Its tough to stand there and do nothing... I've been in several situations like this, and usually a good loud yell, like STOP! will startle the guy enough. My first instinct though was the gun scenario. It looked as if most of those guys in there were without backup, not knowing anybody else in there. The bigger white guy in the back should have helped out somewhat. I owned a restaurant in 2002, and had a guy literally beat to death right in my door way. Couldn't do anything, i had a baseball bat, knife, and all, couldn't do sheet, because there was about 20 guys on 1. When it comes to a situation like that, your life comes first, unless it was friend or family. A group of about 6 big black dudes took turns jumping on this poor guys head while he was incapacitated on the ground. Not sure if he ever made it. The sick thing about it, is that there were about 100 bystanders cheering the thing on. People can be sick