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Everything posted by Estro

  1. I repeat my sentiment, absolutely no way Tyrod gets $27.5M in cash next year. Any team that evaluates Tyrod's game and sees that the Bills, led by Tyrod, have ranked right near the bottom in passing 2 straight years isn't forking over big time $$$. This extension, as someone else stated already, was totally assinine on the Bills part. They gave Tyrod a free $6.9M last year and then front loaded the contract with a hige amount of cash required in Year 1. The alternative of standing pat and having the option of the franchise tag this year was a much cheaper and smarter option. The Bills lost all of the leverage they had and they had a lot of leverage before that dumb extension. The only way this extension was ever going to be a good one for the Bills was if he saw at least 4 years of the deal because the cash lightens up in years 2, 3 and 4, which makes the overall deal more palatable. Unfortunately, he's not a very good QB, so the Bills will never see years 4 or 5 of the deal because they would be committing to almost certain mediocrity, exactly where they've been for almost 20 years. Time to cut bait and roll the dice with someone else.
  2. Absolutely no shot of Tyrod Taylor getting $27.5 M in cash next year from any other team but the Bills. I love how everybody says Tyrod can get the same if not more on the open market. Its not going to happen folks. Can he get a deal that has a lot of funny money on the backend that looks like the contract he has now? Absolutely. But he's not getting $27.5 M in year 1. Tyrod defines average, middle of the road, bridge QB w/e you want to call it and those QBs DO NOT get $27.5M in cash in 1 year. Any team that decides to do that is making a serious mistake.
  3. I happen to really enjoy Mike Schopp. He's real, he's honest and his football IQ is high.....not in an x's and o's type of way but more of the math, analytical way. Ive learned a lot by listening to that show over the last few years. Can he be a little short/rude with callers? Yes, but honestly it doesnt bother me.....most the time they do get pretty boring/generic/dumb comments from the callers.
  4. Don't know if he hates it, but he's absolutely awful at it.
  5. I don't want Gilmore for the $14-$15M per year. I think another team flush with cash will give it to him, though. He's a good player, but he's not an amazing, difference maker type player and for $15M a year, you better be getting a game changer, which he is not. I'd let him walk and make sure you lock in a 3rd round compensatory pick by not signing more FA's than we lose. His contract will likely be large enough to award us a 3rd round comp in 2018. If you thought you could franchise him and then trade him to another team for a 2nd or 3rd round pick this year that would also be worth looking into. Is there some team out there that would be willing to send us a 2017 3rd round pick for Gilmore and also give him a brand new, rich contract? Perhaps, but the risk you run there is that nobody wants to trade for him and you have to pay him the franchise # in 2017. Not a horrible scenario, but if the Bills don't think he's worth $14-$15M per year K think they're more likely to just let him walk and bank the 2018 3rd round comp. pick. Let's just hope Whaley isn't dumb enough to sign more FA's than we lose thus costing us the 3rd round comp. pick.
  6. I'm convinced this kid can become the QB Bills fans have yearned for for 2 decades. His pocket presence, movement within the pocket to get off his throws, arm strength and accuracy are all pluses. I love the way he steps up in the pocket. It's why I hated Blaine Gabbert and Jared Goff as prospects. They were both terrible in the face of pressure, often times dropping their eyes and staring at the rush. That's a deal breaker for me....if I see that in a QB I don't think he has a shot at being any good in the NFL. With Mahomes you have a guy who keeps his eyes up, steps up, and delivers very impressive accurate balls all over the field. He's 6'3", 230 lbs., he's the real deal and the Bills need to take a roll of the dice on him at #10. Does he have some quirky footwork and odd hitches? Yes. But, I truly believe this guy is going to be a future stud NFL QB. http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/patrick-mahomes-1/gamelog/2016/ Go get this guy Doug! Please! Deliver us from QB purgatory!
  7. Kyle Shanahan's offensive design is a thing of beauty. When your QB is throwing to guys wide open in the end zone you have to tip your cap to the play caller. Great rhythm, great design.....All of these teams including the Bills that may have been turned off by his over confident demeanor are morons by not handing this guy the keys to the head coaching position. In an offensive league this is the guy I'd want as my head man. I just like the idea of offensive minded HC's.
  8. I believe you're right. The position still open indicates to me the guy they want is still coaching. Matt Nagy, an Andy Reid disciple, had 3 years in Philly with McDermott he's also younger, but he's only been the OC (co-OC). I'm not sure he has the play calling experience it seems McDermott is looking for.
