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Everything posted by Estro

  1. I want a coach who goes for 4th and short from the right spots on the field. I want a coach who forgoes the punt and tries to exrend a drive when the statistics say he should. I want a coach who understands this is a scoring league so you better have a plan t get the team to 30 points every week. I want a coach that doesn't think 17 points is enough. I want a coach who is an effective communicator and doesn't talk in circles. Right now, as it stands, we have a coach who possesses none of those things.
  2. Russ "we will leave no stone unturned" Brandon. Wished he hadn't turned the stone over that Marrone was hiding under. Marrone punting on 4th and 6 from the 45 with 9 minutes to go.....down 10......with the season on the line, was the most gutless thing I've seen out of a Bills coach, EVER. It was truly nauseating.
  3. Statistically, based on decades on data you are flat out wrong. the book in that situation gave us a 6% advantage in % of winning the game by attempting that 4th and down. You saying that the right move was to punt is no different than the ignorance of our coach. Facts can be a stubborn thing.
  4. It was tempting to cash in on the $75 handout......but I absolutely hate these type of lawsuits and believe it's one of America's many problems. These type of lawsuits end up being handed down to the end consumers somehow, someway, usually in the form of increased insurance premiums, an expense which then gets passed on to the paying customer. With those firm beliefs I'd be a total hypocrite if I accepted the $75, so I threw the offer in the garbage. Not saying my way is the right way, but that was my decision. The Bills offered a service, I accepted it......and I actually enjoyed it, especially getting the texts just prior to games with the inactive lists. It's a shame we live in a sue happy society. Will this lawsuit hurt the Bills? No, just a small dent for them, but these lawsuits can and do tear apart small business and individuals who don't have the wealth of NFL franchises.
  5. David J. Chao, MD @ProFootballDoc · 2h2 hours ago Despite @ByTimGraham report @CJSPILLER of clavicle surgery. Season should NOT be over. At worst IR/dfr. Operation done for faster return. Reply0 replies Retweet2 retweets2 Favorite0 favorites More David J. Chao, MD @ProFootballDoc · 2h2 hours ago Reply to @ByTimGraham Not necessarily the case. The reason to do surgery on clavicle is for quicker return. Could be IR/dfr. He's saying it's usually a 6 week recovery. The question becomes do the Bills feel Spiller is worth the IR with designation to return. Based on the way they use him and his overall production I'm not sure they will. Either way, hope he gets well soon David J. Chao, MD @ProFootballDoc · 4h4 hours ago CJ SPILLER has clavicle fracture per @JasonLaCanfora. Too bad. Likely surgery and could be 6 weeks. @buffalobills
  6. I did notice Russ Brandon referred to Jeff Littmann in the past tense in his presser today. I'm wondering if we'll ever see Russ Brandon pressers anymore, now that the Bills will have owners who will show their face it seems his capacity as the face of ownership for the Bills might be over. I'd like to see Russ not involved in the football side of the Buffalo Bills. I know a lot of people assume he isn't, but I'm not sure I buy that entirely. When the Bills posted their behind the scenes draft recap video back in May it seemed like Russ had a role during the draft, something I wasn't pleased to see.
  7. Just posted this in another thread.....I do believe 9 wins will be the magic number to win the AFC East this year. Patriots offense was ranked dead last in yards per play coming into this week. Their defense, which has been their strength looks very susceptible tonight. Dolphins, and the Jets are in the same boat as us, IMO. I think the Bills, while not the favorite to win the division definitely are very much alive in a very soft division this season.
  8. The funny thing about this season is 6-6 or 7-5 gives us a great shot to win our division this year. Dolphins and Jets are in the same boat as us and the Pats are much weaker than the general public realizes. Their offense was dead last in yards per play through the first. Theri defense, which appeared to be their strength, looks very susceptible tonight. That's why yesterdays lost stung so much, because I get the feeling 9-7 might take the AFC East this year. 6-6 down the stretch would've seemed much more attainable than 7-5.
