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Everything posted by Estro

  1. Moving up from #12 to #7 is worth 300 points on the infamous draft value trade chart. That 300 point value is equivalent to pick #60 in the draft, so a late 2nd rounder. That might be what I'd consider a fair value for Hughes, a good player. If he's not in the Bills long term plans, which after the signing of Trent Murphy, could be a possibility, I'd be okay with this trade. Another way to inch up in the draft without having to touch a draft pick. Keep in mind, Jerry Hughes cap hit for '18 is $10.4M, and by trading him pre June 1st we'd incur a $5.8M dead cap hit. So we'd save $4.6M against the cap in '18.........which might be enough cap space to wiggle in 1 more FA like Preston Brown or E.J. Gaines. I think what I like the most about this scenario, though is getting up to #7 without having to touch any of our draft pick ammo, which we have a lot of. That means the Bills could ship #7 & #22 to the Colts for picks #3 and their 4th rounder, #103. That would leave the Bills with both of their 2nd rounders & both 3rd rounders (not to mention 2 4th rounders if we pulled off the trade I mentioned above) so they could start building this roster with some quality rooks. Yea.......I guess I've talked myself into it....I really like the idea of shipping Hughes to the Bucs to move up from #12 to #7. ? is would the Bucs make such a move? It's fun to think about. You know something we don't or are you just draft fantasizin'?
  2. I think Preston is a replaceable player. His durability has been his best asset, but his lack of speed and poor angles in pursuit are problems. He's also a liability against the quick pass game. It's safe to keep him and not create a hole, but it might be smarter to look to upgrade for a lot cheaper in the draft if they think such a prospect exists in the draft who'd be available in rounds 2-4.
  3. I agree. I've watched every throw from 4-5 of his college games and I don't like Allen as a prospect at all. Does he have a strong arm? Yes. Does he have the accuracy or pocket presence neccesary to play at a high level in the NFL? Not even close. I will be incredibly disappointed if this is the guy the Bills bet their future on. After loving Mahomes as a prospect...to pass on him for someone as weak as Allen would be a total let down. Darnold. Let's hope he's the target.
  4. Let's hope Preston finds healthy $$$$$, just not from the Bills. I'll take a 5th round comp. Pick! He'll need to find about $6.5M per for that to happen
  5. I have noticed the politics. Jeremy, Bulldog, and Schopp are all raging liberals. They do let it seep into their sports talk shows, which IMO isn't a great idea, because your likely alienating about half of your listeners. Bulldog in particular tweets some far out there left wing, nutty stuff. Like, I said I personally think it's a bad business decision to alienate half your auduence.....but he thinks he's some type of social justice warrior.....So whatever. I don't really get caught up or offended by differing political opinions. That's something liberals do!
  6. I actually like Schopp. I get it, he can come across as a bit snarky at times, but the show is smart. I actually have trouble listening to that show when Mike is out and Bulldog has to carry the show by himself. The morning show doesn't move the needle for me.
  7. Like the fit, hate the price. Has there ever been a player that's rode out the hype like Sammy? Hats off to his agent. That's a helluva price. Let's hope Jordan Matthews can find some crazy FA $$$ to help out with our comp. Pick formula. Maybe he can fetch $7-$8M per, himself.
  8. Not for nothing......but John Murphy was harping about the fact that he thought there was a chance Drew Brees could maybe just maybe hit the open market, on his show on Friday. Normally, I wouldn't have thought much of it, but he was also cryptically hinting Tyrod Taylor was about to be traded a couple of hours before it happened. He clearly was talking with someone in the know at OBD. Other hints dropped: Bills interested in AJ McCarron Bills likely letting Preston Brown walk Murph kept referencing he thought the Bills were likely to pull off a big trade possibly this weekend and he thought Tyrod was a prime candidate, boom, then 2 hours later it happened. It was much more than just a "good" guess. Donald Jones interestingly followed up Murph's suggestion that something funny might be happening in New Orleans with a thought that maybe the Saints would throw their hat in the Kirk Cousins "sweepstakes" , which is possibly why a Drew Brees deal has not been done. John didn't laugh that idea away, so it got me thinking
  9. No, it's Sam Darnold they covet. That's why all you hear is they love Rosen, that's the narrative they're happy to have out there. If Darnold is not the #1 Pick he will be a Buffalo Bill
  10. EJ Gaines likely gets us a 4th round comp pick, if he signs for North of $8M per. If it comes in between $6-8M he'll fetch us a 2019 5th. Matthews will probably be in the 5th/6th range. If it's over $6M per it'll be a 5, south of 6 per and it'll be a 6th. Preston Brown, same as Matthews, a 5th or 6th. My prediction: 4th for Gaines 5th for Matthews (If healthy) 6th for Brown Root for big contract. Any FA we sign will cancel out one of the above players. So the team has to ask itself is this player worth giving up a 4th/5th or 6th in 2019 over just signing a cut player or a UDFA.
