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Everything posted by Estro

  1. I have a lot of questions about EJ's abilities, without taking into consideration the knee problems. Accuracy is the chief of my concerns. I just have problems, based on the history of QB play, that accuracy is a trait that can be vastly improved.......and I think EJ's accuracy must vastly improve in order to be a good NFL QB. My second main concern is his pocket presence under pressure. His tendency to back up and spin backward in a muddied pocket killed many of our drives. This I believe can be improved, but many QB's who refuse to step up in the pocket (Blaine Gabbert) do not last very long in this league. As for Tim Graham, don't now the man at all, but his antics on this board and on twitter became very annoying to me. That's one of the reasons I stopped following him on twitter. He seems to always be twisting and caniving his way to make a story where there just isn't one to be made. I actually agree with him that the Bills should draft another QB high (for the concerns I listed above), I just don't see the purpose of Tim saying that point blank to his face. Just not a respectful thing to do, IMO.
  2. Sears. Not very good at any one thing, okay at a lot. Trying to turn it around, but finding its very difficult to do so.
  3. Ditto. I followed Decker's game a little closer this year (as he was on my fantasy team). While he had a couple of big games, mainly that 4 TD game I strongly believe he's a product of Peyton Manning. His hands are inconsistent and his ability to win jump balls given his size isn't all that impressive. I'd stay away from buying a guy high after 2 years with one of the best QB's ever. He'll likely land a contract in the 7-8 million per year range, and I don't think he's worth it.
  4. Was just going to say the same thing. It's impossible to have 2 away team without it technically counting as a home game for one team.
  5. Washburn was retained under Caldwell and is still a coach on the Lions.
  6. 1. QB (EJ's not the guy, Bills don't see it that way though), 2. OG (LG was a mess, Urbik's play at RG regressed this season), 3. LB (Hughes and Mario our pass rushers, we need another competent LB to pair with Alonso), 4. TE (haven't had an above average TE since when?), 5. WR (we are a team with a bunch of #2 and #3's, no true #1 WR since Eric Moulds left, 5. RB (I really like Freddy J, but he's getting older, not a fan of Spillers skill set and way too many runs for 0 and negative yards. Kills a lot of drives with those runs, 6. DT (specifically a run stuffing D, I know Branch, Dareus and K. Williams make a nice trio on paper, but we gave up way too many yards rushing up the middle)
  7. Watching Andy Dalton has been painful today, and it's what I fully expected. The guy is not a good QB. Cincy is playing at home, with the better defense, better WR's, better TE's and they won't win. Why? Andy Dalton. The more the pressure built, the more he crumbled. For the NFL talent evaluators who said this guy doesn't have a good enough arm for the NFL were dead on. A couple of his INT's were a complete result of his ball lacking zip on those sideline passes. If I'm a Bengals fan I've seen enough to know this guy ain't getting it done. So far the playoffs are 3/3 with the better QB getting the W. No QB, No Shot, Bye-bye Andy
  8. I don't care what he was considered, he won 0 playoff games in that time. As a fan of the Bills I have a different expectation set then you, I wouldn't consider myself lucky to have a QB heading up my team that has 0 playoff wins in the next 5-10 year window. If your point is that EJ would be lucky to put up Palmer like #'s, I tend to agree with you as I don't believe EJ will be a good NFL QB. That's why I'm such a strong proponent of drafting another QB to compete with Manuel this upcoming season.
  9. This organization is a joke plain and simple. They are not fully committed to winning, how else can you explain 14 straight years with no playoff appearances. I'm reminded of just how inept this organization is each and every January when I have the pleasure of watching playoff caliber football. It looks like a different sport than what I watch at the Ralph September-December. And any fan who drinks the Kool-Aid that EJ Manuel will "develop" into a winning QB given time is completely misguided
  10. You got the posters confused cause I never said that bout EJ, must've been another poster. I'm not saying Ej is.....stick a fork in him done, I'm just very much wanting the Bills to add another QB via the draft this year. What's the worst that can happen, EJ has some stiff comp. in camp and rises to the occasion to win the starting job? I'd be fine with that. I just don't want to see the Bills pass on talent and put all their eggs in Manuel's basket. I don't think he showed nearly enough to deserve that status.
