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Everything posted by Stussy109

  1. Totally agreed, my feeling exactly. Drew was a game killer...
  2. Mike Williams to the Buffalo Bills in rd. 2?
  3. Only player i can say meets that mold is Ted Washington. I was sad to see him go, and he was a force to be reckoned with. However, Sam Adams may be even better.
  4. Bledsoe was a bum, who was surrounded by an all star team on the other sides of the ball. JP will be fine!
  5. I like that bet myself...
  6. How long do you plan to groom him when he's in the 2nd year of a 5 year contract? You gotta get some bang for you buck sometime.
  7. Cowart home, and clements away. I usually get a jersey where the player has at least a few years left on the contract. My next will be Evans
  8. My ggod friend's grandparents own about 50 acres of land outside the albany ny area. They swear on the fact they had a colorful bright object lower itself into their field. Changed colors numerous times, then disappeared as fast as it came. Two very credible people too...I asked the grandfatehr myself, so i could hear it directly from the source, and he swore by it... Gave him chills talking about it. His wife witnessed it with him, although she wasn't there to share her version of the story with me. ALso had a buddy I played baseball with who owned land, outside the guilderland/albany ny area. they woke up one morning with numerous crop circles in their corn. I actually got to see it after baseball practice one day.
  9. Why do we drive when we can walk?
  10. Izell Reese was my neighbor this past season. I wanted to get a player's point of view. i had posted this comment from him in the past, but he had said it was very important for P. Williams to be resigned, even if it was for 1-2 more years to keep the defense intact. I asked if he thought Ron Edwards could step up, and he nicely said, "I dunno, they need to bring back Pat." Keep the D together
  11. Everything happens for the reason. Drew helped fill stadium seats for 3 years. That's what he did for the Bills organization. He gave the bills a chance to win. I think this team is on the rise, and will be a better team under Losman. Remembere the last guy who took us to the playoffs??? That was Flutie. I think losman will be a better Flutie. ALl of Flutie's characteristics, but bigger, 6'2" vs 5'9", and a better arm. We as Bills fans have every reason to be excited. Especially once free agency starts, I see us bringing in one big name free agent to add excitement to the upcoming year, due to the lack of a first round pick. (Just brom a business stand point). Be excited!!!
  12. 100% agreed. This team has built off of last years success, with the emergence of some younger players. I'll tell you what, when the Bulls are on, they can match up with most other teams. Even when they played UCONN, they got behind in the first 5-10 mins of the game, then held their own for the rest. If their three's start falling, they'll match up with anyone. They are an outside shooting team, with an occasional inside presence. I like the way they look, they may play soem dirty games, but they come out with a win.
  13. I don't think its fair to evaluate him until we have a QB that can spread the ball around. This was Bledsoe's first year besides 02 when he had centers and riemersma spreading the ball around. I think Josh Reed's past performance is a result of Bledsoe's inability to spread the ball around and look off safties and corners. Bledsoe would lock into either Moulds or Evans, and rarely evaluated the rest of the field, basically making Reed invisible. I wont judge Reed until I see him play a year with JP.
  14. I wouldn't mind getting Mike Vanderjagt, and Brian Griese in here...
  15. Until I can lose weight from driving my car, it's not a sport. Its a talent like chess, checkers, poker etc...I would say it's more of a sport for the pit crew
  16. Would never happen... We're already paying Vincent top corner money, Clements needs to be extended, and MCgee's contract will be an issue in the near future.
  17. Go UB.... They have been racking up the W's lately. It hasn't been pretty, but then again it never needed to be. There Defense is solid game in and game out. Had 1/2 of their missed shots fallen yesterday, like all of the in and out layups, and calvin cage not connecting for any of his threes, we would have blown that team out of the water. They have a solid team this year, but need to step up their inside play to make it big.
  18. I personally do not believe this. The man is still in his rookie contract, and word is his base salary will be higher than that of a premier LT in his 2nd contract out of Free agency. Very hard to believe. It would be easier to believe if he had made the pro bowl, and hit an escalator clause. But a rookie's contract jumping from say a salary of 4million to 9 million due to healthy starts, I doubt it.
  19. SOunds a lot like Buffalo
  20. You can play online at any multitude of sites... I use partypoker, or pacific poker
  21. The sportswriter is a moron... How many Bledsoe jersey's did Wilson get paid for. How many home game sell-outs were there. From a business standpoint, getting Bledsoe was an excellent move. Remember, priority numero uno besides wins is $$$
  22. Because he only had a one year deal...
  23. That is what mularkey said, i never heard him say Matthews was guranteed... He did slip and say that there was a proven veteran that they were looking at. then the matthews comment comes after that inregards to a question about him. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with Warner...He's a good back-up, can still win games, and doesn't have a me first attitude.
  24. Usually made up... They never let the real ones on the floor like that, usually just let a camera get you on the jumbotron.
  25. Willing to put you money where your mouth is, I'll take that bet any day?
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