I saw the video, it definitely looks like a shed...You would have a hard time parking ralph's ford taurus in that "garage", no sure you could open your door if you got in.
If you watch the D-line closely at the games, Williams not Stroud is the one who draws most of the double teams. Stroud's best years are behind him, or he's not trying hard because our team blows. not sure which.
the bills have been bottom feeders for most of their existence except for our little span in the early 90's. We have an owner who lives in Detroit, and nobody has to face the wrath when they don't perform. Our organization is filled with millionaires who believe its okay to continually lose.
"Sometimes things must come 2 an end, u hv 2 move on & accept wht life has 2 offer. So looking 4wd to 2010" I'm sure he can't wait to leave this mess of a sinking ship
If the bills could put together a winning season or two, they would have a chance. When die hard fans are throwing in the towel, what do u think that does to fair weather fans?
Keep in mind fewell is coaching for his future job and a couple million dollar payday.
whether brohm has any potential is the last thing on resells mind while fitzpatrick is winning games