  11. Wow, thanks for pointing that out. That is awfully low.....I think they have Jordan Matthews market at north of $8M per. I'm no Sammy fan, but I'd consider it an upset if Matthews finds more $$$ in the FA market than Sammy. I think Sammy's worst case is a 1 yr. prove it deal in the $7-$8M range. Availability has really stunted his value, I guess, makes sense.
  12. Don't like it. If the D interferes with a WR 7 yards down field now the offense get a 15 yard penalty. Fans will rightfully b*tch. If the D interferes with a WR 47 yards down field the offense only advance the ball 15 yards. Fans will rightfully b*tch Like others have said....if a CB gets roasted deep coaches will be teaching their corners and safeties to simply maul the WR, take the 15 yard penalty and live to see another day. One of the most exciting plays in football is the deep bomb for a TD...and this rule change, will make that play happen far less. Why? Hate it.
  13. The Jaguars game was one of the worst QB performances I've seen in a long time. The Saints game was up there too. The Panthers game was right there. There's just too many games where Tyrod totally fails. It's very obvious to anybody with 2 objective eyeballs, that he is nothing more than a slightly below avg. bridge QB. Man I just started thinking about that Panthers game.....boy was that painful.
  14. If your plan is to draft a QB, why not just let Bortles play out his 1 yr contract. Extending him is the "safe" aka bad move for the Jags.
  15. Darnold or Rosen and I'm buying into the Bills future big time. Not sure anyone elae out there really moves the needle for me.
  16. As a Bills fan, tahnk you Dolphins. It's moves like this I hope our new regime avoids and our AFC East opponents make. $16M for a guy who has trouble breaking 10 YPC, and overall just seems to be a knucklehead. I'm not sure I'd want him on my team at half that price, honestly.
  17. I don't happen to think Patrick DiMarco, Vlad Ducasse, or Ryan Davis were worth forgoing the 2 mid round picks, do you? You think those 3 were what put the Bills over the top? You think the Bills could've signed comparable talent had they waited post June 1 or signed players that were cut or were those 3 UFAs must haves? Think through your arguments before posting uninformed sarcastic stupidity. If you don't think 3rd and 5th round picks are extremely valuable assets you're a dumber fan than most.
  18. After watching and seeing how McDermott totally botched it last yr. lets hope Beane won't do the same. I'd really like to have the additional 3rd and 5th this coming draft for losing Gilmore and Woods.....oh well.
  19. The most important trait in a QB prospect IMO is accuracy. Jackson's accuracy is not very good which IMO will keep him from ever being a high quality QB
  20. He looks slow, like 4.65 slow, so I'd expect him to be there in the middle rounds.
  21. If any and I mean any of Doug Pederson's aggression of 4th down and overall embrace of statistics rubbed off on Reich he'll be a helluva coach.
  22. I remember watching highlight films of Ragland after we drafted him and noticing all the plays Foster was making. Then I watched this clip of film on ESPN and thought to myself.......Nah, wouldn't want this guy on my team. Dumb enough to smoke pot 2 weeks out from the combine that comes with the lame I drank too much to get to weight excuse. You know how else you can gain weight? Eat a **** load of steak and ice cream if you want to pack on a few lbs. The amount of water you have to drink to hgave a diluted sample is absurd. Also dude got in a fight with a nurse at the hospital....a fight that was so disrespectful they sent his ass packing...... Not surprised at all.
  23. I think Darnold is and will be the apple of the Bills brass eye. I think the murmurs you've heard recently of the Bills liking Rosen are smoke that is being put out intentionally. Rosen's durability issues and his lack of pocket presence are concerns I don't see the Bills selling the farm to go get. Darnold, OTOH, I think he's a future top tier QB in the NFL. I think the sweet spot for the Bills to trade up is in the #2-#7 spots. If, and I think it's a huge if, the Browns pass on Darnold I'd expect the Bills to being working the lines hard. With all of the other teams that need a QB, and my view of Darnold as the best QB, I think it's going to be tough to leapfrog so many teams that might be also looking to trade up. In the end I think the Browns will select Darnold #1, which to me ends the possibility of the Bills making a huge move up in the draft. As for Baker Mayfield.....not a fan.
  24. Jimmy Garoppolo went #62 in the '14 draft. We took EJ #17 in '14. It's all about picking a good player and developing that talent
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