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Everything posted by Estro

  1. Probably not. For all the talk of Brady's downfall this season, Rivers also looks to be slipping. He gets nothing on his balls downfield.....lot of floaters that are turnovers waiting to happen. The game will come down to Gordon and Ekeler....if they can get the run game going they have a chance, but I just don't see it happening. Patrtiots - 25 Chargers - 18
  2. Denver media reporting multiple teams have reached out to Kugler to set up interviews, but Elway had denied the requests until the Broncos new HC has a chance to assess the current assistants. High chance the Bills are one of those teams. Guy was OL coach here back in 08. Born in Lockport, NY. Would he help our chances of landing Matt Paradis in FA? Kind of a bad look for Elway to be holding assistants hostage when they dont even have a HC. Really screws the coaches that the new coach decides he doesn't want, once all their other opportunities have been filled. Seems Elway is really making Denver an undesirable place to play/work. Anybody remember Kugler when he was here? I dont.
  3. I'd take 4000 yards & 30 TDs total (rushing and passing). That to me would be a tremendous 2nd year for Allen. I think it's a bit lofty 9f an expectation, which is why I'd take it in a heartbeat. 3350 yards passing 23 TDs 13 INTs 650 yards rushing 7 TDs Sign me up.
  4. Matt Paradis, is the apple of my eye, in FA. We need a solid piece in the middle, C, was a dreadful spot for us in 2018. He will cost a lot. The highest paid center in the league currently make $10.5M/year, so you're looking at $11-$12M per for Paradis. 5 years - $60M is a lot, but I'd do it. I would then follow that signing up with drafting a T and a G in the draft. Bring in a bunch of bodies and hope to hit on 1 or 2.
  5. A great deal for Barkley....too. is highest earning year was his first year when he made 900k, since then hes heem making between 300-800k a year. Now hes set to make over $3.5M between last year and this upcoming year, far and away the highest earning years of his career. If he sees the entirety of the 2 year deal the Bill's just doubled his career earnings. Good for him!
  6. Yes, I despised the selection the night of the draft. Of all the QB's he's the one I definitely wanted the Bills to pass on. He exceeded my expectations, for sure. I'm still significantly worried about his accuracy. To me, accuracy is far and away the most important trait in becoming a great QB.....and it's a trait I'm not sure can be learned or coached. Some of his throws this year, especially the shorter/easier ones had me just as concerned as I was draft night. It needs to get a lot better if he's ever going to become great. With that said, his pocket presence, his confidence, his ability to make some big boy stick throws downfield all impressed me and his running on scrambles blew my mind.
  7. I'd prefer they hire McCarthy or Jim Harbaugh....but yes I'd be good with Gase too I don't think any of them are impressive. It sounds like: Browns - Mike McCarthy Dolphins - Jim Harbaugh Jets - ??? not sure I'm cool with that.....I think Jim Harbaugh is bad.
  8. Gets knicked up a lot. Getting older, 31 years old 1 yr. for $12.2M left on deal Pass
  9. The team that will make a really good hire this offseason is going to be the Panthers. David Tepper is going to be a very smart owner......and I think he'll be smart enough to jettison Rivera who's not a good coach, IMO. With Tepper's analytical blbased approach I'd expect the Panthers to be one of those dominant franchises moving forward. It's a shame too because any team can get smart and hire the right people, unfortunately in Buffalo we have owners who dont have a clue. They literally hire people based on them living Jesus and being a wrestler which in their eyes makes that person "tough". I have a different way of defining "tough". To me it means thinking independently, embracing math, and giving your team a strategic advantage on the field by being ultra aggressive......something you will never see out of this franchise as it's currently constructed.
  10. As a Bills fan, I'd embrace the Jets hiring Jim Harbaugh. He is the exact opposite of what I'd want in a head coach. Conservative, run and stop the run mentality, punts too much, relies on his defense too much, bad clock management. Basically he has all the flaws most coaches in the NFL have. Also I dont see him as a guy that develops QBs. Michigan's QBs have stunk. I hope they hire him.
  11. He is no bueno, IMO. Weak arm. Erratic accuracy downfield. Was never impressed with him as a prospect. Come on out! Maybe some team will want to trade up with the Bills! Don't forget trading up for an avg. LT and trading up for a LB that looks very so so, when Dallas appeared to have gotten a much better one a few picks later. Does anyone notice a trend? Trade up, trade up, trade up.....the exact thing smart teams dont do....and the one time we do trade down it's to pass on what looks to be one of the best QBs in the league (Mahomes) or one that looks really good (Watson), yet again showing this franchise has no ability to evaluate QB prospects.
  12. Easiest decision of the offseason. He stinks & hes overpaid.
  13. Today was a classic example of a total mismatch in coaching. Dont get confused.....the Pats personnel is not good. Their defense stinks and the offense was running a pop Warner like offense. It was nothing but runs, WR flank runs and outlet passes to the RBs. The Patriots ran the same WR flank run 6 times and the Bills got burned every single time. The DE that's responsible for setting the edge on that play was lost all 6 times. They had Lorenzo Alexander covering Edelman countless times, which defines stupidity. The offense was lost. Allen was seeing ghosts all game. He looked like a deer in headlights, and was staring down his primary read all game.....this game was just an all around beatdown by a coaching staff that runs circles around the Bills
  14. Once again credit Bill B for attacking our weaknesses he ran at Edmund's all day. Expect other coaches to follow suit.