  11. Agreed. With so many bad QB's starting in the NFL, I don't see how he doesn't fit into the top 32 picks. I actually have one of those gut feelings the Jets will be a likely landing spot for Boyd, and I won't be happy if that happens.
  12. It's based on a lot more than just tonight, I've followed him closely for the last 2 seasons. He's a better QB than Manuel. I wished I believed more in Manuel, I'm a Bills fan, but my eyes don't lie. And I've never seen a QB with poor accuracy and poor pocket presence succeed in the NFL. EJ Manuel refuses to step up and keep his eyes downfield when faced with pressure in the pocket. His accuracy also was near the worst of all QB's this past season. Big red flags. Boyd is no sure lock to be a great QB, but I'd be more comfortable taking a chance with him than Manuel. He succeeds in the 2 most important QB qualities IMO, accuracy and pocket presence. Look I want EJ Manuel to succeed just as bad as the rest of us. I'm just stating what my eyes saw this season. I'm not happy with a Carson Palmer or Jeff Garcia, FWIW. What did those 2 QB's accomplish in this league. I want a QB who can compete for championships. EJ might've beaten Boyd head to head last year, but that has no impact on my belief that Boyd is a much better QB than Manuel. His poclet presence and accuracy are both much, much better than Manuel.
  13. Tajh Boyd is already and will continue to be a better QB than EJ Manuel when he gets to the NFL. He keeps his eyes downfield when under pressure and delivers the ball accurately to his receivers. He's also shown the fearlessness to test defenses deep, which I like. Once again, this kid has a lot to work on, but if drafted by the Bills he'd be the best QB on our roster come September 2014. Question is will he be a 1st rounder or not? If you could have one player on the Bills right now who would you rather have.................Boyd or Watkins?
  14. Keep acquiring talent at the QB position and eventually you'll find a keeper, much like Pete Carroll has done with the Seahawks. So you took a QB high last year, that means you can't take another one high this year? None sense. This team has not had a franchise signal caller in 15 years, and we're supposed to hand the keys over to EJ Manuel based on his potential. No way, I don't subscribe to that philosophy. It's that philosophy that has earned us 0 playoff appearances in a decade and a half. For all those who want to draft a LB or an OL or a big WR or a TE with our 1st or 2nd round pick, let me ask how many extra wins will that get us in 2014? 1 maybe? Maybe we become a 7-8 team. Because a good QB gets you and extra 4 wins right off the rip. I'm all for continually drafting signal callers high until you're certain you've got your guy. There's no way anyone can sit here and say that EJ showed enough to know he will succeed. Not saying he won't, but I'm not clinging all my hope on a guy who looked average at best. The rookie wage scale makes it affordable to draft QB's, all the more reason to draft them early and often until you're certain you've got a good one.
  15. I was ALL-IN on Tajh as an NFL prospect coming out of last year. I was actually a bit surprised he didn't enter the 2013 draft. After another season, I have to admit, I have some more reservations about his game and how it'll translate in the NFL, but I'm still a believer. He'll have a lot of work as far as recognizing defenses and making better reads, much like EJ Manuel, but I think he's a much better pure passing QB than EJ. When you watch EJ it seems like you are watching a very manufactured passer, with an odd passing stroke and accuracy all over the place. Tajh Boyd, on the otherhand has a very tight compact throwing motion, and a great looking stroke. Very good accuracy, and a beautiful deep ball, that is usually right on the money. Sammy Watkins is a good receiver, and he owes a lot of his success to the beautiful deep ball that Boyd throws. It now appears Boyd will be available in the late 1st-2nd round area and I'd love for the Bills to grab him. I know they won't, but just wait and see, this kid will be a good NFL QB, and I have a bad feeling it'll be with the Jets. He's on tonight, and I look forward to watching his last college game, hopefully his next is in a Bill uniform.
  16. Cutler........yuck. Not a QB I want to build my team around. An average QB, who take too many sacks, turns the ball over too much and doesn't have great pocket presence. If I'm a Bears fan I'm not thrilled with this news. Cutler might get you to 10 wins if the chips fall right, but he's not a guy who can advance his team deep in the playoffs. Will never contend for championships.
