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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Wow, this guy needs to up his dosage. I can't remember EVER a coach from another team complaining about security at the Ralph. Maybe next he will complain that we don't have a dome, therefore he was cold?
  2. He looks pretty darn good to me... Is he full speed? Probably not, but that is a good thing! If he recovers even more he will get even faster ?? That one play that was called back was one of the most exciting plays I have seen in the last 10 years!!! It was SWEET Travis who?
  3. This win assures that DB will start AT LEAST the next 3, if not the rest of the year.. If they would of lost yesterday, JP would probably be in next week and for the rest of the year. Next year is ANYONES guess...Does DB return? If so, starter, backup, or do we trade em, cut em, or does he retire ?
  4. No, No..I can assure you she is not Too bad we don't have hi-rez avatars
  5. Hmmm...The Buffalo Bills have never been known as a "dirty" team - I seriously doubt the accusations by Martz.
  6. That is a picture I took on the sidelines last year... I can e-mail it to those who are interested -- Its SWEET!
  7. Canada has football? I thought they only had the Canadian Ballet and Hockey?
  8. Tons of BOOOOOS after that one interception, but overall he was cheered...
  9. Although it didn't count, it will be highlight filmworthy! That was SWEEET>..
  10. Wow, may I say you have a rather bizarre way of looking at things.... As a die-hard Bills fan I am trying to imagine say Lawyer Milloy or Nate Clements getting splashed with a beer and jumping into the stands at lets say New England and knocking the crap out fans 1/3 their size.... I would feel embarrased and ashamed to be a Bills fan the next day and I certainly wouldn't be proud of players from my favorite team in the whole world acting like barbarians... The NBA is a J O K E . Aside from a few bright spots, its just a sport dominated by thugs and is going downhill QUICK. The NBA better hope players like Carmello Anthony and Lebron James stay on the right side of things.
  11. NBA = RJ
  12. He must use Deon Sanders taylor... UGH
  13. Just go to the home page of that site.... YUCK Michael Moore should add this site to his link list
  14. No taxis only camel rides.. Buffalo hasn't advanced that far yet
  15. IMHO Sirius is banking WAY too much on one guy for it to turn a profit - Stern... Sure, there will be tons a new subscribers once Stern goes there, but no where near the numbers they hope. Stern will be so far over the edge that he won't be able to be listened to at work AT ALL, in the car with kids or even the wife, plus you will need to buy a special radio and pay at least $13.00 a month.. On top of that Stern is turning more into a activist than his roots : AN ENTERTAINER. I can't listen to the guy anymore....The last show I tuned into was about 4 months ago..He was telling listeners that the FCC was like the Nazi party and only sign up on his site to vote if your voting for Kerry, don't bother to sign up if your voting for Bush because your STUPID...Blah blah blah...I just couldn't stand it anymore.
  16. Although I like the single "vertigo", for the most part I agree with Zonabb.... Any time a group gets political, NO MATTER LEFT OR RIGHT, I tune out REAL quick. Keep the music on the stage and politics in the hands of politicians...
  17. I went to one of the traveling gypsy shows a few years ago.. The car amps are the best - Since there isn't a "standard" in watt measurement, they get away with murder... You will see a box labeled "500 watts" and it weighs about 1 pound Anyways, most of what I saw was absolute no-name and knock-off JUNK. Stick with eBay
  18. Damn, I thought her hair looked longer on the final spot...Hmmm.. Must of been CGI
  19. Referee Forced To Watch.... Unreal Eh?
  20. I can wish for a 7 game winning streak cant I? 122986[/snapback] HAHHAHAHHAHAHAH 7 game winning streak with this incarnation of the Bills? MUAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAH Harry: My parakeet Petey, he's dead. Lloyd: Oh I'm sorry. What happened? Harry: His head fell off!
  21. Clarett Link It just never stops!
  22. Damn you man...I am taking you to Judge Judy for that one - I clicked the link and my monitor cracked.. YUCK
  23. I could eBay very good seats CHEAP for this game but I fear it will be a VERY ugly game no matter the outcome... Booooooos Fights Drunks Is it on TV in the Buffalo area?
  24. Yes, I very much miss classic VH.. Van Hagar was OK... What came after was HORRIBLE..
  25. Famed Rocker Roth Goes From No. 1 to 911 Nov 16, 10:14 AM (ET) (AP) Singer David Lee Roth poses for a photograph at a gala following the Tony Awards on June 6, 2004,... Full Image NEW YORK (AP) - Instead of screaming "Jump," David Lee Roth will be yelling "clear!" The former Van Halen frontman is taking up a new trade - paramedic. Roth, 50, has been riding for several weeks with a New York ambulance crew in training to become a paramedic, The New York Post reported Tuesday. "I have been on over 200 individual rides now," said Roth. "Not once has anyone recognized me, which is perfect for me." The singer, who spent a decade with Van Halen before embarking on a solo career, except a collaboration with the band for two new songs on a greatest hits album, has been riding along with crews in the Bronx, Manhattan and Brooklyn several nights a week. His training seems to be going well. Several weeks ago, Roth saved the life of a heart attack victim in the Bronx by using a defibrillator on her. He takes his work so seriously that he did not want publicity so that it would not "diminish what I am trying to do here." He has said that he did not want the neighborhoods he was working in named so that he would not draw attention to himself or co-workers. "You would never know you were dealing with a rock-'n'-roll guy," said Linda Reissman, Roth's EMS consultant and tutor. "His commitment really is touching. He wants to help people."
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