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Everything posted by Stussy109

  1. He looked like a 400lb pig out there chasing down Chris Johnson. In addition he repeatedly took bad angles to end up 5 yards behind the play chasing it down. How about when he blitzed and got through the line, he was so shocked, he decided to play pass defense instead of going for a sack, ended up giving up a 12 yard run to vince young. This whole team is a joke. props to Bryan Scott
  2. With how bad our run defense is, we need guys who can take proper angles, and make open field tackles. Scott is one of those guys.
  3. The difference between edwards and vick is that edwards is a stat guy. puts up good stats, enough to not look bad, but not good enough to win. Vick is a gamer, not so pretty stats, but finds ways to win games, kind of like flutie. Last time we had a guy who was mobile (flutie) we didn't do so bad.
  4. Its because the ball does not get thrown to him. When it does get thrown it's a hail mary pass where usually 4/5 are uncatchable or extremely hard catches. He won't be consistently double-covered again until the ball is put in the air in his direction more often. Our biggest threats on the is offense (not because they are best but because the QB dictates the ball in their direction) are our RB's and occasionally L. Evans
  5. Ellison with his bad rap is our best LB right now, yes I said it, he is better than the almighty POZ
  6. shocked there was no born in the USA
  7. If you cut Owens, you may as well cut the rest of the anemic offense including Edwards. Do you find it odd that TO has put up big #'s every yr except for his 1st with the bills? It's not TO it's the Bills Offense
  8. He can't blitz or get any penetration for the life of him. K Mitchell is our best blitzing LB, turning sideways, hopping over blockers to get pressure on the QB. Poz takes them head on and loses every time.
  9. A better way to look at it is you resign Greer over drafting McKelvin. Greer would have been cheaper, and better IMO. this team creates it's own unecessary holes every year. Pat Williams, London Fletcher, Winfield, Greer, etc...
  10. Slow and can't tackle....Considering he drops into coverage all the time, how many pass break ups or INT's does he have?
  11. Its Definitely Young Jeezy...pretty sure it's Put On
  12. Longtime allergy sufferer myself. A lot of post nasal drip is a result of dry nasal passages creating mucous to naturally moisten the nasal membranes. B4 I go to bed, I use vaseline inside my nose, or Ponaris. they both do very well. Look into them, Ponaris is an oil based substance that the astronauts used to keep their nasal passages moistened.
  13. I think it refers to the NFL's protocol with head injuries. Coaches are not aloud to communicate with players to avoid the situation of having pressure to rush your recovery and come back.
  14. Jake Delhomme vs our secondary.... nuff said
  15. Right, then you get arrested for assault and battery and have a felony on your record because your room mate didn't like you so u punched him in the face
  16. The back of his head hit the ground while being simultaneously hit from the front. While I wish Trent a speedy recovery, I'm excited to see Fitzpatrick work these WR's we have and 2 stud RB's. As Deion Sanders was saying in regards to Lee Evan's catches from NYJ "He's been open all year"
  17. With Fitz in at Qb we will all start to see the talent that was hidden on the offensive side of the ball. FItzpatrick may not be a gunslinger, but he at least makes an attempt to get the ball to his playmakers. I saw a fire in lee EVans eyes in the huddle with fitz in their, clapping his hands all fired up and what not. Watch for this offense to come to life. If you run the organization like a PS3 Madden franchise, yea you trade away Owens for picks, because anyone you draft always improves and gets better over time. This is not the case in real life. Bills have whiffed on many picks, and most picks we have dont contribute significantly until then end of their contracts. I watch the Bills to see them win, and to be entertained, not to have scrubs like Hardy on the field with future draft picks stockpiled for next years draft. Owens has been beating his guy more often than not on gameday, he's just not getting the ball, or getting the ball too late due to gunshy edwards.
  18. Wash/disinfect your hands before you walk inside, change your clothes when u get home
  19. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies even closer... Best way to end this whole situation and make this 90% better is to go out and talk to them in the common room. tell them you apologize if you came across like a Dick, but you were pissed after being late and sheet after looking at garbage cans for 45 mins, you have no problem taking a guy or two with you WHEN you go tot he market for your own sheet. And Buy a 30 pk of beer on you for the house, sit down and enjoy. Getting back at people and holding grudges perpetuates the whole cyclem and it will continue to get worse and you will be remembered as a douche by the other 3 guys. You don't have to be best buds with your room mates, but its wise to be friendly and cordial with them, as you have to live with them and share living space. Suck it up and be the more mature guy, treat them to some beer, mighty taco or whatever, and lay down the rules for you doing favors.
  20. They're a good group of guys, and they really work hard in practice... On a sidenote, all this team needs is a QB
  21. I want to bet against the Bills, but I am afraid of the Buffalo Defense scoring points this week.
  22. Laying Points is crazy...Bills cant put up more than 13 as an offense, and the Defense has been a sieve recently.
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