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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Nah, EVERYTHING about GR sucks!!
  2. Remember, this is in Canadian funds which equals about $2.45 American.
  3. Damn squirrels need to stick to eating nuts
  4. Very fake. Very staged.
  5. Do they play with pads? J/K
  6. What the hell is the CFL?
  7. You're right! No way they want to nuke us!! BUSH+BLAIR=LIARS
  8. I live about 200 feet from Macaroons
  9. This looks VERY funny!! GOOD. Something to look forward to! Borat is my hero
  10. Who is TD?
  11. Jenny Jenny who can I turn to, you give something that I can hold on to, I know you think that I'm like the others before, I saw your name and number on the wall. (Chorus) Jenny I've got your number, I'm gonna make you mine, Jenny don't change your number: 8675309 8675309(3x) Jenny Jenny your the girl for me, you don't know me but you make me so happy, I tried to call you before but I lost my nerve, I tried my imagination but I was disturbed (Chorus) I got it, I got it, I've got your number on the wall I got it, I got it, for a good time, good a good time call.
  12. Page inaccessible La page ou la fonctionnalité eBay à laquelle vous essayez d'accéder est momentanément inaccessible. Veuillez essayer l'une des options ci-dessous : Rafraîchissez votre navigateur en appuyant sur la touche Maj de votre clavier tout en cliquant sur le bouton Rafraîchir de votre navigateur. Essayez d'accéder à la fonctionnalité en question directement à partir de la Page d'accueil d'eBay, au lieu d'utiliser un favori. Attendez quelques minutes avant de réessayer d'accéder à la fonctionnalité. I think that is French for this page is broke
  13. How about post-crash?
  14. Excellent find Funny!
  15. I took the family up to the African Lion Safari today. It was $113.00 for 2 adults and 3 kids!!! My jaw dropped. It would have helped for me to look up the price first before deciding to go. Wow, I feel fleeced!! This is how my day went: 1 1/2 drive there. Uneventful coming over the bridge. They asked 2 questions and said " go on". I haven't been to Canada in about 5 years and I forgot that everone drives like NASCAR on the QEW. I was doing 85 and was being passed left and right. That burned about $30.00 in gas. Mind you I have an Explorer. While we were there a monkey jumped on my roof and did a nice #2 all over the top and had it run down the back window - Yummie. Another monkey took a nice wizz in my face on the front windshield and proceeded to bend my antenna into a nice U shape. The lions looked so doped up they think their still in Africa and don't move an inch. The rest of the animals can be seen at the Buffalo Zoo with the exception of their birds of prey collection. Pretty darn cool! 2 Amercian bald eagles ! On the way back I ended up going the wrong way 40 miles due west since the DAMN EXPRESSWAY IS NOT LABELED ANYWHERE! ! ARGGGGGG. Coming back and trying to find the QEW is a challange. Since I went the wrong way I burned a ton of gas and stopped and purchased $37.00 in gas. Later when I get home I look up my statement and see they charged me $87.00. FUN By the time I corrected my course and made it back over to the states, the line on the peace bridge was 9 rows and about 11 cars deep. My gas was on NEGATIVE E. I almost stalled since it took almost a FULL HALF HOUR waiting in line!! I made it back in one piece and am here to tell you NEVER AGAIN So did everyone else have a good Sunday? Those of you young and single : ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN
  16. I am currently in the market for a used car. I am thinking about purchasing one through eBay. Has any NY state resident purchased a car from out of state? Is it a pain to get the title transferred? Is there anything special I need to know? Thanks in advance!
  17. A little advice: Always attack spyware infections with at least 2 different products, if not 3! Adaware + Spybot + Spysweeper is what I use. Low on the system overhead and really keeps me clean. Go to download.com and grab any of those 3 for free or at least full trial. What typically happens though is if a customer / friend brings me their computer and it's running very slow with pop-ups galore is that I recommend a full format and reload. If spyware rattles around in your system long enough and if enough gets in it really can tear Windows XP up to the point of beyond repair. Even using rollback doesn't really "fix" the problem unless you know the date the spyware infected you. Spyware can lay dorment for a given amount of time then "hatch". Nasty crap..
  18. Top tier ? In the NFL or Madden 2006?? If you mean the NFL then I must be watching a different player. I see a RB who acts / plays like he could care less. As I said before, I can't wait for the day he ISN'T a Bill...
  19. I really can't wait until WM is NOT a Bill...Seriously...
  20. That's been my attitude up to now. I've had a few purchases lately for almost $1000.00 each...Thats almost 90 bux to ALbany Would it be that big of a deal to have a resellers ID? Would I have tons of paperwork to do ?
  21. I would like to start purchasing some whoesale parts from a local dealer and would like to avoid paying sales tax since I will be reselling these items. Can anyone give me a quick / dirty run through on what I need ? Do I need to do a DBA first? Thanks!
  22. I haven't seen much out of Buffalo in the past few years to dispute this... Face it: The Bills are one of the armpit teams in the NFL. Here is the good news: That could change as soon as this year!
  23. That looks excellent! I actually liked that movie alot. I might check it out! I just purchased an awesome DVD player that upsteps to 1080i ! Although its not "true" HD DVD, it looks freaking SWEET...
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