  9. .......but......but......but our QB is big and tall and a good leader, and he wants to be great. DEPRESSED
  10. I saw Teddy Bridgewater make 5-6 plays today in his very first game, that I have yet to see from EJ in all of his games. I'm talking about pocket presence, accuracy, arm strength, anticipation, confidence. And after his win today, not even a smile, very busienss like, like he belongs in this league and know that hard work that awaits. I remember EJ winning his first game, it was prayers and jubilation like we had won the Super Bowl. I'm now left scratching my head, how the Bills talent evaluators thought this guy could get us to the playoffs....... Or how they thought it was a good idea to trade two #1's for a WR whose success is entirely predicated on a QB who can't deliver the football. Marrone should indeed turn to Orton now, if he doesn't he will look back on his time and Buffalo and regret sticking with a bum QB for as long as he did. And for the record I don't think Orton is the answer, but I'm not the GM who assembled this roster. This is the bed that the Buffalo Bills organization has made and now they must lay in it. Anybody who has 2 eyes can see this QB does not belong in the NFL, it's time for the guys who get paid millions to evaluate to admit the mistake they made in EJ and move on. The sooner the better, because there's no upside to the kid nor any redeeming qualities to build on. Today, is the first day that I'm feeling like an entire house cleaning might be for the best come January. And I'm talking everybody including the Russ Brandon's and Scott Berchtold's of the world.
  11. Gets beat often. Poor ball skills. Will never be a high int. guy as he has bad hands and doesnt find the ball. He was a plus in run defense, but this season he's been a minus there too.
  12. Pretty impressive player. Interesting to see what's happening behind enemy lines: http://www.chargers....47-8d90125ddf2d
  13. Also visited the new Bills Store today. As a business owner, cursed with always evaluating other businesses, I was highly unimpressed by the production put on over at 1 Bills Drive. First, I looked up the Bills store hours online. Couldn't find the Saturday hours listed anywhere, so I called twice. No answer both times. Decided to drive over around 6PM, figuring they had to be open the night before the home opener, they were, good news! Overall the curb appeal is nice, and also very nice on the inside. The problems: Had to take a piss, no bathrooms in the store. A large mens room adjacent to the store was locked. I was told I had to use the port a john across the street or walk 5 minutes down the street to the Tim Hortons!? Kind of bizarre. No dressing room, is an embarrassing oversight. Out of stock on many items and limited sizes for a lot of inventory is a real bad look the night before the home opener. I saw a lot of money walk out the front door due to lack of product and lack of sizing. Maybe a $1.4 billion company doesn't get too beat up watching thousand of dollars walk out the front door, but it hurt me to watch it happen. I was shopping for a specific hat and t-shirt I saw on the Bills website. Found the hat, didn't find the shirt. They certainly have floor space and wall space for much more inventory, so hopefully they can work the kinks out and get more product on the floor. Also, I'd suggest opening the public bathrooms adjacent to the store. Personally, I had no problem crossing the street and pissing in the port a john, but I just thought it was a bad look for the Bills to be directing paying customers who need to relieve themselves to port a johns or the tim hortons bathroom down the street.
  14. In his final mock draft that year I'm pretty certain he had the Bills trading back with the Rams and selecting EJ Manuel, which is exactly what happened on draft day. He also tipped off the fact that the Bills were really high on Gilmore the year before. I think Joe's been a great resource, especially when it comes to the draft.
  15. A lot of good points brought up in this thread: I have never been a big fan of Gilmore's. I think at this stage in his career he is very, very average. He gets caught peeking into the backfield way too often and is susceptible to double moves. On top of that he's a defensive holding penalty waiting to happen, and now that the refs are calling that like mad it's bad for Gilmore. For all the hype he always seems to get I'm totally underwhelmed with him. In addition, he has really bad hands, so I don't see him getting more than 1-2 picks a year. Last year he dropped 2 or 3 easy ones.
