's. Was electric his first few years on the squad. -Terrence McGee - A bit unexpected on this list. but for a 4th rounder I thought this guy had a helluva career with the Bills. Injuries have taken their toll. But the 2005-2008 McGee with the great kickoff returns as well as the solid corner play provided a lot of excitement.
  17. Factoring our off season additions and our relatively soft schedule I think anything under 8 wins would be very dissapointing for Bills fans. Conversely, considering the franchises ineptitude the last decade 10 plus wins would be a giant relief and really excite most Bills fans......especially if 10 wins resulted in a playoff berth. For the sake of answering the original posters question I think the Bills will fall between 8 and 10 wins this season. The Bills fan immediately wants to say 10 and a wildcard playoff berth....but my gut is telling me 8 or 9 wins and falling just short of the playoffs. I think our season will come down to our 2 games each with both the dolphins and jets. You'll take a split win the patriots all day....but getting swept by the phins and jets both last year was unacceptable. We need to turn that around this year and come away with a 3-3 record at worst within the division, probably even a 4-2 mark in order to be playoff bound.
  18. Good call on Miles Burris. I was made aware of him after reading an article by Greg Cossell of NFL Films. He really seemed to like him as a sleeper prospect as well. After watching some youtube footage I was very very impressed. I think Lavonte David will have a better career in the NFL than Luke Kuechly, so he's my predicted steal of this draft.
  19. For those rooting for Bob Massie, you should listen to Moody (Bills scout) comments on him. He basically said the guy has no shot at LT. You'd have to believe the Bills will have guys on their board at #41 that they think can play LT unlike Massie, so there's no shot Massie is the pick for the Bills IMO.
  20. I think it'll come down to their highest rated OT. Let me throw this out there, though: If Lavonte David were on the board at #41 and we took him, think about how nasty our D could be: Adding a CB who will compete for a starting spot (Gilmore), and a LB who will compete for a starting spot to go along with our offseason addition of Williams and Anderson, would be pretty sick. The two guys I'm licking my chops for are : Lavonte David and Cordy Glenn
  21. I think the Eagles and Chargers both got guys rated higher than where they were taken in Fletcher Cox and Melvin Ingram respectively. I'd agree with you the Bruce Irvin was the biggest "holy crap he went that high" pick. I also think Dontari Poe & Shea McClellin will be looked back on as 1st round misses. To be 100% honest I'm not totally high on Gilmore. The fact that guys like Mayock and Greg Cossell of NFL Films are really high on gilmore has me feeling good about the pick, but I question his instincts. He seems to lose the battle on those 50/50 balls more often than not, and CB's who lack that ability to snatch INTS scare me a bit.
  22. http://www.fan590.com/media.jsp?content=20120425_091039_10024
  23. Keep in mind this isn't how PFW.com ranks the prospects, but rather where they think each player rates according to the 32 NFL Draft Boards. I personally like looking at the guys they think will be underdrafted and overdrafted. 2 players who Nawrocki predicts will outperform their draft slot that I like a lot are Lavonte David and A.J. Jenkins. My admiration for David has been the content of several of my previous posts so I won't dive into that, but AJ Jenkins is a bit less discussed. To me, he'd be a great fit in Gailey's offense. He's got great speed on the outside and runs solid routes. He's also good on the crossing routes, which are a big part of Gailey's offense. I was hoping he's be an option for Buffalo in Round #3, but it looks like he's solidified his spot in round 2. The 1 player Nawrocki lists as being overhyped is Stephon Gilmore, who seems to be the flavor of the week for our #10 spot. A lot of speculation that Jax, and the bills both like him in the Top 10, but I'm concerned. We drafted a corner with great speed and bad instincts and ball skills a few years back, his name was Leodis McKelvin. Stephon gilmore has the height, weight, speed you love in a CB, but his playmaking and ballhawking ability does not warrant the #10 pick IMO. Anyhow here is the link, Enjoy!: http://cache.profootballweekly.com/2012/04/24/pfw-consensus-top-100
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