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Everything posted by Estro

  1. The issue for me is not whther or not we should pick the deal up. It is.....why the hell did Doug Whaley fo a deal that gave him a $6M raise this year and $27.5M in cash next year. Its the opposite of team friendly. Its very very unfriendly. Wouldve been way better off paying $3M this year and the franchise which will be around $22M next year. 2 years $25M. Instead we paid $9M this year and $27.5M next year for a total of 2 years $36.5 M. Stupid
  2. Fair point, and I agree. WR was a huge weakness heading into the offseason and we did nothing. I hope the same mistake is not repeated this season. We need a talent infusion at that position. This guy is the answer to our WR problems in the 2017 draft. Gonna be a #1 in the NFL: COREY DAVIS, WR, Western Michigan https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Safavieh-Classic-Vintage-Red-Cotton-Rug-8-x-11/9943502/product.html?recset=269b9474-bc64-44fc-b045-d3e37410ff19&refccid=CIT3EMZ7NEKYRO2IOHAHN5PL3I&recalg=872,873,839&recidx=2 He's the best WR in the draft, IMO. Mike Williams, WR, Clemson is also decent, but he's no where near as shifty or dangerous with the ball in his hands after the catch as Corey Davis. He is a nice big body who can come sown with the jump ball, which the Bills sorely need though. Corey Davis can also come down with the jump balls. 1 - Corey Davis. 2- Mike Williams Problem is....Corey Davis will be a top 10 pick, so won't be around when Bills are on the clock.
  3. Tyrod is 10x the QB Cutler is and I think Taylor is an average QB, that should tell you how I feel about Cutler. If you're looking to tank and pull a Browns next year, Cutler would be a terrific option.
  4. And Sammy is now talking about not playi g until hes fully healthy. Like i predicted, the back and forth between the Bills and Watkins is beyond bizzare. He underwent a medical checkup and given tgat he practiced on a limited basis Im guessig he got the thumbs up. But now hes saying hes not fully healthy and couldnt play if the game was today. I just dont get it. The Bills are telling him hes healthy and ready to go yet he tells the Bills hes not. I still stand by my belief that Sammy wants to shut it down this year, and the Bills just are perplexed as to whats going on.
  5. So far I called the first part of the equation: Rex Ryan applied the pressure by saying they are hopeful he can play some this week Now the ball is in Sammy's court. Expect to not see him practice Wednesday, or Thursday and start tweeting divisive things by Friday night. I think he wants to shut it down, I think the Bills want him to tough it out and I think the Bills are frustrated as hell over it.
  6. If any team gives Woods $9M+ a year they're overpaying, he's not worth anywhere near that. I'm not saying he can't get it, there is a lot of teams sitting on a lot of money in FA, so maybe it's possible, but I wouldn't want him at that price. I happen to think WR is probably the most important position outside of QB, so I'm not discounting the position, I just don't think Woods is anything more than an okay #2 or a good #3. I think the right price for Woods is $5-$6M per year, as a FA on the open market he can probably get a little more than that, but $9M a year........no thanks. I'll take the 4th round compensatory for that price and let him walk. In '16 Free Agency: Marvin Jones got 5 years - $40M. Mohamed Sanu got 5 years - $32.5M I think Marvin Jones is better, so I think Woods will probably be looking for something in that range of $6.5 - $8M per year.
  7. Let's pump the brakes on Sammy coming back at all this season. The guy has proven to be not only a very fragile player, but one who will not/ can not play through pain. I'm waiting to see hwat the excuses are for why he's not playing vs. the Jaguars. My expectation is the Bills apply a little pressure by mentioning they are "hopeful" to have him back soon, only to be told later in the week that he's a no go for the JAX game. Then prior to the Raiders games Sammy will post some silly, dumb stuff on twitter and by the Raiders game the Bills will announce that Sammy Watkins will be shut down for the remainder of the year.
  8. Was the first guy I wanted to see be shown the door when Pegula took over. Instead, he got another promotion.....jeez This is the man that has Pegula's ear more than anyone else in the Bill org., IMO, and that really troubles me.