  17. After watching the Bills very closely these last 14 seasons I'm of the strong belief that you should draft a QB high each and every year until you're sure you got your guy. Until you have a solid QB in place, not much else matters. Andrew Luck takes a 2-3 win team and makes them a 10 win team. Seattle take a 8-9 win team and makes them a 13 win team. A team with a so-so roster and a solid QB can be a consistent playoff squad. A team with an outstanding roster and a so-so QB would be lucky to squeak into the playoffs and never have a serious shot at contending for anything more. With the way the rookie payscale used to be setup teams couldn't afford to consistently draft QB's high, because their contracts were too rich. That is not the case anymore. EJ's contract is paying him top end backup QB money, so there's no excuse not to draft another QB high again in 2014. If EJ doesn't pan out we have another option, if EJ beats out the draft pick, he will have earned it....and the competition between the two can only help. The bottom line is if you're not sure you have your guy (and there's no way the Bills can feel 100% that EJ will be a star in this league, how could they?) you better continue looking, because without a star QB you have ABSOLUTELY NO SHOT.
  18. Without considering age or how many years left they have in the league, who is the better RB today? CJ Spiller or Freddy Jackson? If only one back could get all of the carries in our next game vs. Miami which back would you want to get all of those carries, Freddy or CJ? I'll chime in with my opinion at the end. If anyone know how to start a poll, I'd appreciate it if you could set one up, so people could simply vote (I don't know how to do that).
  19. Freddy's game is not speed based. Obviously he had an extra gear back in 2010 and 2011, and has slowed down some, but because his game isn't based solely on speed and quickness (ala CJ Spiller), I still think he ahs a lot to offer. Although a bit more talented I liken Freddy's game to a guy like Kevin Faulk of the Patriots, who retired 2 years ago at the age of 35. Their games are similar in that they are both versatile, leaders, shifty and chain movers, Freddy is also excellent at picking up the blitz. Barring a serious injury (especially to the lower body), and his knees due seem to be weakened, I'd expect another 2 maybe 3 years out of Freddy. If he was a player like CJ, I'd say, yes, possibly he could go because once a speed guys speed is gone he's done (see Lee Evans), but he's clearly not that type of player. His contract is up after the 2014 season, so we'll see what the Bills do at that point. At this point in their careers (not looking at potential and years left) I strongly believe Freddy is a better back than CJ Spiller.
  20. When is the last time the Buffalo Bills won 3 straight game? Serious question. Just checked it was weeks 1-3 of the 2011 season where we beat the Chiefs, Raiders and Patriots to open the season. We then went on to win 3 of our next 13 games that season. The Bills actually haven't won back to back games since week 3 of the 2012 season, which is pretty pathetic. We've played 26 games without stringing 2 wins in a row together. Think about that. I don't think your brain even needs to entertain the idea of winning 3 games in a row. The Bills have fallen so low that the thought of them stringing wins together seems like an impossibility these days. The game at Jacksonville is a toss up to me, I think we beat Miami at home, and then lose @ Pats.
  21. Draft best available qb with their first round pick. Until you have a solid qb in this league you've got nothing. Throw the new rookie qb in a battle with ej...best man wins the job. With the new rookie wage scale there's no reason teams with bad qb's shouldn't be drafting qbs early and often until they find a guy they can move forward with.
  22. I'm in full numb mode right now. Watching the Bills has been the most boring 3 hours of my week these past 2 weeks. Total frustration. Let's hope the Bills don't let their biggest mistake of the 2013 draft (EJ Manuel), doesn't cause them to make another big mistake in the 2014 draft (drafting a top signal caller in the 1st round). You are nothing in the NFL until you solidify the QB position. It's not worth building your team in any other area until you know you have your guy under center. Does anybody think EJ is the right guy? Let's try again in 2014, and see if we can get it right this time. Please God.
  23. 1 interception, 1 fumble recovery, 1 sack. Not a bad day at the office for David today, granted it was versus our pathetic excuse of an offense.
  24. For those of you not too familiar with the Bucs, make sure to keep an eye on #54 of the Bucs tomorrow. A young stud of a LB. Really loved him coming into the 2012 draft and had my fingers crossed the Bills would get him. We ended up taking Cordy Glenn, so I'm not complaining........but when all is said and done David is and will be a much better player than Gilmore who we took in the 1st round that year.
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