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Everything posted by apulshunny

  1. TD let this threat fall to the 2nd page. Blasphemy!
  2. Completely disagree. If you have a chance to be the one best team in any season, you take that and keep working towards the 2nd ring whenver that will come. I'd much rather say I was a champion once, than very good for a long time. As for the run in general, I enjoyed those teams, but the first team to go all the way will have more admiration in my mind. The only loss of the four that bothers me is the Giants loss. Four things about that game bother me in particular: 1) Ingraham juking and jiving for a 1st down against about a half-dozen defenders. 2) Kelly scrambling TWICE on the last drive. Time mattered more than the two yards that slower than slow QB was going to run for. 3) Not taking one more snap to move the ball off the hashmark. 4) Norwood's preparation for the last kick. He admitted later that he was only considering the distance (which he clearly covered), but did not adjust for the fact that he was on the hashmark. Inexcusable.
  3. TD made Amy Poehler the other anchor on weekend update. Absolutely the worst. I used to stay up for that segment. Now I rarely bother.
  4. Laetner's perfect game against Kentucky deserves mention as far as individual game performances go. Bobby Chandler's end zone toe against the line catch is still one of my favorite plays to watch ever. It looks like his body stops in mid air, just so he can land in. The fog and the bat in the Sabres/Flyers Stanley Cup Final still strike me as some of the most weird things I recall. The single most impressive performance I've witnessed is Michael Johnson's 200 Gold performance. During the run, I could tell I was witnessing athletic perfection.
  5. Ooh! Wait! I know the answer to this question... WHO GIVES A RAT'S A**? I'll have the same response when people are asking whatever happened to Brittany Spears after her career crashes and burns (which I hope is soon).
  6. This will certainly be the most obscure, but there's a little closet of a place in Sausalito, CA. If you take the ferry from San Francisco over, it's within walking distance from the terminal. Head right on Bridgeway. They have a rotating fire grill right in front of the window. I don't recall the name, but they're very close to Dunphy Park. Best burger I've ever had and I like my food. I've been to Fuddrucker's and in my town (San Diego) they are the best sit down joint. In-n-Out is the best fast food burger. When I first moved here (from Lancaster) I heard the same thing about In-n-Out. The first time I had one, I thought the same thing everyone else did. A tasty burger, but not worth all of the hype. It takes a couple of visits to appreciate how much better they are than other fast food joints.
  7. The other NFL teams that I like best are those below the Bills in the standings. I wish I could like them all. Otherwise I used to really like Jim Zorn, so I've always liked the Seahawks. Otherwise, since I live in California and have friends who root for other teams, I'll root for their teams when it does not conflict with the Bills interests.
  8. TD took Buffy off the air, and put Trump on it.
  9. Holtz (and more so, Connor) was a waste of everyone's time. Angelus was probably the best villian of the Buffy/Angel series. Spike was probably the most entertaining. Very funny even after he got used to having a soul. The Mayor certainly was humerous, but I could never take him seriously as a bad guy. Faith was more intimidating than him.
  10. This story will make you even sicker as it relates to Canadian law: A friend of the family attends med school in Newfoundland. He meets a woman with dual citizenship. After they each graduate, they return to the US to perform their residencies, but in different states. They continue a long distance relationship for a while, but he decides to call it off. She flies to see him, gets dumped, flies home, then drives back to shoot him dead. Once the evidence makes it clear she's guilty, she flees to Canada. Then it gets worse. Evidently, she sabotaged some condoms and was pregnant with the dead man's baby (confirmed his through DNA testing). While on trial to be returned to the US to stand trial, she has the baby. The man's parents go to Newfoundland to see their grandchild the last of their bloodline as their son was an only child. Anyway, as the court proceeding continue, the woman is finally imprisoned as enough evidence had finally been presented to return her to the US. While in prison, the grandparents of the child get custody. Sounds great. No it gets EVEN WORSE! The woman is release on bail. In Canada, full bail does not have to be paid. Just some insignificant percentage. Now that the woman is back on the streets, the grandparents have to return their grandchild to the woman who killed thier son. Then it really gets ugly. Shortly before she was to return to the US to stand trial, she takes the child for a late night drive and commits a murder/suicide taking the life of herself and her child. I still struggle to come to grips with how this has affected the lives of my family and the parents/grandparents of the two murdered victims. Somewhere the legal system needs to be held accountable. Saying that this was a case that "slipped through the cracks" or whatever rhetoric they want to waste our time with is inadequate compared to the losses we have endured. Say what you want about the problems in the US, but there are definately worse alternatives.
