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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Yikes - This doesn't look good : Stock Falls
  2. You dont want to know how much I pay with Adelphia - HD package DVR PowerStink HBO Package $115.00 a month I would *LOVE* to remove the cable out of the equation and just keep Powerlink, but Powerlink alone is I think about $55.00 + what DTV would cost so I am back at square 1...
  3. Interesting - Washing her feet in the mens room ...
  4. Bring back Keith McKellar I have his home # ( seriously I do...I use to be friends with him )... He lives in N.C. now.
  5. Yikes - This is LIVE ... i thought at first this was a recording..
  6. What is this all about ? Creepy Chicken
  7. No Buffalo ?
  8. Why only one game? THUG At least he didn't strangle the fan
  9. Hmmmm.... Someone HAS to have hidden camera footage on these guys and blackmailed them into doing that AWFUL commercial... Clinton Portis looks like he has tourettes syndrome........
  10. Last I looked the Crusades ended hundreds of years ago????
  11. Ah yes, nothing like SOCIALISM .... Go here to see how SOME Canadians think : LINK Here is my favorite: "Put Ontario's top 20 corporate monopolies under public, democratic workers' control. Towards socialist economic democracy, with production for need not for greed. " Oh, and don't forget silly little things like : In Canada broadcasters are REQUIRED BY LAW to broadcast a certain % of programs that are 100% Canadian... hmmmmmm.... Oh and all of Canada hates quebec, Quebec hates canada. Sounds like a fun place.. NOT I will stay right here in the best country on earth....
  12. They're back! Kick Start Tour
  13. Isn't Ghost Recon II great? I *REALLY* like it... Graphics/game play/AI all top notch...
  14. ESPN 2k5 Footbal for 20 bux CANT be beat! Ghost Recon II + Call of Duty: Finest Hour + Halo 2 for war games/shooters Need for Speed : Underground II - Racing Blinx 2 + SpongeBob: The Movie + Spyro: Heros Tail for kids games..
  15. What color is the sky on your planet ? Ours is blue... So are the oceans...
  16. You're kidding right? If you really buy into this your a sad, sad man.... """" Either way, she shoudnt have ran them over, BUT COME ON " """"???? Come on what? This is one of the worst stories I have read in recent memory... WE ARE TALKING ABOUT KIDS AND TRYING TO *** KILL *** them for AT WORST putting a dent in a SUV... SAD......VERY SAD
  17. Dump those on eBay and buy a new set
  18. After she ran them down, she got out of the car and lit a cigarette like a movie star," he said. "She watched all three of (the boys) just lying there."
  19. Evans looks like a 3rd-4th year player out there --- Not a rookie...I am VERY please with the pick.. Josh Reed? * BUST * .... His attitude seems to reflect the mentality that I have seen with some pro athletes that are great in college, but stink it up in the pros: Them seem to think since they dominated in college that all they have to do is show up as a pro and their abilites will carry them...Sorry, it doesn't work like that...
  20. I think it has to do with the allotment to the Browns and the fact very few of their fans have bought tickets therefore they get sent back to us...
  21. That sounds very illegal ???
  22. I have 6+9 year old boys and both ps2 and xbox... The xbox gets about 90% of the use... They only play the PS2 for the "exclusive" games ( DragonBall Z, etc ). I am having a BALL with Ghost Recon 2 - That game is F U N!
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