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Everything posted by apulshunny

  1. I see a couple of threads about who the head coaching candidates are (I'd hire Fisher if he was available, but otherwise I could live if MM stays), but who are the GM candidates? Now that we are five years into TD's 3 year plan, I do not have much enthusiasm for continuing this failed experiment. I'd be happier by going another direction, but who should we go with?
  2. LT is a great back - period. None of those morons are in the training room, so they do not know exactly how hurt LT really is (nor do I). LT was not a big back coming out of college, so to expect him to take shots along the sideline is just idiotic. Those "fans" are the same ones wearing baby blue LT jerseys all over town, yet they're calling him soft. Typical ignorant fans.
  3. Where is Cousineau on that list of failed picks. Not even man enough to try the NFL out of college. CFL sucks.
  4. I live in San Diego, and there is no way Shottenheimer leaves. The team here was so bad for so long and Marty has them in the playoffs last year and serious contenders this year. Bum's son will likely be a head coach again somewhere, but not here. As for Vermeil, if he "retires", why would he immediately take a job in Buffalo? I'm praying for Fisher.
  5. The problem here is that Losman, with the exception of the KC game, has not really shown much leadership. Typically, a young QB will struggle, but will also make some nice plays and give you glimpses of what a great QB he may become. I really do not see much of that with JP. Otherwise, the decision that needs to be made is, do you risk setting your program back years by putting all of your eggs in one basket? If the rumors about JP's arrogance being a locker room problem, then I say cut your losses and start getting to the winning already.
  6. Offense - Bobby Chandler Defense - Fred Smerlas (the dude was hilarious) ST - Christie (clutch when we needed him, too bad he was two years too late)
  7. I'll spell injury prone for you... T - R - A - V - I - S Warrior or not, the dude has racked up some injuries in a short time.
  8. Some questions: Who is BF? Will there be a prize for poster #1000? What is the record for longest thread? Who's had the most posts so far? Which post in this thread do you think is funniest? Why am I asking so may questions? Why can't I stop? Seriously, why won't my fingers stop typing? Why won't you let me stop TD? Why? Why? Why?
  9. Kilborn bailed. They had a lengthy period of tryouts where numerous "guest" hosts filled in the time slot before they settled on Ferguson. After watching the parade of guest hosts I came to two conclusions: 1) Drew Carey should never be allowed to guest host for any show, any time. He was UNBELIEVABLY dull. 2) David Duchovney (sp?) was actually quite good. I would have preferred seeing him most of all.
  10. Leno has a very generous heart and contributes in a way I never see Letterman do (Motorcycle auctions for charity, military days), but his routinely sophmoric humor makes me miss Carson exponentially. I liked Letterman until I went to a taping of the show. Before the show, his cronies keep announcing to the audience that you better laugh a lot (but not too loud for the microphones), or Dave is going to save his best stuff for a better audience. I thought it was rude frankly. I watch him from time to time, but not like I used to. As for Conan, he's just so unattractive, I find him painful to watch. He is funny, but far to homely.
  11. Uh, to be more accurate, a Tampa resident would be swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, not the ocean. Unless of course, you mean the resident would drive across the state to THEN swim in the ocean, but it would seem like a lot of trouble to me.
  12. TD decided to schedule a national interview with the runaway bride freak from GA that fled to New Mexico. PLEASE tell me that interview will get the lowest rating in prime time history. Nevermind, TD will make you watch.
  13. Wow! Clearly Jerry Jones is working hard to think up ads on uniforms. No wonder Dallas out earns other teams in merchandising. He IS the hardest working owner.
  14. TD brings back the standing buffalo AFTER Bledsoe leaves. Bledsoe WAS the standing buffalo. He should have worn it, then revise the charging buffalo when JP took over.
  15. There is nothing I like about those uniforms. Absolute krap
  16. 1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? Just after high school I realized my parents were going to be of no help in getting me started, so I joined the military. 2) Where did you go? Met a girl and moved to San Diego. Stayed after we split because the colleges were better for my degree (Phys. Ed/teaching) 3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? Obviously weather is better, but the social climate is much poorer. A telling comment someone made to me shortly after I arrived here is that most people here rarely get to know the neighbors on BOTH sides of you. I've found that to be mostly true. I though after I had kids that I'd start making friends close to my house, but for the most part my friends live at least a 15 minute drive away. Community pride is MUCH stronger in Buffalo than here. Traffic is an absolute joke. I hate it. I don't read about the politics in Buffalo much, but is the city's credit rating worse than junk bonds? Since my mother-in-law lives here, I don't see myself going anywhere as long as she's breathing. That's not to say I want that to stop, but that's what it will take to get me out of here. On the positive side, the climate and accessibility to outdoor recreation is awesome. Also the women... ahhhhh! 4) If the econonmy and job market were stable would you move back? I doubt it. Aside from not really having much family there, I would prefer a location more like Colorado or Washington. 5) What suggestions to you have to improve the quality of life here? Become a part of Pennsylvania and stop giving all of your tax revenues to NYC.
  17. Uh, where is Walter Jones??? A notable oversight don't you think? Also, Turley in front of Runyan is laughable. This list is no better than getting the results of a figure skating contest. Pure speculation and opinion.
  18. Why was TD alone with Sadaam to take that tighty-whity picture anyway? Birds of a feather...
  19. If I'm the GM for a day and my name is Tom Donahoe... I resign
  20. Donahoe has the patent on the "original" Whizinator.
  21. TD's making me work late. PLEASE, LET ME GO HOME!!!
  22. Unless they completely flame this season, he'll be back. The new QB will buy him at least one more season. After next year, if no playoffs he BETTER be done.
  23. And the Boston Celtics, UCLA basketball (Wooden era), the Packers (Lombardi), the Montreal Canadians... oh, wait, that's right. It must be the red.
  24. And the Boston Celtics, UCLA basketball (Wooden era), the Packers (Lombardi), the Montreal Canadians (oh, wait)
  25. First, the compensatory pick would be awarded NEXT season after he does become a free agent. Of course, the problem would likely be two less active seasons, so a 3rd is probably wishful thinking at that point. Second, to refute many of the teams identified as TH targets: Tennessee (Brown is injury prone, which is why Tenn is still in the mix, so this one is viable) Arizona (JJ is a crapshoot at this point, but clearly more appealing to the cards than TH was which is why they would not surrender a pick for him). Pittsburgh (Is the bus REALLY coming back? Yes, and so is Duce Staley. I may feel that TH would be an upgrade, but I doubt the Steelers are thinking that) Minnesota (Smith being out helps the glut of RB's there. Adding TH would just muddy that picture again). Cleveland (Suggs showed flashes, but they also just traded for Droughns, so they are not a player here.) Jacksonville (Fred Taylor is done (allegedly) which is why they too are still viable.) Carolina (Davis is likely done, but they have Foster, Goings and drafted someone who will also compete. They are not showing interest either.) Tampa Bay (UH, THEY JUST DRAFTED CADDILAC WILLIAMS. No longer interested) San Fran (They probably should be involved, but I've seen nothing indicating they are.) Green Bay (Davenport and Green will be on the field by the season opener, so they will have no interest.) He could compete in Oakland, but they just committed to Jordan, so they are NOT interested and Atlanta is happy with Dunn and Duckett, so they have no interest either. Now I don't have TD's line tapped, so maybe some of these teams have interest, but even if so, they clearly are set enough to shy away from TD's asking price. All he has left now is to hope someone goes down and feels desparate enough to look this way again.
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