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Everything posted by Estro

  1. I would be surprised if we don't get the Thanksgiving day game vs. the Lions. It's either us or the Dolphins. Jim Schwartz and Ralph Wilson both have Detroit ties, which seems like it might make it a sensible pick. I also read this year that NBC can flex the Cowboys or Lions game this year into the 8:30 time slot. Meaning it's probable the Bills would play the Lions in the early game, but it is possible it could be the 8:30 game if flexed to NBC that night. This would allow CBS to schedule in a sexier AFC vs. AFC game in the 1 PM time slot (and I'm sure it won't be hard to find a "sexier" matchup than Bills @ Lions). So, moral of the story: Don't be shocked if it's Bills @ Lions, primetime, 8:30PM. Would be a lotta fun!
  2. Did anyone watch the presser posted on buffalobills.com today of Russ with the state and county executives? When the dude representing Erie county spoke up a couple of times Russ looked like he was ready to take his head off. His body language and Scotty Berchtold body language (in the background) looked like they didn't get along at all with this guy. Wondering if anybody else picked up on that?
  3. The price to move up hasn't been very steep the last couple of drafts. In fact I think the cowboys gave up their first and second round pikis to move up to # 6 a couple years ago to get M. Claiborne. A move like that years ago would've surely cost much more. There's Jo way the Bills would part with a future #1 pick, but if this years round 1 & 2 gets you the highest rated player on your board who knows, maybe that's a deal you make.
  4. I kind of like the idea, but more so as a developmental league rather than an expansion of the NFL. I think NFL Europe was a great idea because it was a place where the NFL could develop talent. Who knows if it weren't for NFL Europa the Bills might've never realized the potential Freddy /Jackson had. It could function kind of like minor league baseball or farm system. This idea would maybe even better served to keep inside the borders of the U.S. where there would probably be better fan support. 8 team farm system that plays 6 weeks of football starting sometime in the early spring, so the season is all wrapped up prior to the NFL training camp. That way players who really impress have a chance to make the jump to the "majors" in time for minicamps. I look at it more as an opportunity for teams to develop talent more so than soldout crowds and tons of fan interest, but given enough time I could see certain cities supporting these type of franchises.
  5. Correct. The only other player that can be considered a FA loss would be Jim Leonard. So, at this point it is a guaranteed the Bills will have a net loss in FA. I like the players we signed in FA, but it does sting a bit knowing Byrd would've fetched us a 3rd round pick next year had we only signed 2 FA's. Despite some confusion by posters on this board, teams can NOT be awarded a compensatory pick if they have more FA's signed then lost. It doesn't matter how much better the players are that left.....if more enter the building then leave there is NO comp. picks. And if the FA's signed is the same number of FA's that leave the best pick you can get is a 7th rounder. Just wanted to clear that issue up as there seems to still be a sentiment that we could get something for Byrd. We can not.
  6. I've watched some of Ebron, and I just don't think his overall skill set warrants the #9 overall pick. I think to be a TE picked in the top 10 of the NFL draft you need to be a beast: A physical specimen who wins in the passing game and scored TD's. Ebron somewhat fits the description but not entirely. I just think he's more of a middle of the first round value. Taylor Lewan is a bit of an enigma to me. At first I didn't like him at all. then he started growing on me, particularly his run blocking. And now, I've 180'd back to not being a big fan of his. At 6'8" - 310 lbs. I don't think he's got the ideal bulk to play RT. I'm also not sold at all on drafting a RT at #9, when we found out LT at pick #41 a few years back. I love Greg Robinson, he's an athletic specimen that can move and block. He'll be gone in the top 6. Jake Matthews intrigues me, as does Mike Evans. They're players that seem to fit our needs and the right value at #9. I think there is a better than 50/50 chance 1 of those 2 will be on the board when we pick (more likely Evans than Matthews), and I'm definitely warming to the idea of Mike Evans in Buffalo. Doug Whaley has been very forward with his thoughts on getting receivers that are big and open even when they are covered. The question, as the draft nears becomes: will the Bills value Mike Evans enough to pull him off the board at #9.
  7. I like Marcus Mariota in next years draft. I think he would've been the 1st QB taken in this years draft when it all shook out had he thrown his hat in the ring. I think next season will really solidify his stock as the probable #1 overall pick.
  8. Anybody know how much money Fitz has made the past 3-4 seasons. He's gotta be up around $20 + million. Not bad for a Harvard grad! Let's not forget we play @ Houston this year. I think he'll be backing up Blake Bortles.
  9. I'll be the first to admit I was way off on my prediction for Carrington. I thought the Browns would snatch him up quickly in FA and sign him to a deal that averaged $4-$5 million per year. It looks like I was way off. It also appears that Parker and Carrington are not happy with the contracts they are seeing, if they are actually seeing any, otherwise he wouldn't still be a FA. I wonder if it's possible that teams are concerned with his injury. I think he's a good, unheralded player, and if the Bills were to retain him (which seems unlikely) it'd really complete a very sold FA period for the Bills, IMO. Carrington would provide great depth along the DL, and would fit in nicely if a starter goes down with an injury.