  15. Exactly what Greg Cosell said he was in the lead up to the draft. Hes awful in the run game. Takes bad angles and is super slow to diagnose. Our other 1st round pick looked like a train wreck out there today too.
  16. Hughes is not close to a premiere pass rusher in the NFL. Only a very subjective Bill's fan would say such a thing. He's a solid player who runs hot and cold. He'll have 2 or 3 games a season where he looks like an unblockable speed demon, but he also will disappear for a month. He's been a great find for the Bill's, but theyd be smart to listen to any and all offers if there are interested teams this offseason. Hughes will be 31 next season, which in the world of DEs isn't over the hill, but it is entering the older stage. He has 1 year left on a reasonable deal that owes him $7.5M in cash next year, which is very cheap and helps his trade value quite a bit. If a team offered a 3rd rounder in the 2019 draft this offseason I'd be tempted, especially if it was a high 3rd, say a top 80 pick. 2nd, 3rd, 4th are gold if they hit. Their rookie deals pay them 1/8th of what they're worth of they become players.
  17. Thurman made mention of his daughter and her depression. Got me thinking.......I hope a young girl like that isn't on anti-depressants. I know every situation is different, but many medical professionals that I listen to and respect warn that those anti-depressants they're handing out like candy now are so bad for you. Make you entirely dependent on them and many times lead to deeper depression. The over prescription of pain killers and anti-depressants is a very real problem in this country and it's mainly because those arguing against them often get shot down as insensitive or not understanding. Not the case......those things are poison, and I wish doctors would exhaust all other options including -diet -exercise -vitamins (fish oil) -meditation/breathing techniques before resorting to chemicals. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case......and the financial incentive for a doctor to fix a problem is a lot less lucrative than prescribing chemicals for years if not decades.
  18. We've had 27 regular season games to assess McDermott and I 100% agree......he's not good on Sundays. Now maybe he's good Monday-Saturday, I wouldn't know, but on Sunday, the day when games are decided he's clueless. Clock management, timeout usage, challenges, agressiveness are all areas where he stinks. 2 weeks in a row he's handled end of the half clock management situations like a coach who just doesn't get it. We lost an opportunity to score vs the Dolphins at the end of the 1st half, because he was too dumb to call TO's when the Phins had the ball inside the 10 and were bleeding clock to prevent us a possession. His explanation after that game for why he wasnt using timeouts to preserve additional time for a Bills offense was pathetic. He said he didnt really like the way his offense was playing and he didnt want to go 3 and out and give the Phins another opportunity to score before half. If your offense had trouble scoring points you should be thinking the exact opposite.....you should attempt to maximize their possessions and opportunities to score points not minimize them. Here you have McDermott fretting "well what if we go 3 and out, the Dolphins could maybe score again". That's such a lame and defeated attitude to have and frankly one that I want no where near my sideline.
  19. Kwon Alexander is a player that I think McDermort targets this offseason. I specifically remember McDermott heaping praise his way after we played them during the '17 season. The Panthers drafted a player with a very similar skill set to Kwon Alexander in Shaq Thompson during McDermotts DC days there.....and they drafted him in the 1st round, so you know McDermott coveted that skill set. A smaller rangier LB. Now he did tear his ACL this year.....but that was in October so he might be ready to go fir the start of '19. He's just a guy I think the Bills would love to have to really fill out their LB core.
  20. On a team that emphasizes availability I'd be surprised if Sean Lee was signed by the Bills. One LB I do expect them to take a look at is Kwon Alexander. I recall McDermott gushing over him after we played the Bucs last year.
  21. No that was me that called WGR. The poster is right. McDermott cost the Bills a scoring chance by not using his timeouts. Totally unacceptable. The thing that bugs me the most is he won't learn from it, he might not even realize he botched it. He'll pour through the film and analyze all the x's and o's, but will totally overlook the fact he declined the opportunity to score at the end of the half solely through his inept clock management. Not 1 question about it from the media after the game either. Sean you guys had 5 seconds left from the +42 to end the half and attempted a hailmary? Do you wish you had used timeouts when the Phins had the ball on the previous drive and given your team an extra minute or so to possibly score? Seems like a ? He should be asked at the very least. I'm not sure he would even understand the ?, which would be pretty telling in and of itself.
  22. Both. The ball was a duck. It came out funny, was wobbly and was probably a good 10 to 15 feet underthrown. There was no one close to guarding lay and a ball that was a few feet higher and you have yourself an easy TD. That said, Clay could've and probably should've come up with the ball. It looked to me like he almost started tripping as he was going down low to get underneath the ball.
  23. No, but what they do contribute to is my ability to assess the competency of our HC.....and today was an utter FAILURE. His situational coaching and clock management were next level bad.......and unacceptable.
  24. Sean McDermott not taking timeouts at the end of the 1st half when the Dolphins were inside the 10 about to score is a tape that should be studied by all HC's as what NOT to do. He lost us a possession there. We ended up getting the ball back with 40 seconds when it should have been 1 minute and 40 seconds if we had a coach who understood situational football. If we end up getting a FG at the end of the half because our coaching was competent than we would've only needed a FG at the end of the game. Those type of mistakes, the ones that cost your team opportunities to score points are entirely unacceptable.
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