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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. How much did TV cost the Bills this year/next year?
  2. Willis Auction Tell me what you guys think!
  3. Here are some of the best IMHO: GoldenEye: Rogue Agent Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 Call of Due: Finest Hour ESPN 2K5 Football Halo 2 The Incredibles Tony Hawk Underground 2 Star Wars: Battlefront Terminator 3: The redemption Fable Madden 2k5 Psi-Ops Full Spectrum Warrior The Chronicals of Riddick Hope that helps Talonz Advid Xboxer
  4. The whole EPSN crew is an embarrasment....
  5. I heard that one too...I had to rewind the DVR to make sure I wasn't hearing things... Surely its the end of civilization as we know it.
  6. While not in the same league as Memento, have you seen Snatch? Its a few years old but an excellent flick! Also - Another one that never got much press here in the states is Equilibrium. Christian Bale is the lead in it. CB is the next Batman and was in American Psycho and Reign of Fire...
  7. I agree... Peerless has PUNK written all over him...For god sakes man, take your damn sunglasses OFF during a press conference....
  8. I took my boys to go see the Incredibles last week...We all liked it. A tad long, but fun nevertheless.
  9. I kinda have the same take on it - I think the commercial is a tad condescending ...
  10. Does anyone know if any Bills are going to be doing autograph sessions in the next few weeks? I would like to get a few items autographed for Christmas gifts. Thanks! PS: In the Buffalo area
  11. Detroit Fans
  12. Here is a link to the ESPN commercial - Quicktime is required! Star Wars, nothing but Star Wars Don't let Stewart Scotts wandering eye distract you
  13. Not to sound like an idiot, but is Bowling for soup the name of the group????
  14. Another GREAT commercial ( those two words arent used much together ) is the ESPN Star Wars commercial... That is FUNNY
  15. He probably was too busy doing a dance while signing the football to get the name right
  16. You think you have it bad ????? I work where the ratio is approximately 500 females to 15 males.. I feel your pain.. Men are NOT worse.. Women are cattie - Its a tough gig - Trust me, unless you been there you cant appreciate it
  17. The funny thing is Drew Bennett has about 30 more fantasy points this year, AND HE WAS HURT!!!!!
  18. I dropped him off my fantasy roster this past week... He has been one of the biggest busts this year for a player who has been healthy. Oh well, I grabbed Drew Bennett
  19. I just looks cool
  20. The fact that Amherst has ranked so high for the last 3-4 years has really got to say something about the way the town is ran or the police force. Amherst is very large - If I am not mistaken it is the largest Buffalo suburb. Also, it has a very large cross-section of residents, properties, and businesses.
  21. Story Link Congrats on Amherst for still being up there for something positive! Camden NJ takes top spot away from Detroit ( guess they didn't include stats from basketball games
  22. They snuck in a CASE of beer? Hugh? Did the lady have a fake compartment in her stomach to make her look pregnet? Huh?
  23. After the hit, Jerry Porters eyes look like Stuart Scotts. Seriously -He was OUT OF IT
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