  11. Why would he bid on it? He took the pictures and posted the "item".
  12. TD told Eve to eat the apple.
  13. This thread would make Jim Rome proud. TD told told the woman in GA to cut her hair and take a road trip. Now he's telling her fiance to marry her anyway.
  14. After searching for my place in religion, I have grown to believe in "a God", but after that I follow my own moral values. I was raised Catholic, but found too many "rules" constricting and against things that I believed. After reading Exodus in the Bible, I found I did not believe in the vindictive God that was written about, so I've abandoned the faith. I feel that even organized religon is subject to personal interpretation, so I choose not to follow someone else's beliefs.
  15. TD also told Van to retire.
  16. TD told Norwood to aim right.
  17. Oops, sorry. That was me dude.
  18. Sadly, that looks like a young Don Luce
  19. Seal. His 2nd album with Kiss From a Rose. I still play it on a weekly basis.
  20. Rayzer, you da' man. (and nice thong photo). You say exactly what I say. Nuff said.
  21. I'm perplexed. If no one on these boards knows anything about what they are talking about, why do you visit the site and bother to comment at all? I'll concede that we don't KNOW as much as an NFL exec, but you need to concede that this site will never see a GM participate, so there is no chance that any posting will have more than opinion and speculation. THAT IS THE POINT OF A PUBLIC CHAT FORUM!!! Frankly, you state the obvious as it relates to our knowledge, but you offer no point other than to show contempt for those that participate. As for the always referenced "plan" that TD has and that we all should swear by like sheep, he's FAILED to execute the plan since he's arrived. I recall a 3 year plan to return to the playoffs. FAILED. I recall hiring Greg Williams as the man who would take us there. FAILED. I recall trading for Drew Bledsoe, so that he could be the trigger man to get us there. FAILED. One, two, three strikes and you're beloved by the masses inexplicably as having some divine master plan despite having only succeeded on two objectives: 1) we are no longer in cap hell 2) our record this past season is FINALLY better than the record we posted the season prior to his arrival, so I guess statistically we are finally better than when he came. You're entitled to your opinion, but you've not made an argument strong enough to explain why I should continue to believe in "THE PLAN"
  22. I thought you were going to say, "only a few moments until..." a commercial
  23. A) I'll continue to hope because I have no actual achievement to hang my hat on. Yes, Mularkey has taken steps since the woeful Williams era, but with a 1st QB, it's hard to imagine doing BETTER than last year. B) People who insult others for thier opinion never make sense to me. If you love TD that's fine. That I dislike what he has done is my opinion and I'm entitled to it. I was VERY excited when we made the change from Butler to Donahoe. I was sold on his enthusiasm over hiring Williams at the time and was ready to see this team win a Super Bowl. Unfortunately my expectations have not been met. More importantly, he has not done much IN MY OPINION to warrant much additional enthusiasm for the coming year. I will HOPE once again for an improved season and a chance to compete for the big silver trophy (hey, the RAMS have one after sucking for years), but at this point MY OPINION will be much like many people who do work in pro football that do not believe the Bills have what it takes either.
  24. My issue is 4 years and no playoffs. It's all about scoreboard. The fans have passion and the GM is the executor of the business end. He is certainly smarter than me in such matters, but he has not outperformed his peers since his arrival. THAT is the bottom line.
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