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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. If you're in the Buffalo area try SAMS club - They have a nice bundle for $179.00 that includes 2 controllers and 2 games!
  2. Boston or Roids - NOOOO WAY!!! LIARS...
  3. Resign JJ and Pat - Restructure Moulds..
  4. Oh no....Another whole year with a QB controversy....Joy joy..
  5. He looks like Popeye....
  6. Last year when I sat in the second row by the Bills sideline I saw one Jill that looked like her teeth were transplanted from a horse... Most Jills are ok..A few are hot - The oriental Jill is SMOKIN...
  7. Stern lost me about a year ago when he started on the Anti-Bush, Anti-FCC, Anti-Radio rants every few minutes... I am sad to say I don't listen anymore after 5+ years of dedication...
  8. Can you say : ORGY ORGY ORGY ORGY
  9. Ah yes, just the type of garbage I look forward to reading.....NICE- *PLEASE* boot this jerk off the board.....
  10. I want my wife there
  11. He spent time with Ricky Williams and got introduced to Mary Jane?
  12. SDS can look at blackbears incoming IP address and compare it to other users ..Problem solved - Blackbear identified...
  13. Your posts are giving me a headache - Please go away and troll the Patsie boards... Talonz thinks this would be best
  14. As Gomer Pyle use to say: "Gollllllllieeeeeee" "Surprise Surprise Surprise"
  15. Oh, and I forgot - Please don't turn this into a "Jim Rome sucks" thread... Enough of those already
  16. Speaking of Willis and Espn: Why does Jim Rome rip Willis, ESPECIALLY right after the draft? What did Willis do to him on his show? He never really said, but refers back to it every so often???
  17. Here is a small portion of the article - The thing is not shooting on its own. You've got to have these," he said, waving a set of small, silvery keys, which fit into a lock on the Talon's briefcase-sized controller. A single switch causes the robot to reboot and return to safe mode. GlobalSecurity.org's Pike isn't worried about the Talon going haywire. He's concerned about what the armed UGV represents for the future. "This opens up great vistas, some quite pleasant, others quite nightmarish. On the one hand, this could make our flesh-and-blood soldiers so hard to get to that traditional war -- a match of relatively evenly matched peers -- could become a thing of the past," he said. "But this might also rob us of our humanity. We could be the ones that wind up looking like Terminators, in the world's eyes."
  18. The Terminator would be proud - LINK
  19. But did Kelly have his own rock band?
  20. AH, thats right..All the little guy did is win..
  21. I would like to know about players like McGahee, Moulds, or Spikes.... Do any of these guys do signing in the Buffalo area? If so, where do I find the info? BTW: I am going to the Kelly signing on 12/10 - I have the feeling there will be a few thousand people there
  22. Flutie bid = $305.00 Kelly bid = $180.00 HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  23. What do your sources say about Troy Vincent? \
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