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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. One of the hottest women on the planet? Which one? Mars? I would at most consider her a 5 out of 10..... Back on Earth I would consider someone like Jessica Alba " one of the hottest women on the planet".
  2. Here is a link to the end of the half time show where she sounds H O R R I B L E and is BOOOOOOOed ::: You make me wanna SCREAM
  3. I think this guy name Flutie is a FA ???
  4. I agree...I like both of those guys - Marino comes off as a pompus prick.....
  5. If you're in the WNY area then you may agree with me on this one - Fucillo "HUUUUUGE" commercials are the bane of my existance. On average I see or hear 15 of his commercials a day...Its to the point its numbing.. Celino and Barnes is close behind, but not nearly as annoying...
  6. Here is a CLASSIC SNL skit: Mr. White = Eddie Murphy ... Someone please find this one and be my HERO
  7. Ghost Recon II is one of my favorites right now... FUN STUFF
  8. From ESPN.com The only downer for the Bills was the potential loss of tailback Willis McGahee, who hyperextended his right knee in the second quarter, returned briefly, and then retired to the locker room for the final 1½ quarters. Mularkey declined to elaborate on the injury, and McGahee shook off a quick inquiry about it, but the second-year tailback seems likely to miss some time. One Bills offensive veteran used the term "lost" when speaking of McGahee, and then backtracked, claiming it would not be fair to make an assessment until club officials offered a prognosis. ESPN
  9. OMG... THIS SUCKS... Farve: WAKE UP!
  10. I agree...Vick will NOT LAST..He takes too much of a pounding.
  11. This whole ESPN crew makes me cringe. HORRIBLE is the one word that comes to mind... Between the 3 of them they might collectively have the brains of a trout or bass.
  12. It certainly is a little different take on the whole King Arthur story - Its more of a "realistic" telling. There is no sword in the stone, merlin, etc. Overall I would give it 4/5 stars. If you like movies in that genre, its a must buy! Keira Knightley looks sexy shooting a bow
  13. DAMN YOU.. I am scarred for life now! May you get a flat today!
  14. She will be 40 next month...Not bad, not bad at all
  15. That was an instant classic
  16. Damn, how could i forget her :0 Alabama
  17. Yes, and written by Quentin "Pulp Fiction" Taratino.. Some of the stars in this movie: Christian Slater Patricia Arquette Dennis Hopper - The scene when he gets shot is one of my all time favorites.. Val Kilmer Gary Oldman ( Plays a PIMP ) Brad Pitt - Pot Head Christoper Walken Samuel L Jackson Michael Rapaport James Gandolfini !!! Yes, its in my top 10 of all time..FANTASTIC flick......
  18. Censor Movies? HUH?????? Examples?
  19. I doubt its a Bengals fan.. They don't own computers
  20. I think your onto something here... Problem is I haven't heard Grays named mentioned ONCE this season for any college or NFL openings, which is strange I will admit. If not next year, I will bet he will be gone the year after..
  21. Survivor is still on ? I lost interest after the 3rd run... Oh well
  22. PM me your e-mail - I can shoot you a few nice ones
  23. I have plenty - I had sideline access last year
  24. I know what to buy someone for Christmas - AMAZON
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