  9. Does it concern anyone else how poor of a public speaker Terry Pegula is. Whether it's an appearance on WGR radio or opening a press conference today, I've found him to be pretty brutal. A part of me believes that ones ability to communicate gives you a little insight on ones intelligence and ability to asses other people, and I just wonder if Pegulas total ineptitude when it comes to public communication means anything.
  10. Flacco has some warts, but anybody who cant see that he's so much better than Tyrod cant properly asses the position.
  11. I like Fahey. Hes a good follow on twitter, but i totally disagree with him on Taylor. He was obsessing over Taylors game @ SEA. It was his best of the season. Problem is I didnt see any comments of his when we played OAK or PIT or BAL. Hes found the best tape of Tyrod and badically dug in. Today he was complaing that Tyrod gets no YAC from his WRs, totally ignoring the main reason for no YAC. Hes non consistently accurate and cant read or see the middle of the field good enough......which is where WRs get most of their YAC across the middle. Does Tyrod suck? NO Hes okay Fahey though seems to think you can build a long term plan with Tyrod and I couldnt disagree more
  12. So it seems local media still agree that A Lynn is the leader in the clubhouse to get the job. With that said every candidate we've interviewed is available to be hired immediately with the exceprion of 1 .... Kris Richard. With the Bills seemingly finished with their interviews or about to be it would make sense for that decision to come down at the end of the week. So if it is indeed A. LYNN I suspect we will hear something by Friday. Now if nothing happens by Friday, I think itd be a strong indication that RICHARD might be the guy. Remember the Bills nor Richard can come to any agreement until rhe Seahawks are eliminated from the playoffs, and that could be a while. I'm actally excited about Richard so Im excited to see what unfolds this week. Im rooting for no news. BTW....has Richard gotten any other HC interviews this yr.?
  13. That video thoroughly impresses me. Nothing fake or manufactured about this guy. Being himself, which to me screams leadership and confidence. I love him just off of that video.
  14. Romo would excite me, but it would need to be coupled with drafting a QB high in either 17 or 18, for the more long term approach. We need to find a QB. Romo is a short term play (1-2 years), my priority would still be to find the "guy" even if we did get Romo. Tyrod was fun and certainly a tease, but after 29 games I feel I have a pretty good handle on who he is & I think the Bills would be prudent to let him walk. He's not worth $27.5M in cash in '17 because then you have to commit to him for at least 2-3 years, due to the cap ramifications. Committing to Tyrod for another 2-3 years will only slow the Bills process to hopefully finding the right QB. And the Bills have to get the new HC hire right this time. Whether it's and offensive or defensive coach I hope we bring in solid coordinators with a strong track record. They also would be smart to find a coach who will be very aggressive on going fr 4th and shorts. I think coaches can win an additional game or 2 a year by simply having a "smart" and efficient sideline operation. What I mean by that is: knowing when to take timeouts, knowing when to challenge, knowing when not to punt or kick a FG and instead play aggressive, also staying aggressive at the end of the 1st half and get points rather than kneeling on it.
  15. This has a lot to do with the Rooney Rule. Many of the other coaches who would fulfill the Rooney Rule requirement are preparing for playoff games this weekend, meaning they aren't available to be interviewed right now. The list includes Teryl Austin (Lions), Vance Joseph (Dolphins), Kris Richards (Seahawks). I think there is some interest in Lynn, but I'm not buying that he gets hired anywhere but maybe with the Bills.
  16. Agreed. He used like 5 or 6 plays to basically try and say Tyrod is pretty good, the problem is there were 995 other plays.....AND when you add up ALL of the plays I'd say Tyrod actually regressed this year. He had 2 good games: @ SEA & vs. MIA, unfortunately bot ended in losses since we had such a lousy D. Outside of those 2 games he had a bunch of so so to really bad games. I was actually surprised because I normally agree w/ Mike Schopp, but on this article I totally disagreed. I'm not sure, perhaps he was being sarcastic but he seemed to want to keep Tyrod because of the evidence in this article, me not so much.
  17. https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/sports/football/2013/01/29/buffalo_bills_rogers_centre_reach_deal_to_continue_playing_one_nfl_game_per_season_in_toronto/buffalo_bills.jpg.size.custom.crop.1086x715.jpg Accountability is leaving no stone unturned. Looking at all phases of the organization in its totality, And ultimately creating one of the most robust analytical departments to help the Bills "Lead the charge" and enhance the ability of our fans to "Billieve" in this team. -Russ Brandon
  18. What's just as mind blowing is that in all 17 years we've only been alive going into week 17 once (2004). Other than that 2004 season we've been eliminated prior to week 17 which is almost just as astonishing. Death, Taxes, and a meaningless Bills week 17 game, at least this millennium.
