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Posts posted by Stephen#1

  1. I can understand your madness but what is the point of being a fan if you can switch sides? Loyalty is what makes a fan a real fan though bad times and horrible times you can't just switch.




    34 is one of the greatest all around RB's to ever play the game


    78 IS the greatest DE EVER


    83 is prolly the 2nd greatest reciever to ever go across the middle ..right behind Jerry Rice.

  2. Take a look at the teams that have made it to the Superbowl the past 10 years. Did they make it because their QB was mobile? No. Did they make it because they had an above average offensive line?


    Sure it is fun to watch Vick or Culpepper run around and it seems like they bring more to the table. The truth is a bad line is a bad line. It doesn't matter how fast your QB is, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WIN.



    Tell that to Steve Young, Jeff Garcia, Daunte Culpepper, Donovan McNabb, Micheal Vick, Mark Brunell, and yes....John Elway. Every one of them are winners.


    And yes even Kordell had a winning record and he didn't even know to throw the ball but he could scramble.

  3. Tell Coach Mularkey to watch his back for the knives.


    Two games...TWO GAMES...do not a coaching career make.


    Joe Gibbs lost his first five games as Redskins coach...and the Washington media was ready to feed him to the lions...fans were ready to jump off bridges...and he won three Super Bowls.


    Go figure.  :w00t:  :w00t:






    Mark my words boys..."This year is a 3-13 season" :w00t:

  4. Willis can get into the endzone but I would put my money on Henry anyday, 23 TD's in the last two seasons is proven....ONE preseason from Willis is not. Henrywould have scored if the call wasn't straight up the 2 gap on fourth down...that is the most basic goaline defense in the entire history of football, clogging the 2,3,4 gaps. Let him stretch it in that situation to the 6 gap or even a hb toss with a fb and qb lead blocking.

  5. I know it's his first 2 games and that's the problem, he has never been a head coach and our players on the Bills team are experienced veterans, they need a proven leader. Why couldn't we have gotten serious about Coughlin or Parcells or Fassel or Marvin Lewis or Lovie Smith? Atleast Lovie Smith came from the Super Bowl Champs and not the horrible Steelers where Mularkey built an offense around KORDELL STEWART for how long? And T.D. thinks he's an offensive genius why? The steelers suck and now so do we, these first two games have had horrible play calling to where the opposing defense knows that they are running and knows that they are passing finally when it's 3rd and 15. I was waiting the entire game for Bledsoe to throw a deep ball and finally in the fourth quarter he got to throw 1.. I repeat 1 deep ball to Lee Evans and look what happened..a perfect completion for 65 yds. that setup the only touchdown of the day but it was too late.

    The offensive line is the worst that I have seen on the Bills for quite a while and the penalties are even worse, that kind of stuff is what is supposed to be taken care of when camp starts. I have been a Bills fan my entire life while having 4 brothers that are die-hard Cowboys fans, and I'm the youngest in the family. I have stuck with the Bills and fought for them and believed in them before AND after they ever reached the Super Bowl in 90'. But now when I watch them and the coaching strategy this year and especially the last two years I can't stand it, I hope that Mularkey and the team gel together but I find it very hard and nearly impossible to believe it. Tom Donahoe needed to be removed after he turned down Ted Cottrell for the head coaching job and hired Gregg Williams, and you wonder why Cowart, Wiley, and Winfield are gone? The defensive players LOVED Cottrell and wanted nothing more than to play for him.....wouldn't you want your team to love and embrace the Head Coach?

  6. Coach Mularkey is the same damn coaching mind of Gregg Williams except instead of passing the ball ALL game he wants to RUN the ball all game. Why can't we just have a balanced offense with a passing AND running game to keep teams guessing? Drew Bledsoe has the arm and accuracy but the HYPED up O-Line is another failure that Donahoe put together and tried to make it out to be so great before they even played together.

    In 02' when Bledsoe came here and he was phenomenal and threw for over 4,000 yds. and set club records while Henry ran for over 1,400 yds. That is an offense that was balanced because we had Peerless Price as a downfield threat and a weak defense caused Donahoe to make some changes on the defense, he gave us Takeo Spikes and Fletcher but he gave up the guy who made the offense click in Peerless Price, as a result the next year in 03' was a horrible offense and a great defense. I am glad T.D> made the moves to get Takeo, London, Lawyer, and Vincent but he also made the terrible decisions to hire not 1 but 2!!! unexperienced head coaches in Williams and Mularkey. We now have the Buffalo Steelers team because T.D> hires anyone as long as they have Pittsburgh on their resume. When a rookie coach goes through growing pains so does the team. We have had the players to win games and make it to the playoffs for the last 3 years but nobody to lead them and actually CORRECT the things that are SUPPOSEDLY correctable, how many times do we have to hear that before they're fixed?


    So my point is, the Coaches can't really be blamed totally because if you wanted to coach and some deuschbag from Pittsburgh offerred you a head coaching job wouldn't you take it? I would. Tom Donahoe is the core of the problem in Buffalo and as long as he is there we will never sniff greatness again, I pray every night for Marv Levy to come back and fix everything. Even Marv said before the season started that it was the coaches job to eliminate problems between two players competing for a job, referring to Henry and McGahee. He said that the coach had to make the players understand what thier roles were and make them both happy, he compared it to the Thurman Thomas and Kenneth Davis situation and how they both were very good backs and learned play to together and to be very productive. Even Marv knows Mularkey sucks and for being a so-called offensive genius his playbook these first two weeks SUCK!!!!


    KILL T.D.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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