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Everything posted by Estro

  1. News starting to swirl that the 49ers top guy is Hue Jackson. Doesn't surprise me, also wouldn't surprise me if he's the top target for a few of the other teams in the search. The fact that nobody has been hired at this point is a clear indication to me that none of the guys currently available are really that impressive. All the Gase and Marrone talk seems much more media and agent driven than actually team interest driven. I will be sad to see Hue go, not only because I think he's going to be a dynamite HC, but also because when the Bills are searching for a new HC this time next year he won't be available to be had. That opportunity came knocking last year, when Hue apparently was the Bills 2nd choice behind Rex Ryan. I think in a few years Bills fans will be able to add Hue to the "what if" list of the last 16 years.......very similar to the what if the Bills traded up to draft Russell Wilson instead of T.J. Graham. I guess at this point I can at least root for him not to end up w/ the Dolphins.
  2. Id take him in the 1st round. If you think a guy has a chance to be a good QB you can't wait. This guy is way ahead of EJ Manuel as a prospect so 1st is where I see him going.
  3. I will take Carson Wentz 10 times out of 10 over any other QB prospect in this year's draft. He is the apple of my eye for '16 draft.
  4. Hey Russ Brandon. Some fans, like me, don't think you're very good at your job. Deal with it.
  5. Comparing the Bills model to Pittsburghs model doesn't work when Russ Brandon has a seat atop the Bills brass. The Rooney family does not rely on a proven failure when it comes to making important decisions like hiring general managers and head coaches. The Rooney family also understands that if you can't pass the football you can not succeed. The Bills top brass has been convinced they can win with a run and stop the run philosophy. Their philosophy is very flawed. Before the Bills can even think about mimicking the Steelers franchise they have to understand what it takes to sustain success in the NFL. If that comes first.....Continuity will follow. With the philosophy the Bills currently have continuity has no chance because 6, 7 and 8 win seasons don't get 3rd 4th and 5th chances.
  6. Out of curiosity, care to point out one positive thing that has happened to the Bills on the field since Russ Brandons career began with the Bills? And please don't give me the old company line that he's a great marketer. He's selling tickets and merchandise to the most popular and profitable sports league in the world. It is not difficult to sell tickets and merchandise in that type of business environment......and even if you thought it was, the Bills led the league in blackouts due to non sellouts, so apparently he's not even great at 'moving inventory" as Russ would say. I love how this guy gets a pass after each and every failed Bills season. Let me remind you this is the man that was acting GM when we drafted Aaron Maybin. This is the man that hired Marv Levy to come in as GM. The man that led the search to bring in Buddy Nix which led us to the drafting of EJ Manuel. The man who pushed to sign TO to help sell tickets. The man that led the charge in leaving no stone unturned and coming back with Doug Marrone as HC. The man who oversaw the contract negotiations with Marrone that allowed him to have an opt out clause after 2 years with no offsets, coating Pegula $4 million. The man that led the charge in the hiring of Rex Ryan and warned Pegula not to let Rex out of the building. And also the man that oversaw the negotiations that gave Rex a 5 year $27.5 million deal, forcing Rex as the leader of this franchise for at least 1 more year despite his obvious inadequacies as a HC in today's NFL. So once again I ask all of the Russ Brandon apologists to give me one example of a Bills success on the field under his leadership? The guys a total incompetent and he proves it year after year......and 2016 will be no different. The sooner the Pegula's realize Russ should not be leaned on for any type of advice the better off this franchise will be.
  7. I know the fear of canning a coach after 1 season may have you guys a bit nervous, but the bigger mistake would be keeping Rex around any longer. He's done. His results as a HC the last 5 years have continually proved it. In a league where the line between wins and losses is so fine, you can't be handicapped by your own HC, as has been the case with the 2015 Bills. You know it was a mistske, and we the fans realize it was a mistake. Don't fool yourself into thinking next year will be different. Don't fool yourself that the results of the next 2 games are an indicator that this team is getting better. Much like EJ Manuel's performance vs. the Jaguars, when the Bills season was on the line they continually folded, please don't be fooled by any garbage time success. Please be courageous in admitting your mistake, and do what you wish you had done the first time around: Hire Hue Jackson
  8. The hiring of Rex Ryan was the biggest blow. On the field, our inability to ever string wins together. Our longest win streak of 2 happened once. The loss to the Chiefs essentially ended our season. Had the chance to go up 1 game on them with the head to head tiebreaker and after our good start in the game I began to dream. Then of course the realization of how bad we were kicked in during the second half, 1 win since.
