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Everything posted by Estro

  1. Eric Moulds. Eric Moulds late 90's early 2000's was a beast. He was a beast across the middle, and a threat to take a quick slant to the house.
  2. Ive been a season ticket holder since 2002. Ive been to most home games since that time. The loudest game by far was the Monday Night against the Cowboys and no other game even comes close.
  3. Analytical department: Step 1: Follow the 4th down bot on twitter Step 2: Do what it says ......you then have an analytical dept. better than any in the league. Pretty simple.
  4. Success = 1 of 2 things: The Playoffs, or Josh Rosen on this roster next year. One scenario requires 10 wins, the other requires 3 wins. Anything in between will be a total waste, and unfortunately we have about an 80% chance of landing in that wasteland of 5 to 9 wins. Bad enough to miss the playoffs for an 18th straight season, but good enough to miss out on blue chip QB prospects. And Josh Rosen is a blue chip QB prospect. He will be an All Pro in the NFL. Much better prospect than Sam Darnold, despite what you may hear in the media. Stronger arm, better accuracy, quick setup and release, great footwork. I see a Drew Brees or Eli Manning skill set when I watch Rosen play. I'd be thrilledto land him, but I fully expect him to be the #1 overall pick so chances we get that lucky are slim.
  5. Humber has been mentioned in positive light by the head coach and players in th3 oress conferences ive listened too. Also Hodges signed a 1 yr deao for veteran minimum, so Id say signs point to Humber at the moment. With the deal that Hodges signed hes far from a lock to even make the final roster.
  6. Josh Rosen is the most talented passer in college since Andrew Luck, IMO. Brandon Beane and McDermott will covet his skill set, I hope 2017 is about securing the ammo neccesary to draft Rosen. He's a lock to go top 3......so lets hope the 2 #1s and some mid rounders are enough to go get him.
  7. That was a Whaley trick, that looks good short term and burns you long term. That's what they did with Percy Harvin. Smart cap teams try and avoid the prorated dead money signing bonus hits when the player is no longer on the team. Occasionally, you use it....if it allows you to add a piece or 2 to make a run at a championship, but most the time it's not a smart play. I like they stuck to their guns here, if that's what transpired. At this point there aren't many, if any teams that are ponying up $7M in cash for a #2 WR. Remember this is long after FA and the draft, most teams are pretty much set and their money is spent. I think $4M, or a chance to get to $5M w/ some incentives hit is about the best Maclin can do at this stage of the game, and I bet the Bills offer is pretty damn close to that amount. Now, I wonder if the Bills are going to let him shop that # to other teams. I know Bill B. is infamous for not letting the offer stand if the player goes to shop the # to other teams. It's probably the wise choice. Lastly, why do any players allow their agents to negotiate contracts that don't include roster bonuses due a few days before the start of FA. If you're Maclin you'd be much better off being cut just before FA starts when all teams are flush with cash and looking to spend. Now in the beginning of June the money is dried up. A roster bonus due in March would at least force teams, in this case the Chiefs, to cut the player early, or guarantee the player another chunk of change that would otherwise not be earned if the team does cut him later in the offseason.
  8. Mike Williams, big & slow. Don't like to see the lower body injuries on a guy that's already slow.
  9. In his limited carries last year he looked slow, hesitant to hit the hole, and went down pretty easily. He also fumbled a couple times. I wouldnt count on him to be anything more than replaceable
  10. 1. Never punting on 4th and 1. 2. Going for it on 4th and 3 or less once youve crossed your own 45 yard line. 3. Keeping your timeouts in hand rather than wasting them on unimportant challenges early in games. 4. Have 1 designated team official, who's an NFL rules expert, watching the game up in a booth on a 80 inch 4k tv, and letting McDermott know when he needs to challenge and when he needs to keep the red flag in his pocket. 5. Go for 2 point conversions after TD's. I happen to like 50% of 2 better than I like 94% of 1.
  11. I like it because it came after the date when additions hurt you in the comp. pick formula. Therefore, it has no negative effect on costing us valuable mid round draft picks in '18, like the additions of Vlad Ducasse, Steven Hauschka, Ryan Davis, Jordan Poyer and Patrick Dimarco did. Hodges was a move you'd see the Ravens make, smart, and after the comp pick deadline.
  12. If the new way of doing things is signing a bunch of backup type role players in FA, which leads us to lose out on 3rd and 4th round compensatory picks, in a league where the smart teams work the compensatory pick formula in their favor and build their teams through the draft, especially by hitting on mid round picks who come with VERY, VERY affordable 4 year deals..............than count me out. Because that's pretty much what McDermott did this winter/spring. Let's just hope Beane, Gaines & Schoen point the mistake out to McDermott and they correct the problem. I want one thing coming out of this season: 2 1st round picks 1 2nd round pick 2 3rd round picks 2 4th round picks It's not looking promising unless the Bill decide to cut several of their FA signing from just a couple of months ago, but there's still time to fix it if the Bills are willing to admit they screwed up with roster management. And since the Bills aren't anywhere close to competing for a championship, let's hope.....for the long term, sustained success of this franchise tha tboth our own 1st rounder and the Chiefs 1st rounder are as high as can be. Would it suck to win 4 games in the short term? Yes, it'd make for a pretty miserable 17 weeks, and a lot of empty seats @ the Ralph come November and December, but I think most fans, like me would be licking their chops at the thought of a top 5 1st round pick couple with the Chiefs 1st rounder (hopefully in the 15-20 range if the Chiefs fail to make the playoffs). The 2017 season for me is all about securing the ability to draft Josh Rosen, who's going in the top 2 picks of next years draft, IF & it's a very big IF, he decides to declare for the '18 draft.