  19. To have reports about the status of your coach and his lack of job security on back to back weeks before impirtant games in December is an absolute embarrassment. It is the job of the Pegulas to not allow that type of amatuer hour crap over there. Im thoroughly unimpressed and underwhelmed in the overall handling of their operation.
  20. Ever since there were rumors right after the sale of the Bills coming from Adam Schefter that Russ was coveted around the league and the Raiders were interested in hiring him, I've thought he was a talker. Theres only one person that coulve fed that bs to Schefter and thats Brandon.
  21. It's pretty simply folks. Our last 2 head coaches have not embraced the very things that give your team a better chance of winning on Sundays, playing the correct odds: You shouldn't punt when your win % decreases after said punt You shouldn't kick a FG when your win % decreases after said FG You should know to take a 5 yard delay of game early in the 1st Q, rather than burn a timeout You should know when to not challenge a clear reception on the sideline by your opponent These are just some of the examples we as Bills fans should always expect our next HC to get right. There are little examples hidden in every game where too many coaches totally screw up and actually hurt their teams chance of victory, and honestly its unacceptable. It's the thing I want most out of our next HC. I'd like him to understand the following: 1- A run and stop the run philosophy is nice, but judging by the Bills #1 rushing attach the past 2 seasons, & STILL no playoffs it's clearly not wise 2- You need to find a QB who can shred (as Gruden would say) defenses with his arm and his mind. 3- You need to be very aggressive on 4th down as you approach midfield. 4th and 6 and shorter anywhere close to midfield & HC's should be going for it way more than they are. 4- 2 pt. conversion. Attempt them. 55% chance of 2 points is better than 92% of 1. This is called math. 5- Don't play prevent defense up 3 late in the 4th quarter (Bills vs. MIA). Stop playing to minimize disaster and actually play to maximize your chance of victory, something Rex continually avoided. 6- Understand that defenses are historically up and down year to year. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a great defense is going to be great next year and also that a bad defense is going to be bad the next year. 7- Understand that passing offense is very important to a teams success. Even the best running game in the league can't cover up for a bottom of the league passing game. 8- Every yard counts. WR's, TE's and RB's must be taught to hit it north/south as soon as the make a catch. There are some occasions when its smart for a player to protect himself when there are no more yards to be had, but I'm tired of the Sammy Watkins ducking out of bounds 1 yard shy of the sticks plays. Just watch NE's WR compared to ours, they play like RB's across the middle of the field. Ours don't seem to want any part of contact. I honestly think that an excellent Head Coach who aces gameday management (knowing how to do the things I mentioned above) can help a team win an additional 2 games per year on average. This to me is worth more than any 1 player, with the exception of a very good QB. The QB is very hard to find, The HC shouldn't be. I hope we find the right guy. And I hope the Bills are asking the right questions.
  22. Yes we could've also not given him a $6M raise this year and a ludicrous $27.5M option next year if we want to keep him. Unfortunately, the guy who gave him that assinine deal is out looking for our new HC.
  23. yea so far the pegulas have done little to calm the fears of Bills fans who feel that we're an inferior organization. Why? They promoted Russ Brandon They are "loyal" to Doug Whaley They hired Rex Ryan as HC & loved the fact that he wanted Greg Roman to be OC because they were also impressed with Roman during the HC interview. the former lasted 32 games, the latter lasted 18 games. Both got fat contracts, and both will be well paid for years to come to NOT coach the Bills So far, not so good Word of advice: Don't let Russ Brandon and his "robust analytics dept", that apparently still allows for hiring coaches that punt on 4th and 2 w/ the season on the line, anywhere near the next HC search. Thanks for your consideration.
  24. http://www.nj.com/jets/index.ssf/2015/01/watch_mike_francesa_rips_rex_ryan_after_buffalo_bi.html Spot on.
  25. Our biggest needs: 1-QB 2-WR If you like a QB and think he can be a good player in the league, take him and don't think twice. If not draft the most explosive and best offensive player in the draft: Corey Davis, WR, Western Michigan. He is going to be a star in the league. Robert Woods is leaving via FA, Goodwin maybe too. Sammy has not been durable, so WR is a huge hole on this roster heading into '17. Davis will be a star. I like him as a prospect, better than Sammy Watkins coming out of college, which is why I'm thinking he might not even be on the board when the Bills pick. If he is, and your QB of the future isn't, take Davis, immediately
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