  9. This is the why handing Dareus a massive contract with no language regarding suspensions for failing drug tests was laughed at around the league. The Eagles had a similar situation with Lane Johnson, a very talented OT, but one who had previously been suspended for PED use. So, the Eagles included in his massive contract extension, language that protected the team against the player making a foolish decision and using PED's again. What happened? Lane got popped again for PED use and was suspended for 10 games. Because the Eagles were diligent in their contract negotiation all of Lane Johnson's contact guarantees are now gone.........poof......they are on the hook for $0 if they want to cut him. The Bills, on the other hand, have no protection at all and thus Dareus is an uncuttable and untradeable "ass"et. His dead money is massive and cutting him anytime before 2019 doesn't save the Bills any cap money whatsoever, it actually hurts them. There were many informative NFL "guys" I follow on twitter that couldn't believe the Bills didn't protect themselves against something like this. So I blame, Overdorf or Whaley or whoever the hell signed off on this deal full well knowing the team would be screwed financially if Dareus did what he ended up doing. And lastly, I loved Dareus, really did. But that really changed this year. He let everybody down again, and to me, the optics of his behavior is very troubling. I still don't think he's taken responsibility for any of his stupidity and asinine decisions. He seems to be that guy that blames everything and anyone beside himself.
  10. agreed. But let's be honest this team was done after that sloppy 0-2 start vs. 2 very beatable teams. The first one the O laid a total egg. The second the D laid a total egg. And that's pretty much the Bills of the last 20 years for you. A lot of inconsistency and a lot f eggs laid. Still no closer to having the QB we need to finally turn the corner either. Tyrod was exactly where I wanted to see him in the SEA game. 4 chances from the 10 yard line to win the game. Couldn't get it done. Not bad, but he's just not good or consistent enough.
  11. Good. Ill take the weak roster until you find a qb you can build around. Then once you find that guy stop taking qbs and start using all your high draft picks to build around that qb. Being really bad fir a couple years and having opportunities to get a good qb is a better option then endless 8 win seasons, imo.
  12. Well Whaley had 3 chances to draft the guy "he really liked". So he must've not "really liked" him enough. I've been banging the drum for the Bills to draft 2 QB's every draft because it's so painfully obvious you're absolutely no where as a franchise without a QB that can sling the ball all over the field, something the Bills haven't had for 20 years. Doug Whaley's philosophy has been much different. He's a run and stop the run type of guy. You saw what that philosophy looks like when you go against teams that have decided they are going to dominate you with offense, particularly the passing game...... and beat you on Sundays. The Bills still are trying to swim upstream with their backwards philosophies and until those philosophies properly match with what wins in this league (passing) this team will continue to waste away in no mans land.
  13. Tyrod will never be a good passer. He's fun and exciting. He's better than what we've had the last 10 years. He's also wildly inaccurate, has problems seeing the field and throws nobody open (as Mike Mayock says) He is a guy who can keep you afloat, and maybe if everything breaks right get you 9 or 10 wins. He'll never be the guy and never consistently take his team to the playoffs. If I'm the GM there's no way he's seeing $28.5M in cash next year. He's not worth half that amount. 17 years into the playoff drought and the Bills are still in no mans land, IMO.
  14. I don't want Gilmore on my team. He can't locate the football He has poor ball skills He can't tackle (someone needs to teach him low man wins, can't tackle someone at the neck) He's a defensive holding penalty waiting to happen He takes no responsibility for his own poor play Just look at that picture posted of him blaming his teammates before Hogan has even crossed the goal line. That's an embarrassment and deserves a benching. I will gladly take the 3rd or 4th round comp pick for him to walk. I wouldn't want him for $4M a year, to be honest.
  15. I don't want Gilmore on this team for $5M a year let alone $14M a year. He has no ball skills. He's a defensive holding penalty waiting to happen. He can't snap his head around and locate the football And lately......he can't tackle anything I don't know why he continues to try and tackle people uo around the neck, instead of wrapping up low, but he's really embarrassing himself out there. Thank god the Bills didn't give him the long term extension he was rumored to have turned down, I dont want him on this team PERIOD
  16. $10.5M is more than Id even want to pay Gilmore. I think theres a team that might consider giving him $12M a year, and uf thats the case the Bills would be smart to let him walk. Get a 3rd round compensatory pick and reallocate the money you saved by not signing him else where
  17. Your question boils down to one thing: Do you think Tyrod Taylor is a good QB capable of winning a Super Bowl? If you think the answer to that question is yes, then you could entertain the thought of trades. If you think the answer is, no, like me.....then you stand pat. We still need a QB. Tyrod is not the guy, and I don't think hes worth the $27.5 Million in cash he will cost in 2017. And until you have a stud at QB......all the other positions just don't mean all that much
  18. I'll be in Austin this weekend for a wedding and want to catch the Bills game. I'm assuming it won't be on T.V. down there so I'm looking for a Bills Bar or any good bar with Sunday ticket. I'm sure some of you on this board will be able to help me out. Thanks!