  9. And with all those guys we are 6-8, and headed no where so who really cares. Maybe it would've been better not to have Tyrod and bottom out a year and draft a good QB prospect. That's the funny hing about this playoff drought, we've been just good enough to miss out on a lot of top tier QB's. 1 less win in 2011 and we have Cam. Oh well. I'm thinking long term........we need a QB.
  10. My friend there is a difference between playing well and getting $15 million in 1 year as a RB. 112 yards rushing is nice, but you don't need to pay $15 M for that type of production. Just look around the league.......it's littered with guys who pop off for 100-150 yards quite often. The $'s the Bills invested in the RB position with the trade for McCoy embodies everything dysfunctional about the Bills. They are 15 years behind the curve. It's why we are in the middle of the longest current playoff drought in al 4 major sports leagues. It's a bozo operation, with a bozo philosphy over there at One Bills Drive. The sooner Terry Pegula starts thinking for himself and not leaning on the judgement of guys like Russ Brandon and Jim Overdorf the sooner we can end this drought. The first move that should be made is to show both of those individuals the door, and then clean house. The original poster is dead on.
  11. I want Rex gone badly. Rex isn't making $27.5 million for 1 season of coaching. He's going to be here next year. Coaches contracts are fully guaranteed. Terry Pegula does not want to look like a fool paying a coach $27.5 million for 1 year. He already got fleeced hiring this guy.....now we the fans get fleeced having Rex as our head coach for at least 1 more year, maybe even 2 if he can make the heroic run to 8-8 next season and place the blame of next years teams ineptness on someone else. Much like Wannestadt, I think the game has passed Rex Ryan. The days of running and stopping the run have long passed. He belongs in a nice cozy studio with Cowher and company.
  12. I agree with all of you guys that we're not making it. There's no confidence from me with our 5% chance probability to make it. I'm actually pretty confident the Bills lose this week and officially eliminate themselves. With all that said I just wanted to share the fact that we aren't totally dead yet, and in a league where an injury can change a teams fortune fast.....you just never know. Well played on the John Murphy crack too. Has anyone else found him hard to listen to on his nightly show this season? I know you can't bite the hand that feeds you but damn it makes for a very boring and unrealistic show. He actually argued with a caller who tried to make the point that the Bills always lose games they need to have these last 15 years. John took issue with the callers point and asked for examples of important games they've lost recently......and then pointed out that the Bills just won a big game vs. Houston. The caller was too gun shy to start rattling off the dozens of games that any level headed Bills fan could've dug up......but his point was proven again vs. the Eagles. I'd guess Murph's favorite ice cream is vanilla, just a hunch
  13. We all know the Bills Playoff chance went kaboom last Sunday with the Bills loss, coupled with the Steelers and Chiefs wins. With that said just hear me out: There are 2 things that can happen this Sunday that can give the Bills a small glimmer of hope: 1 - Beat the Redskins 2 - Broncos beat the Steelers I don't have confidence in either, let alone, both of these outcomes happening, but for the sake of this post if both happen the Bills will have life going into the final week of the season. Why? Because I think the Bills beat the Cowboys in week 16, and I'm quite confident in that. Just can't envision Matt Cassel coming into Ralph Wilson Stadium and winning. He is so bad. I'm also confident that the Patriots can beat the Jets in NY in week 16. Not as confident as the Bills beating the Cowboys, but still like the Pats chances in that game. ........And if those 2 things do happen week 16, than the Bills will go into the 1PM game on Week 17 with a chance: 1- Beat the Jets 2- Johnny Manziel beats the Steelers in front of the home crowd in Cleveland So the takeaway: 1- Bills win out 2- Steelers lose 2 games (DEN,@BAL,@CLE) 3- Jets lose 1 game (@DAL,NE) No way the Bills can mathematically be eliminated heading into week 16 if they beat the Redskins.
