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Everything posted by Stussy109

  1. Trying to get a piece for helping out
  2. Think of the number of people they stole from, 100's of thousands...ALl teh shareholders, employees, etc...
  3. Most games wouldn't be televised if it weren't for scalpers... So i actually appreciate their busienss, it keeps the bills in buffalo. If Buffalo had a solid season ticket base, there wouldnt be room for scalpers... just a thought
  4. Would be totally down with that... Myself and a friend get together and talk about this stuff frequently as it is.
  5. I would say it helps, worst case scenario it improves with a little bit of placebo effect, and relaxation (because its relaxing to have someone working on your back). In addition, I read in a book somewhere that hanging for 30 seconds a day is great for your back, it's supposed to reverese the effects of gravity, and allowing your spine to extend and allow for slipped discs etc to move back into place. Try the hanging stuff, and ask the chiropractor for traction, the same thing, (basically them slightly pulling the base of your head, used to feel great.
  6. What happened to Kilborn, i used to tune in here and there, and I thought perhaps that guy was just filling in for him?
  7. for bills tix?
  8. Letterman is painful to watch...
  9. i bought individual gifts at my wedding, I got some people ionic breezes for their rooms, and others jersey's
  10. Kinda feel bad for the guy
  11. If that doesn't work out, i've seen some being sold by ebay member evan613... all the guy's posts start at $0.99, just gotta bid them up and hope u win. Good luck finding some.
  12. Tried to get some additional individual game tickets today, and found out the 1st three home games are sold out... (Houston, Miami, Atlanta). Rest of the games will probably be sold out in the next month or so.
  13. How do u go about doing this, and what is the name?
  14. The fact that you need to use it everyday could be a sign you're "hooked"... I would try getting off of it for a few weeks, which will suck if you are hooked i.e rebound effect. In addition i would use 1-2 times/day a saline nasal wash Ayr. i usually use it in the shower in the morning. Also, one of the worst things for allergy sufferers is to sleep with the windows open at night, due to he fact that pollution and pollen counts are at their highest overnight.
  15. Rhinocort aq (a good nasal spray) every day, and zyrtec pill maybe 1-2 times/week... I have found this combination to be effective for years, as I have had chronic year round allergis since I was a child. I also invested in two ionic breezes for the apt., one in the bedroom, and one in the living room.
  16. have lived with my gf since 2002, got married in 2004... Free time is a must. Love is great, but you still need to be yourself. The honeymoon period will wear off, find things to do togethe rin common i.e tennis, movies, biking, poker, bills games whatever... Communication is huge, try to prevent grudges from forming, communicate about the sheet that bothers one another. Most important is compromise compromise compromise. In addition, its not a matter of whether you fight, but how you fight. Keep that in mind... Fighting, disagreements are normal, but the way in which you argue separates a healthy relationship from an unhealthy one. Good luck, and enjoy... Sex eventually becomes less frequent, as the challenge is no longer there
  17. Still.... not necessary to use force. She used no physical resistance from what I could see, did anyone else see the phantom punch on the cop? I didn't. Until somebody has been profiled or been taken advanatge of by a cop, you won't have sympathy for this woman.
  18. overboard in my opinion.... 2 big guys vs one fat woman, take her out of the car with force b4 tasering...
  19. Ever notice how the Bills never run into these type of characters on their football team?
  20. The old wives tales i used to hear about ants, especially carpenter ants... was that they came indoors looking for water. SO when its hot and dry outsiude, that's usually the case... Maybe leave a bowl of water for them outside
  21. The past is history, tomorrow a mystery, so why not enjoy the present?
  22. Who's more overrated, Price or Vick??? You need a QB to throw you the ball once and awhile...
  23. Don't get me wrong, I'm an agressive driver msyelf, however, the kid crossing the street has the right of way no matter how he crosses the street, even if he crawls, secondly the car in front of you always has right of way... But I agree... in your next purchase consider horsepower
  24. Piece of advice for next time... I used to drive a bronco II which had trouble passing at highway speeds.... what you do is drop back about 100 ft. You shift out of over drive or into D3, whichever you have. You then floor it while 100 ft back and get a running start on the guys in front of you. It'll work on most cars except for your fast cars 200hp and up. Basically leave room behind you and the car you want to pass to gain speed to accelerate. I personally would have been extremely pissed being in your situation as well. This type of thing was one of the reasons i sprung for a good quick car, tends to be a common occurrence.
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