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Everything posted by Stussy109

  1. Guy is a Bball fan, I watch all the lakers game via league pass, he he hs been at many of the LA games this year.
  2. My 2 cents Walker Andre Smith Hangartner Butler Chambers OR Peters Andre Smith/Chambers Hangartner Butler Walker
  3. Compared to Buffalo its blinding
  4. Because Mcgee is in his last year. If we draft someone in the 2nd, it will be an insurance policy for McGee leaving, and if Florence doesn't work out.
  5. Officer Powell will get what is coming for him
  6. My question is what have you ever seen on the field to come up with th idea that you think Bell is ready. Did he Pancake Richard seymour a few times that I missed?
  7. Our best chance to beat them is this game. Here's Why: 1-Should be a warm weather game, which make Edwards 200% better than if it were cold 2-Team will have the most time to prepare for the Pats 3-Brady will be rusty 4-Motivation won't be any higher for our team than this game. 5-We tend to fair well in home-openers 6-Belicheat won't have any game film from hte current season to plan against as schonert will most likeley tweak the O and dial up so new plays for our new addition Owens.
  8. who cares...they are better than the 110$ replithentics which won't be available until December To each his own
  9. Two words... smoke screen
  10. Is the real estate market showing any signs of life yet, or still heading south?
  11. This is scary considering we have about 1.5 million allocated to all 3 Qb positions combined
  12. I remember reading that taking on debt is deflationary in the long term. Short term it is inflationary due to the increase in money supply, but every dollar printed today will have to be paid back with the principle $1 plus interest in the future, therefore taking money out of the supply. The chinese are financing a majority of our debt, and all of this money plus interest will end up in their economy in the near future. In the past inflating our way out of a financial mess has worked. Prices on everything rise, hosuing prices rise (getting people from being upside down in their mortgages), wages increase, stock market goes up, commodities go up etc etc. If you want to protect your money invest in commodities or commodity based stocks. I invested in natural gas and bought gold and platinum a couple months ago for this exact reason. You could argue that real estate would be a solid investment right now as well.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if she disappears for a small payment of 20k.
  14. When Push comes to shove, Bills hold all the chips here. Peters is shortstacked and on a bluff. He is locked in for 2 years whether he likes it or not, and the Bills have Time on their side to get a fair value deal that is good for both sides. he can hold out again, get fined, and play sh------- again for the 1st half of the season. I would not be surprised if the Bill stake an OT if one falls to them in rd 1 to up the stakes, and as an insurance policy is the Peters deal gets messy. I'm fairly confident L walker could play LT just fine full-time or as a stop gap until the draft pick gets up to speed.
  15. Trent needs to continue working out his body and adding muscle. He needs to strengthen his core body, shoulders, and arms.
  16. He will be comparable to the CB we signed last year Will Poole/thomas i hink his name was. If we draft a good LB he will be cut, if we don't, he'll have a roster spot. He's an insurance move.
  17. Did he sprinkle you with fairy dust as he groped you?
  18. Imagine.. "Tom Brady dropping bck, he has all the time in the world, Aaron Schobel is 10 yards deep behind brady, pushed completely out of the play, all day... he locks on to randy moss who is separating fromMcgee wide open, BOOM, Brady is shot by a fed up Bills fan"
  19. You should have started bragging about how good your son can shoot the A-Gap, and create a QB pressure while playing to shut her up real fast.
  20. and covered with snow
  21. 1st this yr, 2nd next year and an above average starter.
  22. "I promise I won't be a glove wearing mary, and I'll sell my car so skooby can have the best car of all of us"
  23. Im a fan of Neo Geo
  24. Because come November in Buffalo, Edwards turns into a glove wearing mary, interception throwing machine.
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