  14. Also as a follow up this is currently where all teams strength of victory stands: http://espn.go.com/nfl/standings/_/view/playoff Steelers remaining games (@CIN 10-2, DEN 10-2, @BAL 4-8, @CLE 2-10) Bills remaining games (@PHI 5-7, @WAS 5-7, DAL 4-8, NYJ 7-5) Bills currently have a .444 strength of victory %, Steelers currently have a .405 strength of victory %. Assuming the Bills win out, all Bills fans should be rooting for our remaining opponents to win th games they're not playing us......and for the Steelers remaining opponents to lose the games that they're not playing the Steelers. Remember if Steelers beat Bengals this weekend, they must lose 2 of their last 3 games for Bills to beat them in tie breaking scenarios (extremely unlikely). I have little confidence in Matt Schaub or Johnny Manziel beating the Steelers.
  15. Exact tie breaking procedures for wildcard teams is as follows (from NFL.com): Three or More Clubs(Note: If two clubs remain tied after third or other clubs are eliminated, tie breaker reverts to step 1 of applicable two-club format.) Apply division tie breaker to eliminate all but the highest ranked club in each division prior to proceeding to step 2. The original seeding within a division upon application of the division tie breaker remains the same for all subsequent applications of the procedure that are necessary to identify the two Wild-Card participants. Head-to-head sweep. (Applicable only if one club has defeated each of the others or if one club has lost to each of the others.) Best won-lost-tied percentage in games played within the conference. Best won-lost-tied percentage in common games, minimum of four. Strength of victory. Strength of schedule. Best combined ranking among conference teams in points scored and points allowed. Best combined ranking among all teams in points scored and points allowed. Best net points in conference games. Best net points in all games. Best net touchdowns in all games. Coin toss So my question is if the Steelers beat the Bengals this weekend, doesn's that kill us in tie breaker rule #4. Are common opponents with the Steelers are Patriots, Bengals, Colts and Chiefs. We would be 1-4 in those games, Steelers would be 2-3 if they beat the Bengals. I'm slowly realizing that the Steelers must lose to the Bengals.
  16. 1. Bills beat Texans 2. Giants beat Jets 3. Colts beat Steelers 4. Chiefs beat Raiders If all the games above break that way that would leave the Chiefs as the #5 seed and the Bills as the #6 seed. Bills, Jets, Steelers and Texans would all be 6-6. Bills edge out the Jets because they beat them and they also have the better divisional record.....that would leave the Bills, Steelers and Texans. Bills would edge out both due to AFC record. If the Bills beat the Texans their AFC record goes to 6-5, Texans would be 4-4 in AFC, and Steelers would be 3-5 in AFC if they were to lose to Colts. If the Raiders beat the Chiefs they edge us out for the #6 spot because they would have a 6-3 AFC record, which is why I think it's better for the Chiefs to win tomorrow. I originally thought it was best for the Raiders to upset the Chiefs, but upon closer inspection I've reconsidered. After looking at the Chiefs remaining games (@OAK, SD, @BAL, CLE, OAK), coupled with their AFC record (5-2) along with the fact that they beat the Bills, and you realize the Bills have little chance to leapfrog them. The Bills would have to win 2 additional games than the Chiefs in the final 5 weeks of the season to leapfrog them in standings, in other words, slim chance. With all that said a Raiders win doesn't hurt the Bills all that much because the Raiders have a lot of "loseable" games down the stretch (@DEN, GB, SD, @KC). I realize this post looks desperate, and will look even more foolish at about 4:05 PM Sunday when the Texans beat the Bills, which I fully anticipate, but I felt like being optimistic for 10 minutes tonight and doing what so many fans of other teams get to do.......envision their team making the playoffs!
