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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. Yes, grab Boston! Hell while the Bills are at it they should go after Lawrence Phillips !
  2. Are you trying to get flamed? Are you kidding me....PRESSURE THEIR LEGISLATORS TO INCREASE THE SALES TAX??? The next time you feel undertaxed, please send a donation to Albany or the City of Buffalo!!!
  3. Constantine singing Sting was A W F U L. I seriously think I could sing almost as out of key as he did... Bo by far has the best voice...He sounds like a polished pro and I hope he wins it all.....
  4. Am I lacking a sense of humor? Was that suppose to be funny? What am I missing? Give me the 2 minutes of my life waiting for and viewing that..........
  5. I like this move...I like it alot. Holcomb has been in some VERY bad offenses the past few years...I would like to see what he can do with Evans, Moulds, McGahee
  6. CBS SPORTSLINE T Jonas Jennings to the San Francisco 49ers: As we said, this is the worst move in free agency so far. Why in the heck the 49ers would pay a so-so tackle a contract that includes $14 million in bonus money is beyond imagination. Jennings is a decent player, but he isn't worth that kind of money. Agent Todd France should be put in the Agent Hall of Fame for getting that kind of deal. We know the 49ers have money to burn, but is signing an average player on the line a good move? It isn't in this space.
  7. You're still dreamy Jeremy...But I liked you better at night...I think you and Brad made a more "natural" team ... Just my opinion
  8. I like Don and Mike very much... Not to sound like a tight-ass but I think they are even better since they have toned down the rhettoric about Bush and "cleaned up" some of the more "seedy" content they use to have.. They are solid, and IMHO funnier than Stern in many respects...
  9. I have found it rather strange the amount of support Bledsoe has been receiving during this past few weeks from most of the hosts on WGR... I don't remember any of these guys during the season saying "no matter how bad Bledsoe sucks the rest of this year, we MUST bring him back or NO PLAYOFFS!"...I seem to remember them all saying Bledsoe sucked...etc.. Strange.. very Strange... I would hate to think that so many opinions changed about Bledsoe at WGR just for ratings and to "stir things up"...
  10. I couldn't agree more...I *HATE* when they bring politics into a sports discussion, even if it's an opinion I agree with... I had to stop listening to Howard Stern and Don and Mike during the election cycle..I just couldn't take it anymore....Then to hear it on WGR at times really aggrivated me, but anyways.. BTW: I never went back to Stern..I have tuned in a few times since ( about 6-7 months ), and it's the same old crap..."Sat radio countdown, stripper, stripper, Bush sucks, Sat radio is going to rule the world....."
  11. I work in an all girls high school ........... About 10 males vs 550 female teacher/students... Nice ratio eh?
  12. I have seen him post 1-15 in other threads as well... Guess he thinks that is what the Bills record will be this year? OMFG - WERE DOOOOOOMED
  13. You sure the problem isn't that she is a Losman fan?
  14. Um, I will file this one under " WHO FREAKING CARES!"
  15. Well it could of been with another guy
  16. Ah, a post I could live without... SIGH
  17. Drew Bledsoe..Bar none...
  18. Not to doubt you but I watched it about 10 times and counted the timeframe from the time the beginning of her body enters the hoop, bends, then goes all the way through - Its less than one second from going straight through unharmed to slipping in a blink of an eye and breaking the girls skull on the rim - NO WAY
  19. How often are the tests?
  20. Tom Clancey novel? Nah, that is light reading compared to most of his posts - I am thinking more on the lines of War and Peace.. Man, I wish I had that much time on my hands..... If these posts keep up about Bledsoe I will poke my eyes out with icepicks. *PLEASE STOP* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Bledose is DONE . PERIOD..MOVE ON.
  21. XXX My oh my how things have changed
  22. Screenshot about a typo? YIKES You might need a hobby
  23. ESPN
  24. Most may HATE Jim Rome, but he was spot on a few years ago when he use to call the WIlliams sisters Predator 1 and Predator 2.. MUAHAHAHHAHA
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