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Everything posted by Stussy109

  1. Hilarious, i have never heard that phrase used before. Glad to see they are resorting to sheet like this nowadays. Shows how bad their "threat" really is. I'm glad to see they are losing their muscle.
  2. Just be yourself, and don't be TOO clingy...Andddddd don't get wasted
  3. The blocking cheat i saw was with Pittsburgh. the guy would brinbg the FG block unit out, bring A. randel el from the left side of the screen to the rightside, over stacking, and block it with randel el.
  4. In my opinion, Drew Bledsoe wasn't ready for over half of the games this season, and he's a seasoned veteran.
  5. Online madden is very competitive, u need to use a lot of audibles and hot routes, basically a lot of in game adjustments. Its imperative that you establish some sort of running game.
  6. water/squirt guns work well
  7. She was supposed to be speaking at my school... canisius
  8. Evans Hands are 3 times as good as Moulds... Awesome fundamentals catching away from his body. Moulds is starting to get a case of the dropsies, hurting his value, dropping clutch throws.
  9. Best Available cornerback, Nate Clements is entering his contract year
  10. Bobby Shaw was the leading receiver last year, I thought he did well, and was a better 3rd receiver than Reed.
  11. I missed tonights show, did he get booted?
  12. Turley is a bit of a punk. I remember when New Orleans opened up the season for us at the Ralph in 01 maybe, i had some tickets right behind the saints bench, a few rows up, and a bunch of us were heckling turley like crazy... telling him he couldn't read, and he was stupid etc etc, he got so pissed off at us he gave us the finger and threw his helmet, turned and started cursing at us...Good times good times
  13. I personally hope Travis stays for another year, I like the RB depth with him aboard. F*%$ him if he doesn't want to play a back up role, he has to honor is contract.
  14. Cigarrettes Will F' You up... My grandmother has been suffering from severe emphysema now for 5years, ask her if she regrets it...On top of the health issues, and the waste of money factor, your skin ages faster as it loses its elasticity due to low oxygen levels, and your hair becomes brittle and dry.
  15. The heart attack stuff has a lot to do with your personality and how you handle stress as well... Keep it cool, and you'll be alright
  16. Fletcher is the Most underrated MLB in the league due to his size. He's a beast. With the exception of his WWF moves on Corey dillon and stuff, he's an Ace.
  17. Looks like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...
  18. Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team. I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business. He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way. Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out! He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.
  20. Hey, I've got my masters in counseling, and an older brother with Bi-polar. From my own experience with My bro... the onset is usually late teens early 20's. He is my half brother, and his father is a multi-millionairre. He had the world set up for him real nice, until he made bad decision after bad decision. It didn't really hit him hard until his mid 20's he's now 32. He hasn't held a job in 6 years, abuses all sorts of drugs, and escapes the world. he comes into your life for a week or two only to disappear for a month or two afterwards. Like the other guy said, the moods swing from extreme highs, and extreme lows. As the person gets older, and if they go untreated, the differences between the highs and the low become greater over time. their is a high suicide rate involved if untreated, and usually occurs in the High manic phase (which is surprising) due to the fact that they do not want to head back to the low depression stages. If u have any more questions feel free to ask.
  21. We have one in Shaud Williams, and he costs us peanuts.
  22. 4th rounder is a good deal for Gardner, sounds a little too good to be true. I'd take him over reed any day. Josh Reed has simply bad fundamentals, every ball that is thrown to him hits him in the chest, unlike Lee Evans, where every ball is caught with his hands. This is why I can't recall Evans dropping more than a few balls all year, and Reed, has them bouncing off the numbers.
  23. With Bledsoe reportedly wanting out of Buffalo, and refusing a pay cut... Do you think he is tradeable? I would be happy to get a 3rd-2nd for him... Any thoughts?
  24. I like Bledsoe when his game is on, and things are going right... But it seems when a play breaks down, or the defense sniffs out the play, his ability to improvise or scamper for a positive gain are very limited. I'll be honest and say I have seen very little of Losman, but i do think he can succeed. WIth some confidence under his belt, and game experience to shake the jitters, he'll be a good ball player. He has the ability to move, throw the ball accurately while on the move (like Big Ben), and throws good solid strikes from what i have seen. Blesoe can be a decent starting QB, but I think it'll take extraordinary circumstances for a team with him at QB to be outright dominant week in and week out. He seems to be streaky. Started out hot in 02, then faded... Didn't do much in 03, started ice cold in 04, then heated up as teh season went on just to blow it at the end. Donahoe is a smart guy, and I'm sure he sees Bledsoe as most people do, good, but not consistent enough to be a big game QB. I like the prospects right now that we have as QB, I like the idea of an open competition for next years starting QB, and I like the idea of drafting a young guy in the later rounds of the draft to groom for the next 3-5 years. I'm pretty sure JP will be winning ball games for this club in the near future.
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