  16. Not for nothing, but there is no way Goodwin is 195lbs. Maybe 185 soaking wet, but he's a small dude. Showed promise last year.....but also showed a knack for getting a lot of nagging minor injuries. I'm skeptical if he has the build to stay healthy throughout a long NFL season.
  17. Aren't there stipulations against owning both an NHL and NFL team, similar to the problem the Jacobs family might have faced if they wanted the Bills? Not that there aren't ways to get around it, but I thought there were hoops you had to jump through.
  18. It's a question I've had for a while, but even more so now that the dust of this offseason is starting to settle. If the Bills brass thinks they're ready to win now, which they've repeatedly said they are, than why let Byrd walk. Why not retain his rights for 1 more year for $8.29 million? It just doesn't make sense given the attitude that this is a year we can push for the playoffs. I don't happen to agree with that sentiment, but if the Bills brass does......they should've 100% tagged Byrd. There's a huge void at safety right now, IMO.
  19. Any guesses on what RB they were looking to trade up for???? My best guess would be Carlos Hyde.....who ended up coming off the board just a few picks after Sankey was selected. Only 3 RB's were taken after Sankey went. They were Jeremy Hill, Carlos Hyde and Charles Sims. I don't think the target was Hill because he went the very next pick which would've given the bills little to no time to work the phones, which the video insinuated they did. I also don't think it was Sims because he went just a few picks before the Bills 3rd round pick, so if he was their guy they would've certainly had the time and ammo to go up and get him. Seems Hyde was the guy based on that. Would've loved to have had him too, he was my favorite back in the draft
  20. I like Sammy Watkins, but not nearly enough to part with a 2nd round pick to move up and get him. I actually think he's a bit overrated at this point. Don't get me wrong I like his ability, but the way everyone seems to think he will be a can't miss superstar is misguided. Like others have said, the numbers show that WR's his size drafted real high usually don't live up to expectations. One other player I'm not a huge fan of, that seems to be regarded highly is Taylor Lewan. He seems a little slow/sluggish in pass pro. Very tall OT's also have always worried me because they have a very high center of gravity, which means they can get off balance easily. At 6'7" and 307 lbs. he's very tall, but doesn't have much girth, especially in his lower body. I won't pretend to know if he's a guy who can add weight, but with where his weight is now, I could see pro DE's making Lewan look bad on Sunday's.
  21. I like the way the Bucs are going about this. Spent a mid rounder on a guy, he wasn't great, wasn't bad, but at QB they want to be great so they're not gong to wait on Glennon. They'll continue to seek a great QB, because you're going no where without one. I wish the Bills showed the same urgency at the QB position. And I will add I think Glennon showed more promise than EJ. Bucs looking to upgrade the position, Bills dead set on not drafting a QB high. Much prefer the Bucs philosophy.
  22. I strongly disagree that there's nothing wrong with this "insignificant" lawsuit. I think it's disturbing. As far as your smart a$$ compliment, gracias.
  23. That's not how it works. There will be a set amount each claim will be reimbursed. Let's just say there were 50k people receiving the texts. That means each person will be entitled to $50. If less than 50 k apply for the credit they will still get the same $50 and the Bills will save the money. If only 1000 people claimed the credit they wouldn't each get $2500, that's not how the system works as far as I know.
  24. This lawsuit is exactly what's wrong with America. Everyone looking to sue the other, raises all of our insurances and prices we pay for everything. It's a joke. As others have pointed out, the settlement is a bit of a joke. Retail markup is traditionally 250%, meaning something that cost the Bills $40 sells to the public at $100. So that $2.5 million will cost the Bills $1 million. Factor in not everyone will redeem the full value, and other may actually spend a bit out of pocket to cover any additional expense. All in all it's not too big of a deal to the Bills, but still I despise these type of lawsuits. And I will back up my position by not taking any of the money offered, as I was one who received those texts. By accepting the money, I'd be a hypocrite.
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