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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. T.O. HAS B.O. Oh wait, wrong team.... I still liked that one
  2. I want to commend Bobby April for using military termanology in his coaching! ( Inside joke )
  3. I heard part of the post-game, and it in no way sounds like Lossman is going to get close to starting next week...
  4. This is AWESOME! ITs like were in a time machine
  5. As soon as you see this guy pat the ball you KNOW its going to suck.. ARGGGGGGGGGG AARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Painful 8 yards passing
  6. HEHEHHEEH -- Top 10 list of people going to hell this week
  7. Oh brother....(SIGH)
  8. The avatar is the skit from SNL - Cowbell guy - Christopher Walken...CLASSIC..Very funny!
  9. This was the best part of the story: "That’s not going to cut it. And I’m not going to sit here and continue to give my children food while this front office takes money out of my pocket. If [owner Glen] Taylor wants to see my family fed, he better cough up some money. Otherwise, you’re going to see these kids in one of those Sally Struthers commercials soon." Sally Struthers commercials heheheheheh
  10. Here is another one from that site : Mike Ditka Calls Doctor After Rare 4-Hour Erection
  11. Latrell Sprewell Contract Issue
  12. Damn, no Josh Reed????
  13. I dunno...She just doesnt do it for me...Am I gay ?
  14. And here is a great picture of Serena : Serena Williams - Sexy Dress
  15. One thing that really worries me about this movie is that they have MUCH ground to cover in 2 - 2.5 hours. Hec, they could just make a movie about the events surrounding Anakin turning into Darth Vader instead of 5+ major events that happen in a large time span - ( Jedis being hunted down and destroyed, the empire + the rebellion forming, Anakins turn to the dark side, the starship Rosen that injured him * I am fairly certain that it is the Rosened ship on fire shown in the clip - The one with the water ship pumping it with water * , Amidala pregnet, etc . )
  16. WOW, this post is turning into a shoot-out, a regular OK Corral. Can't we all just get along?
  17. I am sure he will get hired quickly next year. His record actually isn't bad. The Dolphins are so putrid that I doubt even Vince Lombardi could help them at this point.
  18. I would agree - Brad is a good guy + very entertaining. Hearing them on draft day was funny. When they said "the Buffalo Bills pick Willis McGahee", they sounded like a couple of school girls..It was funny
  19. I hope the Bills can win enough games this year to make it at least interesting, but deep down I think I am hoping they loose the next 3 so we can put down ole yeller ( Bledsoe ) and move in the JP era. If Buffalo wins even 1 of the next three I would say there is a VERY good chance Bledsoe will play for the rest of the season.
  20. I picked up Barber in the 4th round in a 16 team league and I am *VERY* happy about their running game this year
  21. I am telling you guys!!! Listen and trust me - Go to this link for the best picture of her :: http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0114682/Ss/...ath_key=0114682
  22. Thanks for the link - Trailer looks SWEET - Darth Vader!
  23. Sorry about not being clear for all you out-of-towners - Brad Riter is on WGR in Buffalo.
  24. Am I right??? Look at the hands!
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