  10. I'm assuming the Bills still use the "cash to cap" salary method, so when looking at the contracts signed this offseason I think the best way to breakdown the contract value is cash spent. Byrd will receive $12.3 million in cash for the 2014 season ($11 million signing bonus, $1.3 million salary). So what did our 5 outside FA signings cost the Bills in cash for the 2014 season? Here we go: Corey Graham = $5.55 million ($4 million signing bonus, $1.5 million salary, $50k workout bonus). Chris Williams = $5.025 million ($3.5 million signing bonus, $1.425 mill. base salary, $100k workout bonus). Brandon Spikes = $3.25 million ($900k signing bonus, $1.25 mill. base salary, $1.1 million workout/active roster bonuses). Keith Rivers = $2.35 million ($1 mill. signing bonus, $1.25 mill. base salary, 100k workout bonus. Anthony Dixon = $1.6 million ($750k signing bonus, $800k base salary, $50k workout bonus). So, Total cash spent on new FA additions = $17.775 million. By the way, every FA signed has a workout bonus, which is smart business by the Bills. Even the guys that have been extended recently (Aaron Williams, Dan Carpenter & Alan Branch) all have workout bonuses. Smart business by the Bills making sure guys are showing up to offseason workouts. Seems like common sense, but it's not something they've always done. Many signees also have incentive and snap % bonuses, another smart business move by the Bills. It builds competition and makes these guys hungry to get out on the field and earn it. If it's Whaley spearheading these type of bonuses he deserves props.
  11. We are missing Jim Leonhard, although it'd a huge question whether or not he'll even be on a teams opening day roster. At this point it looks like the Bills have 100% No shot at a 3rd round compensatory pick, and 95% shot at no compensatory picks what so ever. Meanwhile you have the Pats losing Talib and gaining Revis, yet Revis will not count against them as he was cut by the Bucs, and players cut do not technically count as FA additions. You can fully expect the Pats to have an extra 3rd round compensatory pick in '15. Not tagging and trading Byrd looks like an even sillier decision, now, because we have now confirmed he walked out the door for absolutely no compensation. Sucks.
  12. No you're not alone. If you listen to all the hype about Gilmore you'd think he's a top 10 corner. If you watch him on game day, what you see is a corner who gets beat too often, is inconsistent and has no hands to turn the ball over. He's a very average corner at this point and I hope he turns a corner this season.
  13. Is Rivers a lock to make our roster, probably yes, based on his contract. Not looking good to get that comp. pick as of now. I don't even know that Moats would make another teams final roster even if he is signed.
  14. There was a report that Miami told him to go out and see what his value ws and then come back to them with a chance to match. If he's not signed today, he's more than likely moving on. We'll see.
  15. Browns and Rams expressing strong interest in Alex Carrington, according to Adam Schefter's latest tweet, as we expected.
  16. My only reservation is Byrd has produced all 5 years, no matter what defense he was in. Aaron Williams had his struggles, and then finally seemed to blossom under Pettine last year. I understand it was his first season at S, so I hope his production continues....but Byrd was a proven commodity. Williams still has to prove he can be a producer year after year. Not saying he won't but time will certainly tell.
  17. Very close, great guess on the team you nailed it. Only guess to get the team right. Unfortunately, nobody won, we did have 1 person accurately predict the Saints although his numbers were a bit inflated. Seems like the $9 million per year Byrd got, while a lot of $$$, came in a mill or 2 lower per season then most of us expected.
  18. So just to get you on record on this. Would you be okay if the Bills signed a FA that they planned to use on special teams coverage only if it meant forgoing a 3rd round draft choice in next years draft? I have faith that Whaley and Co. would have the common sense not to do that.
  19. Hell the Jags got something for Blaine Gabbert. I never bought the idea that the Bills were trying to sell, which was it's not all that easy to trade a guy. Byrd is the best or one of the best S's in the league and I don't understand why 1 team out there wouldn't have flipped us a mid round pick for his services. Now we have to hold our breath and hope we have a net loss in FA to secure a 3rd round compensatory pick in the 2015 draft. I think had we tagged him and used our leverage to trade him we could've received a similar pick in this years draft, w/out worrying about whether or not we'll qualify for the comp. pick a year from now.
  20. Byrd is gone. I'd expect Carrington to def. make a teams roster if the Bills don't resign him. Likewise for Chandler. Moats seems like a 50/50 type guy who will be in camp but not a 100% lock to make a teams final roster. I think the Bills will end up losing 2 maybe 3. Are there any other FA's we're missing?? Jim Leonhard comes to mind.
  21. I'm not saying don't go after FA's. I'm just saying if you lose 4 guys, sign 3. And if you want to sign 4 go on ahead just make sure that the 4th guy you sign is more valuable than the 3rd rounder you're giving up in next years draft by signing him, because that is the cost. Last year Alan Branch likely cost us a 3rd, probably more likely a 4th rounder due to losing Andy LeVitre. Now was he worth it? yea he prob. was. So, I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying make sure the FA signing is worth it. Byrd 100% guarantees us a 3rd rounder based on the HUUUGEEE deal he got.
  22. I think you're dead wrong. There's a dude who every year accurately predicts all of the compensatory picks on his website based on who teams signed, who teams lost and the amount of $$$ in the contracts signed. He's dead on every year. And I think signing a low end FA who will be nothing more than depth would be a HUGE mistake if it means forgoing a 3rd round pick in next years draft. At that point the front office has to ask themselves is signing this player worth trading away next years 3rd round pick because that's essentially what they'd be doing.
  23. It'll be of the utmost importance that the Buffalo Bills DO NOT sign as many FA's as we lose in this years FA signing period. I think that's why it makes sense to sign a LB like Jameel McClain who was cut rather than a FA like Brandon Spikes, because a player who was cut by his team does not count as a FA signing (according to NFL rules). If we have a net loss in FA we are all but locked in to receive a 3rd round compensatory pick in next years 2015 draft, due to the monstrous contract Byrd just signed. A lot of people were able to cope with losing LeVitre last year under the assumption we'd receive a 3rd/4th round compensatory pick this year. That didn't happen because we signed Branch and Lawson, and therefore had no net loss in FA which kills your chances of getting one of the 3rd/4th comp. picks. So remember as the FA period continues.......we are rooting to lose 1 more player than we gain to lock in an extra 3rd round pick in next years draft. I hate losing Byrd, but picking up an extra 3rd rounder would be nice.
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