  13. You're correct, I have, smartly. The Bills over/under total wins in vegas is 6 or 6.5 wins. I happen to think we may go over. I think 7 or 8 wins is probably where we land. Any fan who thinks signing a FB a K or a crappy OL is more valuable than multiple mid round draft picks has no understandinh of how smart teams build a roster. Lets just hope Brandon Beane, Sean McDermott and company understand.....thus far Im concerned McDermott does not, as evidenced by where we currently stand in the comp. pick formula.
  14. BTW, why the hell did the Bills give Steven Hauschka a $3M contract & $4.6M in cash in Year 1. Talk about bad contracts, there's another one to add to the list. No other kicker in the league will make as much in cash as Steven Hauschka will this year. That's a pathetic overpay, not to mention it could cost us a 3rd round comp. pick. All around inept on the Bills part. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/rankings/cash/kicker/
  15. I value the 3rd & 4th round pick we'd receive for losing Gilmore and Woods way more than I value a kicker, a FB, a backup DE and a backup interior OL. The fact that the Bills didn't think this one through is very concerning. For a team going no where, give me the 2 mid round draft picks all day over a handful of backups. Having 2 #1's, 2 #3's & 2 #4's, along with our own #2 would put us in great shape for the '18 draft, including plenty of ammo to trade up and get a QB, if there's one there this brass loves (Josh Rosen). Please Bills do the smart thing for once and secure the 3rd and 4th comp. picks......those 2 picks are WAY more valuable than a handful of backups that are very replaceable.
  16. A laugh riot. Silly Bills fans. Valuing 3rd and 4th round draft choices over FA FB's, backup OL & crappy CB's. What morons would ever question such moves. (Sarcasm on) Get busy winning or get busy losing, ust dont get stuck in the middle.
  17. I agree. How hard is it to sell tickets in a league that is overwhelmingly beloved in a town that is starved for a winner? I never understood the praise given to Russ for keeping the stadium filled. At those low prices with little or no competition in town its fairly easy to fill it up even with the pathetic product hes been a part of putting on the field
  18. http://www.buffalobills.com/assets/images/imported/BUF/photos/clubimages/2014/05-May/tempCM6_6476--nfl_mezz_1280_1024.JPG The only man in this room that still has a job is the one with his fist held high. "But he has no say over the football dept., he's just on the business side" - says those who don't have eyeballs.
  19. Sam Darnold isn't top tier QB, IMO. His arm strength is below average. I think Josh Rosen will be the clear cut "guy" by this seasons end.
  20. I don't remember him commenting during the draft? Was that in the shoutbox or an actual post about Zay Jones? Never saw it.
  21. Cian Fahey makes for a good follow on twitter I don't agree with many of his QB assessments, though. I will take note that he liked Mitch Tribusky quite a bit this year, and really didn't Mahomes. Time will tell. The fact that he seems to genuinely think Tyrod Taylor is a pretty good QB gives me reason enough to not trust his QB analysis, quite honestly.
  22. Josh Rosen is my bet for #1 pick. His personality will rub some coaches and GM's the wrong way, but he has QB qualities that are special. As a side note: The Bills play the Chargers in LA November 19. The day before Sam Darnold & USC play Josh Rosen & UCLA at the Coliseum. That'd make for a great weekend!
  23. I listened to Pegula's press conference and came away thinking Overforf's tenure with the Bills is very much on shaky ground. Pegula said something to the effect of "we will do everything we can to fight for Overdorf, but ultimately that decision will come down to the next GM". Basically he gave himself an out, that if and when they release Overdorf it will be because the next GM made that decision, as he should. Not having language in Dareus' contract that protected the team from future guarantees if he failed future drug tests was an offense worthy of firing.....and Iay that at the feet of Overdorf. I wouldn't be surprised to see Scott Berchtold let go as well now that they have the new guy from Philly. The only guy who might be left standing will be Russ. I think Russ is the only human on earth that will survive nuclear war.
  24. My favorite target: Move down 10-20 spots and pick up a 2nd rounder next year.
  25. Davis is much more coveted than you're led to believe if you listen to the draft "pundits". He's going inside the first 20 picks. And the logic that you can't take him @ 10 because a lot of mocks have him going later is not sound. If you take him @ 10 and he ends up being a better WR than Sammy Watkins, which I certainly believe he will, is it still way too early to take him?
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