  19. I know this topic has been discussed, but I wanted to point out how disappointed fans, coaches and players have the right to be in Marcell Dareus. He's a superb player, but his antics and behavior off the field are a real source of concern to me: Since his extension which paid him over $25M in cash last year and over $15M in cash this year he has been a total disappointment. 1 - Last year he had 2 sacks. That's by far the worst of his career (5.5, 5.5, 7.5, 10, 2). 2 - Takes a banned substance (maybe ADHD, maybe pot) that costs him the first 4 games of this season. 3 - We find out the Bills front office didn't protect themselves financially from massive contract guarantees if Dareus gets suspended, which has happened before. An indictment on the front office here. 4 - Team isn't shy about getting word out that Dareus is going to rehab, only to find out weeks later there was no rehab at all, unless you consider visiting Bruce Smith rehab. Just an odd thing to put out there and then have not happen. Makes me wonder if Dareus kind of "blew off" the PR stunt. 5 - In his first week of practice after week 4 he severely pulls his hamstring costing him the next 2 games and at this point it's looking like possibly more Point #5 really bugs me because a pulled hamstring in practice points toward the fact that his body probably wasn't toned, stretched and ready to go. He looked to be in awful shape pregame and on the sidelines of the Rams game. Looks heavy and soft. I'm hoping he comes out and dominates like he should when he's ready, but I'm just so pissed as a fan that he's not on the field. And with the money the Bills are paying this guy I really think he's on thin ice. There's no more time to tolerate his continued poor decision making, and the only thing he's proven thus far is that he can't be depended on to make good choices, and that's a shame. Just think of what $40M last year and this year could've done for our offense. Your talking about being able to afford some seriously good players in FA for that type of coin. That's part of my philosophy on why I don't want to resign Gilmore for massive $$$. I'd rather save that money and spend it on our offense. I'm still not ready to see Dareus go, but I'm concerned this won't be his last misstep and I think his next might be his last as a Bill, if that makes any sense.
  20. I gotta hand it to the guys that will cheer and defend no matter what the stats or the big picture show. We are dead last in passing and it should be a major concern to any fan. I want the Bills to win and be a good team just as much as anybody else, but our QB is not playing well. That's just the truth. If we want to be a good team year in and year out, we need to draft and develop a good QB. I think with each passing game we are beginning to see that Tyrod is probably not that guy, unfortunately.
  21. I don't want to resign Gilmore. I don't really care to resign Woods. I think both are replaceable particularly Woods. I actually don't want Gilmore for even $10M per year, which is much less than what he's looking for. I'd be happier to save that money, redistribute it to the offense and get a 3rd or 4th round compensatory pick for someone else signing Gilmore to a big money deal. This team needs to focus on QB's and WR's in next year draft/FA.
  22. This is why many informed Bills fans aren't confident in this team. You can't sustain success in this league without a consistent and effective passing game. Can you get lucky, catch a lot of breaks and maybe sneak into the playoffs? Yes, it's possibe, but you better be awfully lucky. Id rather be good then lucky. Unfortunately, the Bills offense is poor and the passing game is ugly. You can't sustain a winning formula with it. And the most concerning part is Tyrod looks bad. He's making a couple of nice plays with his legs, but he's regressing in the passing game. Abandoning the pocket too quickly, bad footwork and poor accuracy. Was hoping to see a bit of an improvement in all of those categories over last year, and to my eye they all look worse. This is why many informed Bills fans aren't confident in this team. You can't sustain success in this league without a consistent and effective passing game. Can you get lucky, catch a lot of breaks and maybe sneak into the playoffs? But the Bills offense is poor and the passing game is ugly. You can't sustain a winning formula with it. And the most concerning part of that stat is Tyrod looks bad. He's making a couple of nice plays with his legs, but he's regressing in the passing game. Abandoning the pocket too quickly, bad footwork and poor accuracy. Was hoping to see a bit of an improvement in all of those categories over last year, and to my eye they all look worse.
  23. If I'm the GM of the Bills I let Gilmore walk. He's not a difference maker. I'd let him walk and pickup the 3rd or 4th round compensatory pick the following year for losing him. I will add that I think, Gilmore and his agent have overestimated his value. Other believe the Bills were in the $11-$12 M range with him, but Gilmore was looking for $14-#15M. Just because the Redskins handed out a foolish contract to Josh Norman doesn't mean the Bills should follow suit. I actually think $11-$12M is too much for Gilmore. I'd rather see that money invested on the offensive side of the ball.
  24. His post loss press conferences are always worth a watch for a laugh. Very, very unhappy man after he loses.
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