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Everything posted by Stussy109

  1. Evans Owens Reed Hardy are locks the rest are up in the air. parrish has been blowing the last couple of yrs as a receiver.
  2. I think they got the message with ticket renewals. 1 yr deal tho, kind of dumb, why not make it 2 years.
  3. The beatings will continue until morale improves
  4. The mental vision fo the car and its condition had me laughing out loud, good sheet. Could you sell it for more than Skooby's at a classic car show?
  5. may as well have a jetski hidden in there as well. the best option, which in their wase would not have worked would be an inflatable boat. it too would have capsized though.
  6. I might be one of the few to have experienced hypthermia on this board. When I was 13 years old, i was a good mile back in the woods, walking along a stream. The snow to make our way back there was waist deep. My friend had thos waist high wading boots walking in the stream for fun, it was late winter and the stream was raging from some melting snow. i was walking alongside fo the stream in full snow gear and winter boots. a hill i was standing on along side fo the stream happened to be some branches and leaves covered with snow. To make a long story short i fell in to an icy pool of water up to about my forehead. I was able to touch bottom and kind of get a springing action going, and got high enough to get my chest onto the ground and pull myself out. i was in the water for about 60 seconds. My body was numb, but my extremities fingers, toes etc were very painful. I wanted to give up and just chill in the woods in the snow, telling my friend to go home and tell my mom to come get me. Obviously impossible. he kept telling me to keep walking. i kept wanting to give up. About 30 minutes later exhausted and freezing and out of the woods walking back home on the streets, my feet felt as if they were 3 ft ice blocks, I could barely walk. I proceeded to take my boots and socks off (for no apparent reason, and the street felt as if it was 100 degrees. It was great feeling. i got all the way down to my T-shirt jeans and barefeet walking home a few streets. It felt warmer, in the middle of the winter. So when people are found naked and are delirious, I can completely understand why. You body tricks you. I went home and took a shower until the hot water ran out and i was still shivering. Maybe why his story keeps changing? When sheet hits the fan, its survival of the fittest, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were only 1-2 life jackets and they had to "fight" over them or take turns using them. In addition the NFL players probably had very little body fat to keep warm.
  7. If u had gotten sick of it a couple of months ago, u would have made out pretty well.
  8. Fred Jackson never signed his tender... wants a long term deal
  9. funny, you could always eat your way to 300 at mighty taco
  10. Some people don't understand what its like to travel into town for agame to travel back pissed off and frustrated as a fan. When you drop 250 on a plane ticket, or better yet spend 150 in gas, drive 16 hrs round trip, not to mention an extra 300 on a hotel etc etc, when the Bills come out and lay eggs, it gives you nothing to hang your hat on, and no positive reinforcement to do it again. i understand your pain as I have to drive/fly from South jersey.
  11. Ken Hamlin TO's team mate was on NFL radio today. He completely dismissed that he ruined locker room chemistry. he said despite what people are saying he was fine in the locker room and brought chracter, you need all types of people in the locker room. I'm paraphrasing but that was the jist. basically saying he was shocked, and they are a worse team without him. IF by having Owens he makes us competitive and opens up our offense, dont you think it's at least worth taking a look. Our #2 Guy going intot he season had 8 catches 2 TD's and threatened to kill his father with a gun. TO does pushups in his driveway, and cries about his QB, big deal.
  12. We have been a sub 500 team for the last 3 years. Msot of the guys cut would be upgrades to what we have.
  13. 1st half of the season i agree, but when we are 1-4, the stadium will be quite empty, scalpers selling for 30$/ticket
  14. Ralph spending his money on tickets and meals doesn't affect the salary cap. Unless you are ralphs son it is his money he is wasting.'
  15. I have to fly to the games anyways, so not a huge deal for me...However, If you continually put a crappy product on the field for the last decade the end result is lack of support. They show no effort to change the direction in which the franchise is going. We have a 0% chance of winning the division. If we couldn't do it with brady breaking his leg in game 1, we wont do it with a healthy brady. In Fact we put up a goose egg in the division for the 1st time in I don't know how many years. I will not be at all surprised with an 3-13 record next year. 8-8 would be overachieving with our current roster and coaching staff. 2-4 in the division is a reach.
  16. If we went 0-6 in the division last year, and everyteam is as good or betetr than last year compared to us... it doesnt bode well for us. You will probably be able to scalp tix at half face value after the 1st 4-5 games. I';m dropping most of mine
  17. The Bills could have kept 6 Jabari greers on the roster
  18. better tell those families to stay away from the porno-fest beaches and pools then.
  19. How about his regular season stats. I got to watch most of his games, and he was a beast. granted that was 4-5 yrs ago.
  20. agreed, you could argue he got Philly to the superbowl.
  21. Go back to night crawling jk...no way tho
  22. 2nd 3rd and 6th
  23. or look at it that our scheme allows them to flourish, but i will name one. Andre Davis...Edit, my bad didnt read past skooby's uninsightful post.
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