  17. No chance Mario is on the Bills roster next year. Restructuring makes little sense because it would likely cost the Bills additional dead money down the road,. If you straight up cut him, the dead money next year isn't a deal breaker. His production isn't even close to his pay. This is actually one of the easier calls Whaley has this offseason. If the Bills are going to stick w/ Rex, their best course of action would be to reinvest the cap dollars they save on defense (by cutting Mario) on the offense. The thinking being, you paid big bucks for a defensive minded HC, so let him earn those dollars by scheming up a solid defense with some lower paid guys. Spend more $$$'s on the offense to bring in more talent, where our HC has usually struggled. I don't love that idea, but it's the best one I can think of given the current makeup of our coaching staff. Just wish we could have a mulligan and have Hue Jackson as our HC. I really, really like that guy and think he's going to be a solid HC. Take a look at the roster he had when he was w/ the Raiders and you'll understand what an impressive job he did getting 8 wins out of that team.
  18. Thanks Rex and the entire Bills staff. Thanks for figuring out that the way you relay information for what to challenge on game days is an absolute joke. And thank you for for being proactive enough to get this change in before week 13. Hell with the first 12 weeks of the season, who needed an efficient and effective process the first 3/4's of the season. Thanks to Rex for not challenging 3 plays that all looked iffy. 2 looked like locks to be overturned in the Hogan catch and Alex Smith being short of the sticks on his 3rd and 11 scamper. The Maclin catch was iffy, but was probably worth a second look given the importance of that play. Thanks Rex for challenging Robert Woods drop, that reviews clearly showed hit the ground. And thank you for admitting in the post game press conference that one of your big indicators on whether you should challenge a play is by listening to the player involved in the play, who is surely going to give you his calm and objective opinion on the matter. Would you rather Rex get his info from a brainiac who knows the NFL rulebook inside and out, sitting in front of a 70 inch led t.v., listening to the game broadcast........or from Robert Woods? These decisions seem so easy, so obvious, so laughable when they are posed aloud, but apparently for this pathetic organization that has yet to sniff a playoff appearance since '99, these things are not properly planned for 12 games into a season. It's embarrassing, and may have cost us a win this year.
  19. Who on the Bills has been with the staff throughout this entire playoff drought? Who had their hand in bringing in Buddy Nix? Who had their hand in bringing in Doug Whaley? Who was one of the main men in the meetings that brought us Doug Marrone? Who was one of the main men in the meetings that brought us Rex Ryan? Who does Terry Pegula follow out of the tunnel during home and away games? Russ Brandon. I'd start with him. And don't tell me he has nothing to do with football, he's actually had a lot to do with football. He won't go though, he actually just got a promotion. The guy is incredible at selling hope and selling himself apparently. If I were owner he'd be the very first person I'd remove from the building.
  20. That whole story always struck me as a bit of an oddity. A very nice gesture by the OP. Private charity is a wonderful thing. It was a bit odd for fans, many of which have earned many many many times less money than Darryl Talley, in their own careers to ship money over to a man who himself admitted he was rather wreckless with his money and investments. But I don't want to come off as sounding too negative, after all, like I said earlier, private charity is a great thing, and the OP's idea to raise the money was a very kind and generous deed. Props to him. You just hope the lessons were learned by the guy who needed the help, and he uses/used the funds in a productive manner, because you probably don't get as much sympathy if the story rewrites itself again.
  21. Right on to the OP. Taylor is the definition of replacement level QB. And with this quality QB'ing you are at best a 8-9 win team with good surrounding pieces, which is what the Bills are. Here are the things that concern me the most w/ Tyrod Taylor: 1. He is bailing out of clean pockets. - Greg Cosell of NFL Films, often talks about the dangers of QB's who feel the rush too early. This is precisely whats happening with Taylor. He sprinting laterally out of clean pockets, sometimes running into sacks. He's also quick to throw to his check down even when he has time in the pocket to continue going through progression down the field. 2. His footwork and balance have been deteriorating as the season has progressed and as a result you are seeing ball placement issues. 3. His deep ball was awful in NE, and it was bad @ NYJ. You can't consistently miss wide open WR's running down the field, like he has the last 2 weeks. 4. He seems to take 2-3 unnecessary big hits every game, and his body is not built to take that punishment as evidenced by his numerous nagging injuries this season......ankle, knee and now throwing shoulder. 5. The body language of the entire offense was pitiful tonight. You could tell not 1 guy on that offense believed they could go down and get a TD on that last drive. It was one of the poorest executed 2 minute offenses I've seen in years. It looked like they had no idea how to run one, like they had never practiced it before. Tyrod throwing 5 yard check downs across the middle with 45 seconds left 65 yards away from the end zone is the definition of stupidity. 6. This offense under Tyrod is very helter skelter, often times it looks rushed and frazzled. It seems like every play they are fighting/struggling just to get the snap off before the playclock gets to 0......it's cost them a few timeouts, 1 of which would've been nice to have on that last drive. I'm officially not a believer in Tyrod any longer. My eyes do not lie, and I trust what I'm seeing out of him..........which is average to slightly below average QB play......something my eyes are very good at diagnosing after watching the Bills as closely as I have these past 16 years. It definitely hurts to realize we still don't have an answer at the QB position, but it's just the reality of our situation. What can you do?
  22. This season is already over. I've seen enough of Tyrod this season to realize this team is not a playoff team. This offense leads the league in 3 and out %. There is no consistency what so ever. Taylor struggles to see the middle of the field and bails out of clean pockets. He ran into 2 sacks tonight, running out of an entirely clean pocket for no reason. He is super skittish in the pocket, and takes way too many uneccesary hits. He's also regressing when it comes to balance, footwork and accuracy on his throws. Can't win in the NFL with this below average level QB'ing and I think next week we are in for a beatdown at the hands of the Chiefs. Their solid, tough defense will make Tyrod look like a clown like he did for much of tonight. I must add that the execution of our 4 minute and 2 minute offense tonight was downright abysmal.....and I out a lot of that on our coaching. The team looked like they had never run hurry up ever, it was really demoralizing to watch from an NFL team.
  23. I couldn't disagree with you more. OL, WR, S, LB..........DE, DT, CB, RB are all meaningless without a quality QB. Even if Tyrod finished out the season looking good, I'd be all for the Bills taking a QB they thought could be a good starter in the NFL. I'll take the problem of having 2 decent QB's, happily, after what we've been through the last 15 years as Bills fans. Draft a QB in rounds 1 and 2, if you want.
  24. We were flagged on our very first special teams snap yesterday. I believe special teams was flagged 1 or 2 times after that, as well. And that was a good week for Crossman. There's absolutely no reason he should be the ST coach. He should eb fired immediately. If you look at the guys career credentials his units have been in the bottom half of the league the majority of years. The bye week is the time to do it.
  25. 1. Patriots 2. Broncos 3. Bengals 4. Colts 5. Jets (4-2) 6. Steelers (4-3) 7. Raiders (3-3) 8. Dolphins (3-3) 9. Bills (3-4) I think the wildcard is wide open in the AFC this year. A lot of the usual playoff contenders like the Chiefs (2-5), Chargers (2-5) and Ravens (1-5) are struggling. I expect the Steelers to finish strong with a healthy Roethlisberger back soon , maybe next week. The Jets have been impressive so far, but we all know Fitz is a liability so I don't expect them to run away with anything, although a soft remaining schedule certainly works in their favor. As of now we are 1 game back of the 6-seed and 1.5 games back of the 5-seed (Jets, who we still play twice) The Bills just lost to the Jags so this all seems like a silly exercise.......but there is 5% of my brain that just wants to chalk it up to EJ playing and hope that we come out looking like the team we did in weeks 1 and 3 coming out of the bye. I think 9-7 might get the #6 seed this year.....so I wouldn't say the season is toast. It is bleek though, roughly 13% chance of making the playoffs as we stand now according to an analytics site I like, which sounds about right. Win the next 2 though and that number goes up substantially. We shall see.
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